
We all had a great holiday and have been working really hard since we came back to school.

In maths we have been learning about using doubles and near doubles to help us add and multiply mentally. The Hexagons and Octagons have been learning how to multiply 2 digit numbers. They have been learning to use different strategies including partitioning and doubling and halving. The pentagons have been learning strategies to help them to divide mentally.

We have been learning about Scots language and practised a poem to perform in front of the class. We studied a poem called A Dug, A Dug and translated it into English. We also wrote our own Oor Wullie comic in Scots.

In our WW2 topic we have been learning about the role of women during WW2. We learned that they made a huge contribution to the war effort by working on farms, in factories and in the forces. We looked at propoganda posters and how they were used to influence people during the war. A lot of posters were used to enroll women into the war effort and portrayed women as strong and independent. Finally, we looked at sources of information. We are able to identify primary and secondary sources of information. Primary sources are sources of information which are gathered at the time, for example, an eye witness account or a photograph. A secondary source of information is created by someone who did not experience it first hand, for example, a documentary based on the holocaust.

We had a nice end to the week as we got to watch a pantomime performed by pupils from Bathgate Academy. It was really good fun and gave us some great tips for our pantomime performance.



Class Dojo: Joe


See you next week!

p4b wb 11.1.16

Liam: I enjoyed doing Scottish art this week. We drew Scottish landscapes with crayons

Daniel and Rachael: I enjoyed the snow this week! I also liked dancing in P.E.

Keira, Emma and Freya: We enjoyed reciting our Scottish poems this week for the poetry competition

Finn and Demi: We liked doing Scottish dancing this week

Brodie: I enjoyed learning how to add 3 digit numbers vertically in maths

Aidan: I enjoyed P.E. this week

Robbie and Grace: We enjoyed Scottish art this week

Sophie: I like learning about remainders in maths this week

Karys and Isla: We enjoyed playing domino express at Golden Time

Ava: I enjoyed learning about fractions in maths

Lucy R, Lucy M and Eva: I enjoyed doing Scottish art

James: I enjoyed Scottish dancing

Olivia: I enjoyed spending time with Daniel Dillon on Thursday







This week we have been busy learning!

Leia – We learnt to draw in the style of Rennie Charles Mackintosh
Kayleigh – He designed roses and furniture
Annabelle – In maths, my group learned how to do upstairs, downstairs. I found it medium!
Dadirayi – In my maths group we were learning to dividing with remainders. I found that quite tricky!
Aaron – In my maths group we have been learning to order 4 digit numbers.
James – My maths group have learning our timestable. We learning the two and ten times table. I enjoyed it!
Demi Leigh – This week it has been very icy and I liked going outside at playtime and lunchtime to pretend I was ice skating.
Grace – Mr Welsh slipped on the ice!
Mya – We were learning about Scots. We enjoyed listening to poems and had to learn one for the Scots Competition. My favourite one was Mince and Tatties.
Kaitlin – In PE with Mr Jeffries we have started to learn some Scottish dances.

A week of Scots

We have been busy learning our Scots poems by JK Annand or Margaret Hamilton.

We worked hard on our lines and actions. We were excited for the class final on Thursday. Mrs Aitken found it very difficult to choose three finalists.

Well done everyone. You have made me very proud of all your efforts !

Our story writing this week was in the style of Matthew Fitt’s story “Jordan’s new jaiket”…Come in and read them on our walls ! Some are even on the door of the class.

We started looking at a dvd about Scotland in the past and we saw lots of times when it was covered in ice ….

In art we used different medium to create landscapes of Scotland…we used lots of greens, blue and white with a touch of red….the paintings look really effective.

Our comments this week :-

We liked the landscapes of Scotland in Art-Ben, Connor, Gemma, Sam, Denholm

We liked the poem Mince and Tatties-Jess,Mia, Liam, Megan

We liked our poem The Twa Leggit Mice-Teighan, Oliver

We liked writing the story this week My new jaiket-Ava,Kay

I liked being one of the four finalists in the class for Mince and Tatties-Sophia

We liked  learning the poem Lament for a lost dinner ticket-Jason, Euan

We liked being chosen as  finalists for the poetry competition on Monday-Sophie, Suvi

We liked reciting Mince and Tatties even though we weren’t chosen for the final-Emma, Alfie G.

We like Drama -it is about the gingerbread man but in Scots-Kiara, Erin


Our three finalists are Denholm, Suvi and Sophie-GOOD LUCK FROM US ALL


You have the right to choose your own friends and join or set up groups, as long as it isn’t harmful to others.

Have a super weekend P4/3

See you Monday 🙂





Snow and ice makes for a great playtime!

