This week in P3/2

This week we have been learning…

“About inventions. We learned who made the telephone.” Amy
“Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.” Ranna
“We watched Wallace and Gromit to help us to learn to be inventors.” Alex
“We learned what makes something an invention. We sorted pictures of things that have been invented and that have not. An egg and a rabbit are not inventions!” Zara
“We designed our own inventions.” Hannah
“In Maths we have been learning numbers to 1000. We were finding numbers before and after 3 digit numbers.” Miles
“We have been looking at tens numbers and counting in tens.” Spencer
“We were learning about rhyming words and we made rhyming flowers.” Niamh

We enjoyed making number lines in the playground with Mrs Jamieson. We counted in 10s or 100s and then had to guess where a number she shouted would be on our number lines.

We enjoyed listening to a rhyming story, ‘The Shark in the Dark’ and making our own rhyming flowers for our classroom display. We also looked at how some rhyming words don’t follow the same spelling pattern, e.g chair and care.

We watched some Wallace and Gromit clips about inventions and learned that inventions happen when someone has a problem or question. We thought of problems that we have and created inventions to help solve them. Mrs Gallagher created a sockinator that washes and pairs up socks so that she doesn’t end up with odd socks! 🙂

Well done to Joshua, who was pupil of the week for his detailed invention drawing and to our class dojo winners this week, Skye and Catriona.

This week in P5b….

This week in P5b…


I really enjoyed science this week. We were seeing which solids and liquids we could separate by filtering. Kamron

I enjoyed listening to the P7 assembly. Paige

I enjoyed the the SRA because it was a challenge. Harry

I enjoyed the assembly because it was funny and interesting. Casey

I enjoyed the assembly because it teaches us stuff that we need to learn in life. Luca

I enjoyed science because we got separate solids and liquids. Lauryn

I enjoyed the assembly and science. Fiona

I loved the assembly and my brother Cameron spoke about Michael Jordan and Cameron would like to grow up to play for the NBA. Skye

I enjoyed making the William Wallace comic strip. Gabriel

I looked doing the problem solving Mystery Wheel challenge. Noah

I enjoyed the P7 assembly. Jordan

I enjoyed the drumming in P5a.


Good luck to Tobin and Noah who are participating in finals day tomorrow at Kingsfield Golf Club.

We are very excited about Lowport.  Those that aren’t going are going to have fun at school and go on their own adventure!





This week in Maths we were learning to calculate the missing number. We played a game where we had to wear headbands with a number on it and then had to try and work out which number we were wearing  by looking at our partner’s number and counting up in hundreds, tens and ones.

In Writing this week, as part of our rainforest context for learning, we were describing the setting where our characters lived. We had to use our 5 senses and some great adjectives to make our piece exciting. Some of the adjectives we used were exotic, screeching, thundering, chanting, rough, slippery and vast.

Also, on Wednesday we did our first vertical learning challenge where we had to work in mixed groups of P6 and P7 children to make leaves for our rainforest display. We had to co-operate as a group and work to a time limit which was a challenge for us! 🙂

Here are some pictures of us working as part of our team…

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Sc0tt- My favourite thing this week was making rhythms for our drumming exhibition with Mrs Drummond.

Lexis – I loved getting my double bass home from Mr Horvace. I am learning how to press my second finger when playing a piece of music.

By Scott & Lexis

Learning in Primary 4A

Primary 4a have been very busy learning this week.

Calvin – We have been learning quarter past, half past, quarter to and o’clock in maths.

Kayleigh – We learned that we need our 5 times table to help with our time

Dadirayi – We have been learning how to tell the time on digital clocks

Annabelle – In maths we  have also been learning to order the days of the week and months of the year.

Grace – We have been learning that a good friend is someone who doesn’t hit, forgives, is nice, and  funny.

Olivia – After we learned about what makes a good friend we created a Friendship Soup.

Kaitlin – I have been learning how to keep my balance in PE

Calvin – In PE we have been learning to control a ball.

Evie – We have learning the water cycle

Kayleigh – The water cycle is when there is water and the sun evaporates it. It then collects in a cloud called condensation. When the cloud becomes too heavy it rains which is called precipitation. After it rains it collects in the sea.

Olivia – I have learned how to write the date in French.



This week we have been finding out about William Wallace. We made a comic strip showing the story of him killing the Sheriff of Lanark. We looked at different examples of comic strips and identified the features that we would need to use in our comic strips.

Cole – we had to use text boxes to show what was happening.

Jennie – we used speech bubbles when characters were talking.

Sophie – we had to show the story in the order that it happened.


In maths we have been learning about the relationship between fractions and decimals…

Tom – 25cm = ¼= 0.25

Sam – I understand bits of a metre better.

Eva – I can turn centimetres into millimetres and millimetres into centimetres.

