Class O – Learning about the Human Body


Caitlin: This week we have been learning about the brain, the heart and the tongue. We carried out some experiments to find out how our heart works. We had to run around the playground, do lots of running at PE and just sit. After each we tested how many beats our hearts did in one miniute. The heart is important for keeping the body moving because it pumps the blood around.
We have also been tasting apples. They were all different apples. We had to use our sense of taste to help us desribe what they tasted like. One of them was sour and another one was sweet. The Granny Smith was my favourite becasue it was very tasty.

Josh: We have been learning more interesting things about the human body. I enjoyed learning about the strongest bone in your body. This is your teeth. Learning about how the heart works was tiring becasue we had to do lots of tests where we had to run. I learned about how smoking was bad for you and how it affects your health. 🙂

Pollination rocks!

Congratulations to P5m who sang Circle of Life beautifully for Celebrating Success!! Well done everyone, it was not an easy song to sing!

A special mention goes to the following people who received certificates….

Lexis McGrorty – Head Teacher’s Award

Roan Laing – Demonstrating School Values

Declan Doyle – Effort and Improvement

Louise Kirk – High Standard of Work

Scott Aitchison – P5 PE award


In between song practices we learned…

Lots of stuff about the insides of plants (ovary, styles, stigma, carpel) and grew plants. Roan

I learned about pollination and fertilisation. Annie

I learned how to times and divide a decimal. Ella

I learned about money when I did my shop. Louisa

I learned the song Circle of Life. Declan

….a catchy but very annoying song that is stuck in my head now! Kiera H – would that be ‘Pollination Rocks’ Kiera?

I have learned how to sing!! Well done Cameron M!

I learned how to multiply a decimal by a single digit and I learned about pollination and fertilisation. Casey

I learned how to play Brass Profundo in Double Base. Louise

I learned about Pollination, fertilisation and germination. Zoe

I learned how to describe a species. Ella


Just for Kiera, here’s the link to Pollination Rocks!


Have a great weekend!

Article 29 – Your education should help you use and develop your talents and abilities.


Celebrating Success in P4g

This week we have been learning about the body.
We learnt that the body has 12 different systems which work together to make a person grow, move and be healthy. – Sam
We have been learning about around the world in 80 days. We have had to find out facts about a country and I chose London. I am talking about it today – Eva
In 80 days we have moved from Africa to Asia with Phileas Fogg and Passepartout who has landed in Mumbai (Bombay). In Mumbai they celebrate the festival of Ganesh with processions and parties.
We learnt about the God Ganesha. He was a human with an elephant head and 4 arms. – Yasmin
Ganesha has an elephant head because he met up with his dad but his dad thought he was a stranger. His Dad was the sort of person who didn’t like people in his way so he chopped off his son’s head. When he realised what he had done, he replaced it with the head of the first living thing he found which was a baby elephant. – Lennox
Hindus give Ganesha sweet treats because he liked cakes! –Ty
Ganesha has an axe to cut off all attachments to life -Sam
Ganesha has a big tummy because he needs to digest the good and bad in life – Lennox


In P.E. we went outside with Mr Jeffries and we played rounders. It was fun. My team won – Ty
At assembly by P7b we learnt that we have to achieve and believe and to never give up – Lucy
We really enjoyed singing our song in Celebrating Success. We also really enjoyed listening to the other classes singing their songs. What fabulous musical talent there will be in the Upper School next year!
In celebrating success we had to sing first and it was a bit scary – Alanna
Celebrating Success Certificates
Headteacher’s Award – Jennie
Effort and Achievement – Liam
High Standard of Work – Caitlin
Demonstrating School Values – Rowan
Pupil of the week – Eva for super writing on the body
RRS – Tom for a super attitude to work and play

Article 28 – the right to an education

Celebrating Success in P2bg

This week in P2bg we have had lots of celebrations for achievements and successes in our class. We enjoyed performing Zip Ah Dee Doo Dah at Celebrating Success. We are proud of Alfie, Hannah, James and Ranna who were all awarded certificates.
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May 2015 672

May 2015 674

May 2015 675

We are also proud of Amy who received an award for outstanding achievement in P.E this session.