This week we were shocked when the weather was so cold. In our playground there was frost and ice on the ground, table and bench.

Some of us were exploring the temperature of the frost by touching it.

We found a great way of scraping the frost off of the table and into a bucket. We found out that it made snowballs.

Our playground has a slope. Cary discovered some frozen frost that got really slippy. It was like an ice slope.

He didn’t fall on the ice. He assessed the risk of going on the ice. He decided that if he was careful and balanced his body correctly he could slide on it. Like ice skating but with his shoes!

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The adults supervised as the children took risks in their play. It was a great learning experience that came from the natural environment.

Some children did fall on the ice and we learned that ice can be dangerous at times. Nobody got hurt and it helped us to move on from situations. Over all the frost and ice were great for learning and playing in our playground. It was so fun, even the adults had a turn! 🙂



This week we had a focus on Scots language. We explored the Oor Wullie website and completed an activity to translate the Scots words into English. We also created comic strips using Scots language using the characters from Oor Wullie. We also learned poems for homework and some of us performed them in front of the rest of the class. Ross and Mhairi will read Social Dancing and Leon will read Slaister to Mr Welsh and the head boy and girl on Monday.

Yesterday we watched a panto performed by S5 and S6 pupils from Bathgate Academy. The panto was a twist of the traditional tale ‘Jack and the Beanstalk.’ It gave us ideas for our own Cinders panto which we will perform in three weeks’ time.

Today we participated in the Big Balbardie Blether. During this we discussed the health and wellbeing indicators and how these are met in school. We also discussed circle time and how this can link with the indicators to make us feel happy, healthy and safe.

Article 12- Right to an opinion/be listened to.
Article 28- Right to an education

Pupil of the week- Jay


This week the Junior Choir began to learn songs using the Scots language. We had fun trying to get the timing of ‘Bonnie Wee Jeannie McColl’!  Easily the song the children already knew, and sang well, was ‘The Flower of Scotland’.

We will continue this theme until the end of January, and we will discuss what else we would like to sing about.

The Senior Choir is continuing to support the primary seven performances of, ‘Cinders’.  All were given letters home asking if they are able to sing during the performances.  Parents/friends are also invited.

The group who will go to the Probus on 26th January is practising along with the Junior Choir on Tuesday after school and sometimes at lunch time.  This visit is during school time, and those involved have been given letters already.

Primary 6A

We have had another  busy week in school.

Ramsay – In maths we were learning the six times table, and for homework we did a worksheet to help us with our learning.

Isla – This morning we were all involved in the Big Balbardie Blether.  We were talking about how much we know about the eight indicators of Health and Well-being.  Louise’s group said that we were doing really well with the Achieving indicator.

Ben – Yesterday, Bathgate Academy’s drama group came to school and performed its pantomime, ‘Jack and the Not Beanstalk’. It was good and I understood the jokes!

Louisa – In maths, I was counting in tens and twenties and counting backwards in tens.  After the holidays my BIG news was the I am a BIG sister.  Orla is now two weeks old!

Gemma Mc – we had our first after-school character rehearsal for ‘The Rocky Monster Show’ yesterday.  Louise thought it went really well and we had fun.  We worked with others from the other class and we are learning about them as well as learning our parts for the show.

Dinosaur Eggs


We were so surprised to come into the classroom yesterday morning to find a nest of dinosaur eggs on the table!

Akasha – They began to hatch and we played with the dinosaurs. We each got a turn to gently try and get the dinosaur eggs to hatch.

Kyle – We were trying to get the dinosaurs out.

Brandon – The baby dinosaurs tails hatched out of the eggs.

Luis – We read the story “Harry and his dinosaurs go to school”

Tiana – Harry took his dinosaurs to school and he put them in a bucket outside the classroom.

Akasha – Harry took his dinosaurs out of the bucket and they said “RAHHHHH!!”

Orlaith – If we weren’t hatching the eggs, we got to colour in a picture of the and write what they were called.




Article 28: We have the right to an education


We looked at maths from a different  angle this week……in fact we learned how to measure and draw them!

It was pretty straight forward (oh dear!) James

From my angle it looked good (ooooh!)  Aaron

A cute (!) time was had by all!!

These jokes are quite obtuse…..Meadow.

We also went to the panto this week (Oh yes we did!). The pupils from Bathgate Academy entertained us with Jack and the Wrong Beanstalk.

It was awesome    – Brooke

The cow was moo-rvellous! -Valerija

We also learned some Scot’s language this week and learned our Scot’s Poems too.  Iona, Jack and Ryan were picked to go forward into the school competition.  Good Luck guys!

