Hard working children in P1c

In Primary 1c this week we have been learning some new sounds. We learnt ‘t’ and ‘a’. This means we can blend some letters together to sound out words. We did this using coloured hoops.

We have been learning new numbers too. Some of us have been learning to order our numbers up to 20! It is hard work but we are trying very hard to make sure we get them right.

We read the story of Room on the Broom and had to put the pictures in order. It was tricky especially as the witch has so many friends by the end of the story and we had to remember the order that she found them!

We played Snakes and Ladders with our buddies this week to help us with our numbers. This is always a highlight of our week. Thanks P7!



Our pupil of the week was Jess for her fabulous blending in phonics!

Cool creatures


Caitlin, Dylan, and Aiden joined their P6 classes this week to take part in Cool Creatures this week. They were all very brave and enjoyed touching the different animals.

Dylan: This week we played Castles in P.E. We had to knock down the castles. There’s two teams, the red team and the blue team. My team won. I knocked down 2 castles. P.E has been fantastic this week!!! J

Mr Jeffries and Miss Robertson were very pleased with the whole classes effort and behaviour in PE this week.

Joe: On Wednesday at choose time, I chose Tellytubby land. We were playing hiding tig. It was fun!

Cary: I am looking forward to the Food for All topic. I hope we get to taste some food.

Adam: I went to tellytubby land. We played at hidey tig. It’s like hide and seek but when you see somebody you have to tig them and when they are trying to tig you it’s rush hour, which means it turns in to normal tig.

Aiden; I enjoyd P.E because we got lots of energy.

It was Miss Robertson’s birthday on Monday and we all had some cake and sang Happy Birthday to her. It was nice to celebrate together. Adam washed all the dishes for Miss Robertson as a special treat as it was her turn to do them. The adults thought that was very kind.

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This week we have been busy learning about different animals that live in the Rainforest. On Tuesday we had a visit from Calum at Cool Creatures. He brought along some animals for us to meet. He brought along a tortoise, a rat and a millipede. He also had a huge snake and a tarantula for us to hold. Most of us were very brave and managed to hold or touch all of the animals. Here are some pictures of us with the animals:



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We had our second vertical learning challenge this week. We had to work in groups to create some animals of the Rainforest. We had to work with others to create animals that were different sizes and types. We are adding these to our display and they look great.


In literacy we have been learning about similes and used similes in our writing this week. We wrote poems about an animal in the Rainforest. We researched the animal using the i pads and used this information to help us write a descriptive poem.


We hope you all had a good week and have a lovely weekend!



Class Dojo: Cameron

Pupil of the Week: Eve

Rights: Right to an Education (Article 28)


WB 7.9.15 P4b

We have had a great week in P4b!

Arran, Rachael, Emma, Lucy M and Olivia have enjoyed learning more through our weather project. We were learning the skill of ‘taking a pencil for a walk’ to produce weather inspired art.

Ava has enjoyed maths this week and is getting better at dividing by 2.

Grace, Demi, Isla and Freya enjoyed choosing a book to read during ERIC (everyone reading in class) this week.

We have been learning French days of the week. Millie and Lucy R enjoyed matching English days of the week with French days of the week and completing a French word search.

We have also been using the netbooks this week to improve our technology and mathematical skills. We were learning to give and take directions and learning the points of a compass.

In music we created a whole class weather story with various instruments and it actually sounded like weather! We enjoyed continuing to work on team working skills in outdoor P.E.

Special person this week: Kelsey Salmond

Pupil of the week: Grace Maybury


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Article 31: we have the right to play and rest

Cool Creatures by P7b

On Tuesday Callum from Cool Creatures came to our class to tell us information about the Amazon rainforest and let us see some of the animals that live there. He brought five animals including; a tarantula, tortoise, snake, millipede and a rat. We also got to hold them. It was quite tickly when the tarantula and millipede were on us. The rat was only seven weeks old and had an accident on the floor! The snake was very scaly and heavy and hissed at some of us!