Our pupil of the week this week is William who has been trying hard to write independently and our RRS award went to Teighan for being respectful and fair.

Well done to all our successful pupils, keep up the hard work!

This week we have been learning about clouds. We learned about the water cycle and did some small experiments to demonstrate this. Our challenge is to try an experiment at home putting a small amount of water into a dish and keeping it in a warm place. We are hoping to see that over time this water will evaporate and that will prove to us that the water cycle really happens! Our discussions about water reminded us that we have the right to clean and safe drinking water. We knew that not all children across the world have access to clean and safe drinking water and that in some countries it does not rain very much which stops plants from growing. Mrs Gallagher was very impressed with our knowledge!

We listened to the story Little Cloud by Eric Carle and then wrote our own stories about the adventures of a cloud. We also made some cloud shape pictures which will be displayed in the classroom beside our stories.

Article 24 – The right to safe drinking water.
Article 29 – Your education should help you use and develop your talents and abilities.


We are trying something different this week. Here’s a little summary of what we have been learning…..

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may 2 007

may 2 008

Here’s a few of our ‘what is happiness’ posters that we worked on after the earthquake in Nepal. We are greatful for all the things we have in our lives.

may 2 001

may 2 002

may 2 003

may 2 004


Have a great weekend!

This week in p7b


This week we had a visit from West Lothian Drug and Alcohol Service to talk to us about tobacco and smoking.

Ellie: “I learned that there are between four and five thousand different chemicals in each cigarette, one of which is tar.”

Jay: “I learned that smoking affects the whole body. For example, it affects your teeth by making them turn yellow.”

Jack: “It can make you really unhealthy because it makes you unfit and you can’t run very far.”

Lauren U: “It can give you lung cancer because all the tar builds up in your lungs and there is less oxygen.”

Callum: “It can affect your hair and make it fall out or turn yellow.”

Declan: “It can make you more likely to have a heart attack because it is harder for the blood to move around your arteries.”

Jay: “It can affect your veins and skin by making them turn black or darker.”

Antonia: “It increases your chances of dying quicker than you would normally. If someone stopped smoking they could add ten years to their life.”

Lauren C: “It increases your chances of having a stroke which is when a part of your brain stops working and it can cause serious damage.”

Paul: “Another effect is that it can affect your mental health and make you stressed.”

Chloe: “It increases the risk of you going blind or deaf as well.”

Finlay: “We worked out that someone who smokes 20 cigarettes a day spends about £2500 a year on cigarettes!”

Jay: “We learned also that nicotine is the part of the cigarette which make sit addictive.”

We also researched and discussed the death penalty this week and we wrote discursive essays on them.

Taylor: “The death penalty is when someone goes to court and they are given the punishment of being put to death. It is usually for the crime of murder.”

Adam: “Over the years types of capital punishment have been hanging, beheading, lethal injection and the electric chair plus a few others.”

Flyn: “I learned that in America a boy under the age of 18 was given the death penalty. I’m not sure what the crime was but my opinion would depend upon what he did.”

Jay: “I learned that in some countries you can get the death penalty for small things like reading the bible or for looking at things you shouldn’t on the internet. I think that is very sad because there might be Christians who live in that country who can’t read their bible.”

Lauren U: “I learned that 1 in 25 people who are given the death penalty in America are actually innocent. That makes me feel sad because those people didn’t do anything wrong and can’t just be brought back to life.”

Declan: “I learned that in China they don’t tell other countries how many people they have given the death penalty to but it is estimated at over 2000 a year. I think that is shocking because it is a lot of people.”

Olivia: “I learned that a man got the death penalty for being gay in Russia. I think that was unfair because it isn’t his fault.”

Paul: “I learned that in Saudi Arabia sometimes people end up getting the death penalty because they don’t speak the language and can’t defend themselves.”

Nathan: “I learned that there are 32 countries which still have the death penalty 130 that used to have it which don’t anymore.”

Harry: “I learned that in America 32 of the 50 states still have the death penalty.”

Who has impressed?

Flyn: “Lauren Kirk impressed me by standing in and doing William’s lines during our assembly.”

