P1c – This week I…..

P1c have worked really hard this week learning a lot about dinosaurs and so many other things.
These are some of the things they have enjoyed the most:
Sarah – We have been learning our lines from the assembly.
Nina – We learned that some dinosaurs are herbivores and some are carnivores.
Liam – Some dinosaurs are plant eaters.
Emma – we watched P1bs assembly today and it was really good!
Jess – I liked learning which dinosaurs were herbivores and which were carnivores.
Isla – We have been learning to control our bodies and make different shapes in P.E.
Daniel –We have learnt lots of new sounds ‘ff, ss, zz, ll’
Esther – I have learnt to tell the time with o’clock and half past.
Keira – I like learning about what the dinosaurs eat because my granddad told me all about the names and I knew a bit about them.
Alex – I have learnt about dinosaurs. We made diplodocus on Wednesday with Mrs Laidlaw.
Dionne – We are learning a dinosaur song for our assembly. It is good fun!
Elise – We learnt ‘ar’ in phonics.
Ryan – I can tell the time with o’clock times.
Harris – I like doing writing.
Marley – I learn the ‘d’ sound. Dad starts with a ‘d’.
Leon – I was happy to get pupil of the week.
Evie – I liked learning about the t rex. They are meat eaters and ate other dinosaurs.
Maddison – I have learnt to spell words starting with ‘d’.
Ava – I know that when the big hand is at 12 it is o’clock. When the big hand is on the 6, it is half past.
Grace – I can tell the time with o’clock and half past times.
Skye – I have been learning about bigger dinosaurs.
Pupil of the week – Leon for his excellent work blending and writing words beginning with ‘d’.


Wishing you all a very happy long weekend.

What I love learning about in P4/3

Our comments about learning in P4/3

We love Science ….that is Magnetism at the moment-Ben,Connor, Sophia, Emma, Oliver, Teighan, Sophie, Jason

We love the Gathering on a Monday morning-Suvi,Liam

We love Drama-Mia, Alfie G. ,Robert, Erin, Megan, Lauren,Gemma

I love French-Ava

I love learning my times tables-Kiara

We love our new style of Golden Time-Jess, Alfie B.

We love Assemblies on a Friday morning-Euan, Sam

Learning is fun and is done in all areas of the Curriculum in lots of different ways…

Please remember to return green form and payment for our trip to the visitor centre at South Queensferry as soon as you can.

Have a super holiday weekend 🙂

See you all back on Wednesday 17th February 

Congratulations to:-

Star writers- Kay, Mia, Gemma and Ben for super Pet leaflets

Pupil of the week-Sophie



Another great week in P5a!

We have been learning how to use a dictionary this week and we now feel much more confident with this. We were also learning about synonyms and for this we used a thesaurus. We noticed that the earlier work we did with the dictionary helped us when it came to using the thesaurus.

In maths this week we have been converting kg into grams and vice versa. Some of us found this a little tricky at the start but we are all feeling very confident with this now. We are also able to determine which unit of measure we would use to weigh different things.


We made a thumatrope this week. A thumatrope is a toy that Victorian children would have made and played with.

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Most exciting of all this week was our Victorian classroom afternoon.

Eva – I liked the desks being single

Cole – you could get the cane if you were slouching and had your elbows on the table

Lucy M – you had to listen very carefully because the teacher wouldn’t keep repeating things

Harvey – I didn’t like having to sit up straight

Here are some pictures –

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Have a great long weekend !!

P2A’s week

We welcomed a new teacher to our class.  Welcome Miss Owens.  We are really looking forward to learning new exciting things.

In our maths groups we have been learning our times tables.  The spheres have been busy learning their 2 and 5 times tables and the Cylinders have been busy learning the 2,3,5 and 10 times tables.

Next week we will be learning the 4 times table and we will be setting ourselves some challenges.

With Miss Owens we have been learning more about Chinese New Year and we made wonderful Chinese Lanterns.

Some of us are really excited to be on reading chapter books in our reading groups.

In French this week we learned how to say Bon Appetit and we learned how to say the names of some fruit and vegetables.

Achievements this week

Ruby has been learning how to make really tall models.