P5b get to grips with the three Rs

This week we have been gathering lots of interesting facts about Queen Victoria. We will use this information in Writing to create a biography. We have been developing the key skills of an effective reader as we enjoy our class novel – Chimney Child. This week, in Reading, we focused on developing mental images and asking questions about the text.

In Maths (in the olden days – when Mrs Mackenzie and Mrs McClafferty were at school – this was called Arithmetic) we are developing our multiplication skills – both mental and written. We very quickly realised just how important it is to know our times table facts. We will work very hard on them to participate in our weekly Beat the Clock challenge.

Pupil of the Week: Stacey


From the Blog Post Box:

This week I was proud of…

Mark because he has been a good friend and has included me in his games.            Steven

Casey because of her Queen Victoria portrait.               Luca

Greig for listening well in class.                     Callum

…my friend Skye because she got 5 stickers on the WOW Walk for Handwriting!                   Fiona

…my cat Tom because he made it home with a broken leg.               Jamie


Article 28
You have the right to a good quality education.


p3/2 Happy New Year

p3/2 wish everyone a Happy New Year! We are all looking forward to a new beginning in 2016. We have looked back at some of our fantastic successes and building on them to  create a wonderful future. We recognise that sometime we need to work really hard but when we do we get better results. We also said that pracising new things help us learn. This term we will be pracising our multiplication tables and lots of us choose to practise them this week.

Mrs Hay gave us a gift and we put it in our Golden Time Cupboard. We enjoyed playing with the twigs, cork and bark. (if anyone picked up a little mouse can they bring it back on Monday please.)

Class Dojo Winner: Rory

We are learning a Scottish poem: Street talk. Here is a link to it. http://www.educationscotland.gov.uk/resources/k/kistscotslanguage/texts/streettalk/index.asp (words below)

We also like

Da says I ett like a grumphie,
Ma says I’ve the sense o a flee,
Gran says I’m the cat’s pyjamas,
Bit I say I’m jist me!

There was a rammie in the street,
stishie and stramash.
The crabbit wifie up the stair
Pit up her winda sash.
“Nou what’s adae?” the wifie cried,
“Juist tell me what’s adae.”
A day is twinty-fower hours, missis,
Nou gie us peace to play.
“Juist tell me what’s ado,” she cried,
“And nane o yer gab,” cried she.
D’ye no ken a doo’s a pigeon, missis?
Nou haud yer wheesht a wee.
“I want to ken what’s up,” she cried,
“And nae mair o yer cheek, ye loun.”
It’s only yer winda that’s up, missis.
For guidsake pit it doun.

Happy New Year from Class M!!!

It has been the Christmas holidays. We have been off school for 2 weeks. In Class M on our first day back we had a reflection target to ask someone else a question about their holidays.

Cailtin asked Aiden what he done during his holidays. Aiden said he played his Xbox and that in March he is going to Legoland. In March he will be staying in a hotel in London with his Mum and visiting Legoland on day one of his holiday. He is getting the train to London. He might buy some Lego from Legoland. He will explore London the rest of the time he is there and visit most of the tourist sites.

Aiden asked Dylan about his Christmas holidays. Dylan said he played his PS VITA and his Xbox. Dylan got his PS VITA on Boxing Day. He got a toy cross bow in his stocking at his Dads. He tells us about how it works.

Joe asked Caitlin what she got for Christmas. Caitlin tells us she got a Minecraft top and diamond pick axe. She got a new swimming bag, costume and towel. Her costume has princesses on it. She got a new water bottle. She got a Minecraft Steve with lots of diamond on it.

Adam asks Joe what he done for his Christmas holidays. Joe tells us he done some painting over the holidays. He painted eggs and dipped his hand in to make handprints. He has also been to the park. Joe tells us he got a ski-scooter for his Christmas.

Dylan asks Adam what he got for his Christmas. He says he got a Wii U and Xbox One. He got some games for these. Super Mario maker and Yoshies Wolly World games for the Wii.

The adults are really impressed with all the good sharing of information and listening to each other!

In class M there are 4 birthdays between December and January so on Friday we had a little party for everyone who had a birthday. 🙂

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We want to wish everyone a healthy and happy 2016!!!


Welcome Back Class G!

We are all very happy to be back. Everyone had a fantastic holiday! We have settled back into school and this week we have been learning about recipes. We made chocolate cornflake cakes and had to write a recipe for this. We are making our own recipe book as part of Health and Wellbeing.


David – I liked making some chocolate cornflakes and putting them into paper cases.


Gabriel – I am glad to be back at school so I can play outside with my friends. I like Jayden and Lewis. I taught my class to count to 5 in Korean.


Jayden – I love making chocolate cornflake cakes. We made them to go in our recipe books. I shared my cakes with my brothers.


Logan – I enjoyed Golden Time. I chose the Wii.