Scott – 25cm is ¼ of a metre.


Lucie T – we were playing games where we had to learn to work as part of a team.

Ty – Mr Jeffries makes the games fun and it helps us to learn.


In science this week we were learning about dissolving.

Alanna – we were finding out what will dissolve in water and what won’t.

Noah – when we mixed water and sand the sand didn’t dissolve because it was like a solid.

Abbie – sugar, sugar cubes and coffee all dissolved in water.

That’s all for now folks! Have a great weekend 🙂


The Rainbow Fish

We have been reading some lovely stories in Primary 1 about being a good friend and the qualities that you need. This week we were reading the story of “The Rainbow Fish”.

First, we read the story and met a reading character called Charlie Choose. Charlie Choose asks you to think about the things that you like about the story and the things that you didn’t like in the story.

Next, we had to put the story in the right after Steven Story asked us what happened in the beginning, the middle and the end. We all did fantastic at this task!

We also made beautiful pictures of The Rainbow Fish in Art when we used different materials to glue onto it.

Finally, in our writing this week we talked about our favourite part of the story. Here are some of our favourite parts of the story:
Ehan – When he gave his scales to the other fish
Teigan – When he was a really good friend to others
Lily – I liked it when he was talking to the octopus and the starfish
Kyle – I liked it also when he spoke to the octopus

Star Writers this week:

Pupil of the week: Ehan for trying his best to add tricky words into his writing.

*Article 29: We have the right to showcase our talents and abilities*
*Article 28: We have the right to an education*

Friends, fun and finishing our work in P4/3

We are very busy in our class every day and we are learning so much…

Our friends are nice -some are in this class and some are in other classes. We see them at break and lunch-Kay, Robert, Gemma

My best friend is in my class.We play together and work together most times….Sophie, Ava

My best friend is in class…We mostly play and join in together. When we set our work tables we sit together-Alfie

We liked playing with our friends on maths is fun! Alfie, Kiara, Mia

PE was fun with Mrs McClafferty outdoors and Mr Jeffries indoors- Connor, Emma

I liked being the Special student- Lauren

We liked being the star writer with our Fantastic Mr Fox stories-Megan, Euan

Drama was different this week- We listened to musicians playing in our Upper Hall- Suvi, Erin, Sam

We liked everything this week, especially playing and working with our friends- Oliver, Teighan, Jess, Denholm, Ben

I liked finishing my badger story this week using my plan-Liam

I liked sketching our school for our new learning Our Local Area-Sophia

I like Maths when we are using the postits for large numbers- Jason


Article 28 we have a right to an education


Have a super weekend !

Mrs Aitken

Remember Home Learning due in on Monday








Valerija thinks it has been a brilliant week this week, and Zoe agrees!  Here is what we have been up to:

Evie – We learned that in the rainforests you never build your shelter on the forest floor because it is mucky and creatures can get you!

Aaron – I enjoyed makig our rainforest display – it taught me about the different layers.

Polina – I enjoyed designing our shelters so that we can build them next week.

David – I enjoyed the vertical learning because I learned about different layers and I got to work with people I have never worked with before.

Zoe – I enjoyed doing the train timetable work in maths. It was hard but you could get the answer if you looked for the clues in the questions.

Jack – I liked when we went outside.

We are looking forward to handling some rainforest creatures next week!  Hope they are not all creepy crawly spiders! We are also excited about building our shelters and making our terranuiums.


Class O are Busy Bees!



Learning new spelling words and starting new reading books was exciting this week. We have been using a variety of games and activities to help us learn about spelling patterns and characters in our stories.

Callum: “I really enjoyed using the highlighters to find my spelling words. I am reading anew book call Flat Stanley. It’s exciting.”

Cody: “I’ve been reviewing my week and it was a great week becasue we started back at swimming. I enjoyed writing about this.”


We have been learning about internet safety and how to access appropriate information safely through websites. We have also bee developing our computer skills so we can use technology to help us with our learning independently.



We have had lots of fun playing outside and enjoying the last of the sunshine. We have been using our imagination and developing our social skills.

Liam: ” I enjoyed playing Mickey Mouse Club House with Gabriel and Lewis from Class G. This is my favourite game I play with my friends at school.”

Cameron: “Playing tig and dodge ball with my friends is fun. I am learning to run fast so that I can win the game. Sometimes I win and sometimes I don’t but this is ok.”

One of our Home Learning tasks this week is to use the skills we have been learning in Cyber Safety to logon, read our Blog and leave a comment. It would be great if you could leave us a comment to read too!

Primary 2b

Wow! What another amazing week full of excellent learning!