By Josh and Dave

Pupil of the week- Josh Cunningham
Table of the Week- Frizzy Frogs
Class dojo winner- Emma Bradley and Robbie Leigh-Sinnott

Article 28- Right to an Education

This week P3/2 have enjoyed

We have been reflecting on what we have enjoyed in school this week. Here are some of the things we said:

“I’ve enjoyed Maths this week. I like working with big numbers.” Amy

“I enjoyed writing, we were writing Rules for School.” Rory

“I’ve enjoyed Maths, I like playing the more and less game.” Catriona

“I enjoyed learning joins in Handwriting.” Skye

“I enjoyed making a timeline of old to new inventions.” Zara

“I enjoyed doing handwriting.” Eva

“I enjoyed learning about the village of the Great Oak Tree in Drama with Mrs Hay.” Katie

“I liked drama too, it was fun.” Spencer

“I’ve enjoyed everything this week!” Alex

Well done to Zara who was Pupil of the Week for her working hard and setting a good example to others and to Alex who was our Class Dojo winner. We now have lots of children on step 1 towards the Golden Club too, well done to them too! 🙂

Lots of learning in P4/3

Erin, Kiara, Ava, Alfie- We liked being Special Student this week..It was fun wondering who Mrs Aitken had chosen !

Ben, Robert, Connor, Denholm, Gemma, Teighan, Euan-We liked learning using minions

Jason, Sophia and Mia-It is great being Star writer. Our stories are put up on the wall for others to read

Emma,Kay- We liked making the compass rose. Never eat shredded wheat helps you remember the compass directions !

Sam, Oliver- Everything has been good this week

Sophie,Lauren, Megan-Drama with Mrs Innes is great on a Thursday. We were all great…Mrs Innes said 🙂

Suvi- I got a Golden Ticket at PE this week..I felt great

Jess- I loved being Pupil of the Week today. I got my certificate for my very good story about The Key !

Alfie G.- I got my Pupil of the Week this week at The Gathering. It was for always giving 100% in all areas of the curriculum

Well done everyone.








This week we had a visit from Callum from Cool Creatures which helped us learn more about the Rainforest.

Zoe – I liked holding the spider because it felt like it had cosy socks on.

David – I liked holding the millipedes because their wee feet felt like a comb.

Valerija – I liked holding the spider and now I am not scared of them!

Callum D – I liked holding the snake and feeling its muscles.

Millie – I liked holding the millipede because it felt like a toothbrush.

Callum helped us learn about the Rainforest because:

Reiss – He’s been there!

Viggo – It gave us a feel of what the creatures are like.

Aaron – Callum helped us because he knew a lot about the rainforest.

In maths it was time to move away from time(!) and we have started multiplication –

Aaron – I like doing the tables.

Brooke – I don’t really like them because the 6 & 7 are confusing and hard! But Mrs Haddifon said we will work on them together and they will soon be easy-peasy.

We also learned to play tunnel ball rounders in outdoor P.E.  and we had to use our communication and team skills. The boys stormed back from being 6-2 down to snatch the game 9-8 from the girls. Great team work and resilience boys!


Caring about each other in Primary 1A

This week in Primary 1A we have been learning more about caring about each other and helping at home.

First, we read the story “Room on the Broom”. We felt that the main message was to help each other and keep each other safe. We started our “Friendship floorbook” where we talked about what makes a good friend and the things that we can do to be good friends to one another. Here are some pictures of us starting our new floorbook and drawing some pictures of how we are good friends.




Then, we worked in groups to discuss how we can help at home. We learned that to work well together we have to:
– Not scribble on our work (Rowan)
– Be nice to each other (Eva)
– Take turns when taking part (Orlaith)
– Help each other (Kyle)
– Listen to everyone’s ideas (Elena)

Here are some ways that we help and care at home:
– Taking my neighbour’s dogs for a walk (Eva)
– Sharing toys with my brother and tidy up my room (Brandon)
– Help my brother if he falls down and hurts himself (Scott)
– Helping my mum get down the stairs (Ehan)
– I help mummy tidy up her room (Luis)




Our next steps will be to continue learning more about what makes a good friend by reading “The Elves and the Shoemaker”. We will also be learning more about how different religions around the world care for one another.

Pupil of the week: Lily Wilson for working hard to sequence the story of “Room on the Broom”

Star Writers:

Article 15: We have the right to choose our friends and join or set up groups.
Article 14: We have the right to practise our beliefs and religion.


Phew, what a great week!