Jake – I am glad to be back so that I can play with the power rangers but I like my holidays.



Lewis – Yesterday we learnt all about the Gingerbread Man.


Welcome back P4/3 !

This has been a short week back to school after our Christmas holidays…we have been busy getting back into work mode !

Primary 3 were all very lucky to take part in a NYCOS workshop – leaflets were handed out on the day.

All children now have their Scots poem to learn by Thursday 14th January when 3 finalists from the class will be chosen to take part in school final on Monday 18th January-good luck everyone !

The class started The gingerbread man in Scots this week with Mrs Innes in Expressive Arts…sounds so much fun !

Here are our comments….

We liked coming back to school and seeing  our friends and beginning fun work again-Mia,Alfie G. Sophie,Sophia, Teighan

We liked the NYCOS Workshop where we played fun games and sang songs – Alfie B., Robert, Denholm, Euan

We liked Cosmic Yoga it was set in Australia this week-Jess,Megan, Gemma, Sam, Oliver, Emma, Connor

I liked the indoor club with Mrs Mallin-Ben

I’ m looking forward to hearing from my pen pal in New York-Erin

We liked everything since we came back to school-Kiara, Lauren

We liked learning our Scottish poems-Suvi, Jason

When P3 went to the NYCOS Workshop I liked having Mrs Hay-Ava

diary dates

Scots Poetry competition final Monday 18th January

Curricular evening Monday 18th January 6pm onwards

Residential meeting for P4s Thursday 28th January 6pm



You have the right to a good quality education. You should be encouraged to go  to schol to the highest level you can.

Have a lovely weekend everyone !





P4b wb 4.1.16

Baillie, Karys, Brodie, James and Grace: We enjoyed doing art inspired by Charles Rennie Mackintosh this week

Lucy M, Finn and Breanna: We enjoyed learning a Scottish dance this week

Eva and Ava: We liked learning different Scots words this week

Robbie: I like learning about Charles Rennie Mackintosh and doing Scottish dancing

Isla, Olivia and Aidan: We enjoyed doing Charles Rennie Mackintosh art, learning Scots words and doing Scottish dancing

Rachael and Emma : We enjoyed working with a partner this week to solve money problems in maths

Sophie: I enjoyed reading this week

Arran, Kelsey, Keira and Lucy R:  We found art challenging this week but  we enjoyed it!

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Looking forward to a busy 2016!

This term we are looking forward to:
Marley – playing with the ipads.
Nina – buddy time
Liam – learning my phonics.
Sarah – learning my bigger numbers.
Maddison – working in my jotter
Grace – playing with my buddy
Harris – learning my sounds because I like phonics.
Noah – playing outside in the playground.
Daniel – learning my numbers bigger than 20.
Alysheeya – playtime with my friends.
Jess – seeing my buddies again.
Dionne – playing with my buddy
Evie – learning my numbers
Keira – doing work with my buddies, especially games.
Ava – coming to school to learn more numbers
Elise – learning more about numbers.
Esther – buddy time with the Primary 7s
Skye – learning to skip
Leon – learning more sounds in phonics
Alex – playing with my buddy
The children have come back to school with lots of wonderful stories about their holidays and all the special things they have done. They are also really keen to carry on their learning which is fabulous!
Article 28 – The right to an education.

The Gruffalo in Scots!

We have been learning some Scottish words this week in school. First, we read the story of “The Gruffalo”. Then, we read it another day in Scots. We really enjoyed hearing all the Scottish words.

In groups, we were given one Scottish word from story “The Gruffalo in Scots” and we had to discuss what we thought the meaning of the word was. Then, we were given Scottish words and had to find the word that said what it meant.
Akasha – I was given the word ‘mirk’. It meant ‘dark’
Eden – My word was ‘cheerio’ and that meant ‘goodbye’
Lucas – ‘hoolet’ means ‘owl’
Orlaith – My word was ‘neb’ and that means ‘nose’
Kyle – ‘jags’ meant ‘spikes’ on the Gruffalo’s back
Isla – My word was ‘dumfoonert’ and that meant terrified or confused
Tiana – My word was ‘dippet’ and that means silly

We are looking forward to learning more Scottish words and more about Scotland’s heritage.

Article 28: You have the right to an education


Even although it was a short week for us, there was still lots of learning going on!  We started our week with sharing our New Year Resolutions and vowed to try hard and stick with them. We had everything from eating more fruit, less sweets to improving even more in Maths!

Rehearsals are in full flow for our show this term and we are now rehearsing without our scripts – scary but fun!  We have some amazing singers in our class and can’t wait for March to come so that we can share it with you.

Finally just a wee rmeinder to return slips for our Curriculum Evening.



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