We have started our new topic which is all about Mr Potato Head and his senses. So far we have learned that Mr Potato Head has five senses – just like us! We have investigated how our eyes work and can even name some of the parts of our eye. We now understand that our eyes sent signals to our brains so that we can see and completed lots of experiments to test our eyes more! Our favourites were Spot the Difference and the Observation trays.

In maths we have been learning about ordering numbers and have had fun completing lots of activities to put numbers in order. We revised our learning about numbers that come before and after a number with the help of a number line but found this a little bit tricky. We also learned about 2D shapes and have been on a shape train around the classroom to look for Tommy Triangle, Cynthia Circle, Harriet Hexagon, Peter Pentagon and Robbie Rectangle. We discovered that there are lots of shapes hidden in our class and are on the hunt to find more 2D shapes at home and in the playground!

We also want to say a huge well done to this week’s ‘Star of the Week’, Liam! Liam has been working very hard and is always willing to help others with their learning. Fantastic work Liam…I wonder who next week’s ‘Star of the Week’ will be!

Primary 2b

(A note from Mrs Mansfield – Can I just remind parents/guardians to please put names of all of your child’s clothing, including PE clothes. I have a few items which the children have misplaced throughout the week, if your child is missing anything please check in lost property or with me! Thank you for your support, I look forward to meeting you next Wednesday evening at Meet the Teacher.)

First few days in P2b

Primary 2b have made a fantastic start to their time in Primary 2 and have been learning about what it means to be a good friend. We have played games, told stories and worked together to get to know one another better and so far are enjoying the new challenges Primary 2 is bringing!

Together we read the story ‘Giraffes Can’t Dance’ and used this to understand how we are entitled to rights to keep us healthy and happy. We spoke about our actions in order to make sure everyone feels this way and also discussed how Mrs Mansfield could help us even more.

We have had a great week and can’t wait to start our new topic next week!

Primary 2b

What we learned in P5b this week…..

P5b have been very busy this week.

This week I have learned……


Big Maths Beat That. Lewis

how to draw a shadow and I also liked doing the bookmark. Noah

how to sketch and crosshatch. Tobin

how to play the Djembe drums. Fiona

how to do a science experiment. Michelle

how to dissolve materials. Gary

how to play the drums. Colin

learned lots of history about William Wallace and Robert Bruce and I learned how to draw a really cool optical illusion called the 3D hand. Jack

how to draw a shaded apple with a shadow. Skye

how to drum. Paige

how to play on the drum. Darja

I enjoyed science and learned how to dissolve things in water. Robyn.


Here are some photos from our LAC  Potions Lab.  We were investigating which materials were soluble and insoluble.

Investigating dissolving.
Investigating dissolving.
Investingating dissolving.
Investingating dissolving.
Investigating dissolving.
Investigating dissolving.


Congratulations to Gary who is our Pupil of the Week this week for always following the class Rights and Actions and always doing his best.

Well done Gary!
Well done Gary!

Have a great weekend.





P4b 24.8.15

This week we have been very busy in P4b!

Demi and Ava enjoyed RME with Mrs Clark. ” We made a poster about somewhere we feel we belong”.

“We liked learning the months of the year and how to tell the time this week”. Freya,Sophie, Keira, James, Karys, Lucy R and Kai. 

“Learning about synonyms was lots of fun!” Emma, Isla and Grace.

“We liked playing with our friends during Golden Time”. Lucy M, Robbie and Arran. 

“We loved reading this week, it was fun!” Eva, Olivia, Aidan and Rachael

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We have had an inspirational week  in P7.

We have been thinking about our future aspirations. We discussed what jobs and lifestyles we would like to have and we discussed what we need to do to help us get there.

We were learning about pop art. We had to use contrasting colours to create a poster displaying inspirational words.

In maths this week we were learning about finance. We have been learning how it is important to save some money and we have been learning about different banking terms. We were online shopping and we had a competition to see who could buy stock for the tuck shop at the cheapest price. Sam  and Jamie won for spending the least amount of money  and they said Asda is cheaper than Sainsburys.

We also wrote a biography about a famous person who inspires us, for example; Stephen Hawking , Gabby Douglass, Anna Kendrick, Gabi Butler and Daniel Radcliffe.

In class we have been writing a song for our assembly. We look forward to seeing our parents and family members on Friday 4th September.

Written by Sam and Nadia


Table of the Week: VIP’s

Class Dojo: Lewis

Have a nice weekend.



This is a second week back after our summer holidays which were great fun. We have written about our holidays and started one of our context for learning which is Rights Respecting Superheroes. This is what we feel some of the best things we have done since we have been back in school are:

Charlotte “maths number bonds.”

Hope “I liked maths tig.”

Maisey “I liked writing our superhero stories.”

Guy “the magic e song was good because it was funny.”

Emma “the superhero stories were fun.”