We had a ball at camp and have returned safe and sound. The pupils really did do our school proud. Unfortunately our camera is still at Lowport with p5b so we will put a full post on next week including photos and comments from the children.

Yesterday we had our first full drumming lesson. Pupils will not only be learning about the origins of African music and the Djembe drums but will also use the drums to enhance their learning across the curriculum……watch this space!



Have a great weekend!

Mission to Learn in Class O


Yolie: I was using th iPad to help me with my maths. I was playing lots of games. In Writing I was writng about insects. I found lots of facts about the ladybird.


Cody: I had so much fun at the Lowport with p5. I enjoyed the swimming pool. The chutes and water fountains were fun. We went to a big park and had to crawl through tunnels. My face got covered in mud!

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Cameron: I used my knoweldge of time to read and show different times. I am now looking forward to learning to multiply. I had fun doing exercises in the morph suit. It was hot inside it!

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Liam: I enjoyed using different colours of paint to design a new character. He is square and colourful. His name is Thoreau.


Callum: I really enjoyed exercising in the morph suit. It was hard work but fun. I used the DS to help me with my Reading. I have been learning to use an index and read for information.

Class O have enjoyed a variety of activities this week. We are really looking forward to new ‘Missions for Learning’ next week!

Cool Creatures came to visit P6a

Callum from Cool Creatures came to our class on Monday to tell us about his trip to the Amazon rainforest and show us some of his animals.

We learned lots of interesting facts about life in the rainforest and even found out that some of the houses float or are built on stilts because of all the rainfall! We learned that a lot of the houses don’t have any electricity at all. After we saw some of Callum’s photos we did our handling session. We got the chance to hold a tortoise, tarantula, millipede and snake if we wanted to and Callum let us all see his new baby African rat that is already almost full size!

Here are some pictures of our amazing afternoon…

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P5b – Intrepid Adventurers

P5b’s week began on board a beautiful cruise ship. We were all having such a relaxing time when disaster struck and we started to sink! Fortunately we were able to climb aboard life rafts, grabbing a few useful items which might aid our survival.

We were delighted to see land ahead and excited when we reached the shores of some wonderfully mysterious islands.


We had great fun exploring, battling dangerous creatures and building fantastic shelters until somebody spotted our giant SOS sign and we were rescued – just in time for Lowport!



P4b wb 31.8.15

This week we have been very busy in our learning!

We have enjoyed learning about the weather. We learned all about the different states of water in the water cycle and wrote weather acrostic poems! We created sound stories in groups to produce music that sounded like different types of weather.

We had a very special visit on Thursday from a Scottish band. They sang lots of Scottish songs and we even got to do some ceilidh dancing!

In outdoor P.E. we have been trying to work as a team during different games.

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Primary 2b

Primary 2b are continuing to work hard and are making excellent progress in all areas of their learning.
In our Topic work we have been learning more about the sense of sight and have also been comparing it to an animal’s sense of sight. We have learned that animals use some senses more than others and can understand why they do this. We have also learned about how important it is to protect our sight and have spoken about ways to do this (we even made sunglasses for use in our role-play area!)
In maths we have been continuing to work on ordering numbers and know that we can look at our tens and units columns to help us do this. We have also been using cubes to split numbers into tens and units so that we understand the way that numbers are formed. We played a great game called ‘Banana Bang’ to help us with our mental maths skills and had a great time, we really hope we will get to play that game another time! In practical maths we have been investigating the properties of 2D shapes and can identify the number of sides these shapes have.
We took our homework bags home for the first time this week and would like to remind parents that all homework is due in on Mondays. Just a reminder that reading records and reading books will go home on a Wednesday with the homework but could they please be returned to school on a Thursday so we can continue class reading (Mrs Mansfield will send it home again on a Thursday).
A huge well done goes out to our star of the week, Ruby-Ann. Ruby-Ann is always ready to learn and can listen very carefully to instructions from the teacher making her able to extend her learning. The other boys and girls are trying very hard to become star of the week…who will win the crown next week?

Primary 2b

We’ve had a great week this week in p7B!

In writing we wrote letters to our friends or family, from ourselves, in 20 years’ time. This allowed us to think ahead about what we want to achieve in life when we were older. We all wrote imaginative and descriptive letters.