Antonia: “Olivia impressed me because even though she doesn’t like singing she sung her best at the assembly.”

Chloe: “I’m impressed with everyone in the class for doing so well in the assembly.”

Lauren U: “I’m impressed by Summer in p2m for getting two certificates at the assembly this morning.”

Ellie: “The whole class impressed me by doing amazingly with our assembly this morning.”

Paul: “I’m impressed with the class and the lyrics we made up for Don’t Stop Believing.”

Lauren K: “I’m impressed with Emily because she finished in the top 5 for Young Writer of the Year out of 8500 pupils.”

Flyn: “I am impressed with myself, Callum, Finlay and Paul for getting onto step 5 this week.”

Mr Berginis: “I am very proud of the class for performing so well in their last ever assembly at Balbardie. I really hope they remember the message of the assembly and that they never stop believing in themselves because I never will stop believing in them.”


P1w’s busy week:

We have had a very busy week this week in Primary 1w! Lots of things have been happening. We would like to share with you our favourite things of this week:

Donna – I liked learning about the butterfly life cycle.
Holly – I enjoyed creating my own flower and then labelling the different parts of it.
Lucas – I liked the whole week!
Jodie – I liked the nursery boys and girls coming in today to visit because it was fun and they got a chance to see what they will be doing.
Katie – I liked when the nursery children came up to play with us.
Hannah – I made a friend with one of the girls from the nursery.
Erin – I liked playing with the nursery boys and girls.
Lily – I enjoyed our Celebrating Success assembly.

We have enjoyed lots of things this week and have been learning wonderful things. Here are some pictures of our great week…





Article 28: The right to an education


This week has been a busy week in P2M.  We had our Celebrating Success Assembly yesterday and we sang our song ‘I’m a Miracle’.  Well done to our 4 certificate people Louie, Jaime-Lee, Ailah and Dani. Miss McDougall is proud of her whole class 🙂

In drama this week we learned how to use a sword and a shield and we played a dragon footstep game and made a maths dragon.

In P.E. we have been learning how to use a basketball correctly and practising how to bounce a ball correctly.

Achievements this week

Pupil of the week & Rights Respecting Schools certificates-Summer

Guy-In running club Guy was first in the race

Jay-In Karate Jay moved onto level 9

Lucy-At Rainbows Lucy got her Roundabout Healthy badge

Ailah learned how to do a split jump

Isaac got his red stripe on yellow belt in Tae Kwon Do

Jaime-Lee learned to do the splits

We are very excited because our class assembly words were handed out this week-We will be busy practising them next week and look forward to seeing you on Friday 22nd May at 9.20am 🙂




Class M on the farm

This week we have continued our farm topic by learning about Venn diagrams. We used hula hoops to separate and sort items in to countryside, town or both. We were all very good at it. Then we designed and constructed our own tractors from recycled materials and watched a tractor carrying out some jobs on the farm.


Here are our own thoughts about what we have been learning in topic:

Gabriel – I learned about Venn diagrams with Mrs McLean. Me and Lewis sorted which place things go. The countryside, town or both.


Jayden – We are learning about farm animals. About cows, chickens and sheep.

David – I made a tractor with Miss Waddell.

Joe – Were were building tractors on Tuesday with junk.


Lewis – We’re doing tractors. They are on the farm. They drive up the fields.

Dylan – This week I helped Jake to do symmetry. We used shapes to make patterns.


Celebrating Success in everything ! (P3/2)

It was our Celebrating Success Assembly this morning and we were delighted to see so many family members and friends there to watch us sing together and some of us received certificates too.

Well done Ben Marr,  Jason, Megan,  Robert and Erin …

We all can celebrate success for lots of learning that we do in our class. Here are our comments ….

Connor and Emma- We want to celebrate my work on the class walls.

Alfie, Aaron, Robert, Sophia, Oliver, Demi-Leigh and Sam-We want to celebrate my volcano knowledge

Lauren, Suvi and Isla – We would like to celebrate us singing ‘Here Comes the Sun’ at Celebrating Success.

Ben Marr- I would like to celebrate my  learning in drama using scripts.