Luke “the P3/4 gathering was fun because people were jumping out of planes.”

Ben “yoga was fun because you got a good stretch.”

Elliot “counting the marbles. It was exciting to see who won!”

Aryan  “golden time because you get to choose whatever you want to play with.”

Rose “ painting our class superhero was fun.”

Callum “golden time because I like cars and I got to bring in and play with my car.”

Katie “robot maths was good because we got to build robots”

Lucy “superhero stories because they were fun.”

Mr. Cunningham “As you can see we have been very busy in our first weeks. I have enjoyed my summer holidays but am happy to meet my lovely P3 class.”

Busy week in Primary 4/3

Article 13 We have the right to find out things and share by talking, drawing, writing or in any other way.

This week we have been very busy learning about lots of new things….

We have had Mrs McClafferty in all day on a Tuesday. We enjoyed our light and shade art work. We also were using lots of weights and scales in Practical Maths. Mrs McClafferty took us outside for Outdoor PE and just as we were coming back inside the fire alarm went off and we had to stay outside…exciting ! We know where we come out the school and stand in our new classes. We also did Tools for Writing. This helped us when we planned and then wrote our Fantastic Mr Fox adventure stories.We are looking forward to finding out who are our Star Writers next Wednesday. We started our lunch order in French …a little bit tricky but we are getting better every day 🙂

Well done to Sophia who was our first Pupil of the week !

dates for the diary !

Photographer is in school Monday

Meet the teacher Wednesday evening 6-7pm

Dress down day Friday

Have a super weekend …Mrs Aitken


Class M

Description of our week: This week we have had a very busy week! We will tell you all about it! Here’s a list of things we done this week. Out and About, Silver circles, check timetables, p6’s and p7’s had a child line visitor, P.E, choose, group work, expressive arts, writing and much more!

Dylan: “I liked choose this week because you get to choose off the choose board.”

Aiden: “I enjoyed the Wii this week because there was a new game called Super Mario Bros Wii.”

Caitlin: “I enjoyed P.E because we played castles and it’s a fun game. I also enjoyed the library because I got a Lego friends book to read in class M.”

Adam: “I liked the library because I got a Lego Star Wars book and I liked choose because we had the Wii.”

Cary: “It was alright castles was ok. The rest of the week was fun”

Joe: “I got a Lego Movie book at he library”

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This Week in P7b

In art we have been learning about pop art. This is modern art work which is often very bright, colourful and bold. We looked at pop art by Andy Warhol and examples from comic strips before creating our own.
We included inspirational quotes in the middle of our pop art. We looked at a colour wheel to use bright, contrasting colours .Here are examples of some of the quotes we used:
-‘Be yourself because an original is better than a fake.’
-‘don’t let the past affect your future.’

In maths we have been learning financial education which is about money and about how you can keep it safe. We also talked about advantages and disadvantages of having a bank card.
Advantages of having a bank card
-You don’t have to carry lots of money with you
-it can encourage you to save
Disadvantages of having a bank card
-people could steal it
-you can go into overdraft

In writing this week we did biography about people who inspire us. Some people chose authors , singers, swimmers and more.
Hope you had a great week I know we will!

Written by Anais Peel and Eva Mackechnie

Class dojo winner- Travis McNab

Article 28- Right to an Education

P1A’s favourite thing to do in school:

This week we wrote in our Learners Journey jotters about our favourite thing in school so far. Some people would like to share what they wrote:

Kyle – Playing with Scott
Teigan – Playing with Lily
Eva – Playing in the house corner
Orlaith – I like playing in school and with Niamh and Ruby
Jonah – I like playing with my friends
Lois – Playing with Dionne
Scott – Going into the library
Lily – I like playing with Teigan before we go home
Luis – Playing with Denolm and Brandon

We are all working really hard to be good friends in class. We have started adding leaves onto our friendship tree whenever we see someone in our class being good friends.

Have a lovely weekend!
-Primary 1A and Miss Wilson


This week has been jam-packed with learning! We started the week learning how to take notes.

Zoe – I learned to use notes to help with writing, how to organise notes clearly and use abbreviations. It is improtant to highlight the key facts.

James – You have to set out your facts clearly.

We used our notes to write about the Rainforest. – David.

Chris – You can get rubber from the Rainforest trees.

Aaron – You can’t really see the sun in the rainforest because the trees are so tall and packed.

Ryan – The rain creates mositure for the plants.

Callum N – People who live their mainly make their things out of the trees, and they build their houses high up to avoid lots of rain.

Brooke – You can get Cocoa and Vanilla from the trees.

William – They use plants for medicine.

Liam – They have wood fires.

Aidan – It rains 200 days a year.

Is that all? We think they should try living in Scotland!

We can’t wait until we see all the Cool Creatures at our handling session…….

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