In H & WB we explored the story ‘Rocks of Life’. The moral of the story is to recognise what is important in life. The rocks represent the most important things such as your friends, family and health. The pebbles represent your house, pets and education while the sand represents material possessions. We were reminded about the difference between our needs and wants to live a healthy and happy life.

Our new context for learning is ‘Amazonia’ (the rainforest). We looked at a powerpoint about what rainforests are and where they are in the world. They are mostly near the equator between the tropic of Cancer and the tropic of Capricorn. We coloured coded maps to show where the rainforests are. The biggest rainforest is the Amazon.

P6A, P6b, P7A and our class are going to work together to transform our corridor into a rainforest. On Monday, we divided into four vertical learning groups to complete our first challenge. We had to work in groups to create leaves for our display. The success criteria was to make at least six leaves, longer than 30cm, in the time given. We all had a role within our groups and worked well as a team.

We are looking forward to our Cool Creatures visit on Tuesday.
Have a good weekend,

Catherine and Ross
Dojo winner- Ross McPhee
Aticles 28- Right to an Education
Article 42- Right to know your rights

Class G

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We have had a fun week. This week we have been learning about doctors. We made life sized doctors by drawing around each other. We have been working hard in reading, writing and maths. We have been learning about sequencing stories. This week was our first swimming session this term. It was great fun. Everyone enjoyed having fun in the little pool and having lessons in the big pool. Here is what we enjoyed this week.

David: I liked playing with the pennies in maths.

Gabriel: I had to lay down on a piece of paper and Mrs McNeill drew around me to make our doctor.

Jayden: I liked painting Dr Ranj.

Lewis: I liked playing Mickey Mouse Club House with Liam and Gabriel in the playground.

Jake: I liked swimming.

Logan: I liked swimming. I liked it when we were swimming in the little pool.



This week has been very busy. We have mainly been rehearsing for our assembly. Thanks to everyone who came along to our assembly today! We had a fantastic time and we hope you all enjoyed it! We worked hard all week to learn the songs and learn our lines. We wrote ‘The School’s Greatest’ ourselves and we hope you enjoyed it.

We have started learning about the Amazon Rainforest. We know that rainforests are found near the equator and the have a hot and wet climate most of the year. We found out that the Rainforest has different layers and different plants and animals live in the different layers. We had out first vertical group challenge on Monday and we had to work with others to create different leaves from the Rainforest. We had to design the leaves to be 30cm longs and we had to have at least 6 leaves finished in the time. They also had to be different types. We are looking forward to our next challenge.

Have a nice weekend 🙂



Class Dojo: Scott (2nd time!)

Tables of the Week: Banter Bunch


Our news from P1B

Bonjour! (we have been practicing how to say hello in french)

We can’t believe that we have been so busy.  We have started to learn our sounds and reading tricky words.  We have been listening to the sounds in words as this will help us with our writing.

We have had a fun time with our buddies making Rainbow Fish.  We read the story and thought that the Rainbow Fish was a good friend because she shared in the end, so the fish we made only had one shiny scale.  We have also read Elmer, we are all different too.  Miss Holwill set us a very tricky challenge….we had to make an Elmer with a pattern.  Miss Holwill was very impressed with what we have done so far.

We had to get our thinking caps on when we started a floor book all about road safety.  Some of the things we would like to learn about were;

How people with a disability can cross the road safely?

How we can be safe in different weather?


We are looking forward to next week so have a good weekend!


Super swimmers in Class M

There was much excitement this week as it was our first week back at swimming and we were all looking forward to.

Joe – I enjoyed swimming as it was the first one after the summer holidays. We were doing star jumps.

Dylan – I enjoyed swimming in the big pool. I tried to swim on the top of the water, using front crawl moves, this is faster.

Caitlin – I enjoyed swimming yesterday because I did very well. Mrs Hay was in on Wednesday and I enjoyed working with her. It was dress down day today and I liked it.

Cary – I have been working very hard on constructing a Lego Dacta model. It is a crane. It can lift a heavy pencil case and I am trying to find other things it can lift too.

Mrs Mclean – I have been very impressed with Cary’s concentration and perseverance with the task.


Next week some of us are looking forward to a visit from Cool Creatures with our P6 integration classes.

Note from Mrs McLean:

Remember to log on and leave a comment as part of your home learning.

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