Jason, David, Ava, Mia, Ben Wilson , Megan, Charlie, Sophie and Erin – We would like to celebrate all our learning in P3/2.





We wanted to tell you about our exciting afternoon.  

We went for a minibeast hunt in the school garden.  We each had a magnifying glass and a check list.  We looked everywhere for minibeasts.  They like to like in the dark so we looked under branches and stones.  They also need damp so we looked in the long grass and near the water.  Bees like flowers as there is nectar so we checked out the flowers.  We also looked in the leaves as it was a little darker.  We found spiders, flies, bees, slugs, woodlouse and other bugs (but we were not sure what kind).  We are going to make a bug book and see if we can find out.

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article 19

What a Wonderful World

Our topic this term is ‘It’s a Wonderful World’. We have been learning to classify animals based on their similarities and differences.

‘A herbivore is an animal that eats plants. A carnivore eats animals. Omnivores eats animals and plants.’ Liam

‘If it has fur and also feeds milk to its babies then it’s a mammal’. Cody

‘A vertebrate is an animal with a spine’. Jamie

‘A spider is an invertebrate, it doesn’t have a spine’. Aiden

We worked in teams to classify the animals and made sure to use the information posters to help us make informed decisions. The adults were especially pleased with how well we worked together, asking each other great questions and making decisions together.

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We found some sea creatures tricky to classify, as they look like fish but are actually invertebrates.


Problem solving..

This week in maths we had to use our group working skills.  Miss Holwill set us a challenge, we had to work together to solve  a problem.  We learned that there are different ways to solve a problem in maths and we thought that drawing a picture would help us this week.

Our problem was….How many different ways can you sort a deck of cards?  These were our ideas;


How would you of sorted them?

A very short week for p4g!

This week started with a couple of extra days holiday – yay!

On Wednesday we went down to Bathgate Xcite to have our swimming assessments. We had to swim one width back stroke and one width front crawl to see how well we could swim and then we had to get out. We were a little bit disappointed that we didn’t have time to play in the water!

In our topic work we continued to learn about the desert as Phileas Fogg went to Egypt on his way around the world.

We learnt that the clothes the people wear are designed to keep them cool – Alanna

Not all deserts are hot – Jennie

Antarctica is the biggest cold desert in the world – Sam

Deserts aren’t hilly like Scotland – Ciaran

The Sahara is the biggest hot desert in the world and it is the hottest desert – Sophie

In Maths we compared the annual temperatures of Edinburgh and Cai
ro. We made line graphs of the average temperatures in these places. It is much hotter in Cairo than Edinburgh!

Some children managed to plot more than one line on their graphs to show more than one set of data. Mrs Collings was very impressed!


In P.E. we played kickball which is a mixture of rounders and football. It was great fun! The orange and bibbed teams drew – Ty

I enjoyed Cool in School this week. We were learning about making cool responses when people use unkind words – Brooklyn

In spelling we had a variety of activities but the most popular was using the letter tile! Here are some examples.





This week we watched the story of The Little Red Hen then and explored the journey of bread. We had the opportunity to make our own rolls. We were really excited! First we measured 500g of wholemeal flour, 2 table spoons of salt and 7g of yeast and sieved this mixture into a bowl. We then added 300ml of water of 2 tablespoons of oil and stirred. We kneaded the dough and then Miss Bollen put it in the oven for half an hour. We tried the bread today and thought it was really yummy. 
When Miss Henderson came to our class, we were able to tell her that the farmer uses a combine harvester to cut the wheat and that it gets grounded then sent to a mill.
We also know that there are three types of flour: wholemeal, white and brown.
Next week we are looking forward to learning about different machinery used in a farm.
Article 28-Right to an Education
Article 24- Right to Nutritious Food


We have a had a busy. short week back to school. We have been learning about how crops grow on farms. We watched the story of the Little Red Hen. We looked at how farmers collect wheat to make bread and the different machines they use. We had a challenge to design our own farm machine and explain what job it would do on a farm and why it is useful. Miss Elliot then decided if she would buy it from us for her farm. Some of the designs were very interesting. Some ideas very original. Keira designed a machine which would go around the farm and feed the animals for the farmer. It would know what types of food to give all the different animals. We also learned how to make the bread as we were interested in what happened to the wheat once it had been turned into flour. We followed the recipe and used our weighing and measuring skills to get the measurements correct. We had great fun, but got very messy!

We have been busy practising our song for Celebrating Success. We are really looking forward to performing it next week. Hope to see you all there at 11.30am on Thursday 14th May.

Article 24: Right to healthy and nutritious food.


Class Dojo: Ellis and Dadirayi

MVP: Dadirayi

Olaf needs a coat! By P2bg

This week we carried out our science experiments to test whether or not wearing a coat would stop a snowman from melting. Most of the class were very surprised to see that the ice cubes in our test ‘snowmen’ melted less quickly when they were wearing a coat. Well done to Miles who correctly predicted this would happen last week!

We continues our Frozen learning theme by learning about why it snows. We know that Elsa doesn’t really cause snow to happen but we had some interesting ideas about what actually does cause it to snow. Teighan thought it might get God pouring out flour when he was making a cake and some of us thought that Santa makes it snow. We learned how snow is actually made by watching a video of water droplets freezing to become ice crystals. We then made our own paper snowflakes and wrote explanations of what happens when it snows to accompany them.

We have been working hard learning our songs for Celebrating Success on Thursday 14th May and look forward to seeing our friends and family there.

Article 28 – The Right to an Education


Lots of learning this week – here’s what we thought:

Jamie – I liked writing our Dragon stories – we had to use lots of ambitious vocabulary and remember all our VCOP skills as well!

Emma – My self-portrait was fun.  I learned how to draw a face in proportion and I think it looked quite like me.

Josh – The display wall will look cool with all our self portraits on it.

Lucy – I liked using the formula when working out the volume of a cuboid. It looked really  hard but once it was explained it was really quite easy!

We have also been practicing our song for our Celebrating Success performance – and even though we say so ourselves we are looking good!


Class B Out and About

Class B enjoyed their Out and About experience this week.

We have been learning about money in class, so decided to go out into the local community to put our money skills to good use!

We donated some old items to charity, and then used our money to buy some new toys for Class B.


We made decisions together about what to buy and even shopped around in the local charity shops before making our final decisions.



We bought a Lego set, a science game, a Thomas the Tank Engine book and a cake shop DS Game. The boys in Class B were very polite when paying for their items and remembered to wait for their receipt and change.GEDC1768

We enjoyed learning about charity shops and how we can help to raise money for charity by donating unwanted clothes and toys. This week, Liam helped us to find a safe place to cross. We crossed the roads at the traffic lights and tried hard to decide when it was safe to cross. We’re looking forward to our next Out and About experience.


This week we took a back to front approach to maths. On Thursday we looked at the ‘bigger picture’ and how one thing relates to another. We did this with angles, degrees, fractions, decimals and percentages. The reason we did this was to know a bit about inter-relatedness of these concepts before we visit each one discretely. What a great morning we had! Here are some of our comments …

Zoe – I now know there are four angles obtuse, right angle, reflex and acute.

Emma – I now know that two quarters is the same as 50%

Jamie – I learned that one quarter is the same as 25% and as a decimal this is 0.25

We had a rugby taster session this week and were glad that it went ahead even though it was raining. We live in Scotland so we know that much of what we do in life will be done in the rain!! Here are some of our comments….

Polina – I really enjoyed the sharks and fishes game.

James – we had to run around dodging people and we are all getting very good at this.

Ryan – the tag rugby game was a really fun way to learn about dodging people when running around. Next time we will be using a rugby ball instead of the tags.

In our topic we are continuing to learn about the various creation stories. This week we learned about one version of the Chinese creation story.

Iona – The Christian and Chinese creation stories are similar because they both began with the creation of light.

We have been reminding ourselves this week about how we learn and that a positive attitude will help us to achieve success both in and out of the classroom. We know that being on time, coming prepared for school with pencils, pe kit etc is a very small part of preparing ourselves to learn. We are adopting a ‘can do’ attitude and already we can see results!

Have a good weekend!


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