Samuel has been busy making lego models

Luke, Samuel, Lucas and Cameron made a robot as tall as them.

Brooke has started making her own bed.

Maisie, Tamsyn and Tobin are starting at an indoor golf club.

Charlie can now make his own character helmets.

Well done to Kai who is our Pupil of the week.

How big were dinosaurs?

This week we were continuing to learn how big dinosaurs really were. We were so surprised last week when we learned how giant they were, so this week we learned about the size of parts of their bodies.

First, Miss Wilson showed us a life-sized t-rex’s footprint and we had to make predictions about how many of our own footprints would fit inside! Miss Wilson also showed us a footprint of a brachiosaurus and a stegosaurus’ plate. Some children guessed around 20 of our footprints would fit inside these, some children estimated that 155 of our footprints would fit inside!

Next, we drew around our footprints on a bit of paper and cut them out. Then we decorated them and stuck them on one of the life-sized prints.

We discovered that 25 of our footprints fitted into the t-rex’s giant footprint!

We discovered that 43 of our footprints fitted into the brachiosaurus’ giant footprint!

We discovered that 27 of our footprints fitted into the giant stegosaurus’ plate that would be on his back!

We really enjoyed this activity and learned even more about how big these dinosaurs really were.

We are looking forward to showing you what we have been learning at our class assembly on Friday 4th March. Our assembly will begin at 9:15am so try to get there earlier if you would like a seat 🙂

Article 28: We have the right to an education


Science – this week we had a shockingly good time learning about circuits and electrical charges.  We  built and learned about parallel and series circuits.

Jamie – Our circuits weren’t up to Formula 1 standard! (bad joke Jamie!)

We are now charged up to share our learning…….

Maths – we used different stations to consolidate our maths learning this week and showed how we do this to Mrs Gray.  She said she was ‘blown away’ with how well we did and how hard we work.

Art – we learned how to use blocks of colour to create pictures/scenes, and showed off our new skills in our wall display.

Music – we had a fabulous time at Rock Voice and learned how to sing different songs at the same time, and what we use to sing.

A busy fun-filled week – now for a wee rest with our couple of days off.



This week we have not had choir as some of primary six pupils were recorded for their show on Tuesday…. and today starts the holiday weekend.
There will be some disruption to choir rehearsals due to the primary six show, so it’s important to check the blog for information. There will be a letter sent out with changes too.

No Junior Choir on Tuesday, due to the holiday. The Senior Choir will be on next Friday, 19th February. We will concentrate on the hymns for the end of term Church Service, and begin to look forward to those choir members who would like to take the opportunity to be part of the choir’s musical theatre sessions.
These will take place on a Friday from 12.15 – 2.45p.m. each week. Children will need a packed lunch for this…. more information to follow.

The Junior Choir will sing in Church at the end of term assembly!

Primary 6A

Another busy week for Primary 6A!
In our language and literacy work we have been concentrating on persuasive writing. We were writing to Mr Welsh to either keep or get rid of homework. Scott wanted to get rid of homework because we learn what we are doing for homework all week in class – it’s repeating what I already know!
Ellie – In maths we are continuing to work with angles and using protractors.
In PE we are continuing with learning about basketball – this week we learned how to dodge and how to throw accurately.
In science we were designing games for our primary one buddies. Scott designed a game about measurement and he used a wire and an electrical circuit to highlight the right answer.
Our drama work this week has seen the Tuesday cast perform the whole show…..pretty impressive if we say so ourselves! We need to remember to look over our scripts regularly because it’s easy to forget our dialogue.
Have a fabulous holiday weekend – we know we will!

Pod Squad Blog

Hope you enjoy them…

Jay’s Dino Facts…Tyrannosaurus rex


All facts from this section are accurate as of 2016.

1. Contrary to popular belief the Tyrannosaurus rex actually had feathers, we know this as many of its relatives were feathered.
2. The tyrannosaurus rex lived about 65 million years ago in the Cretaceous period.
3. Unlike what Jurassic park lead us to believe the tyrannosaurus rex actually had pretty good vision so if you ever see one don’t stand still…it will still eat you!
4. The word Tyrannosaurus actually stands for tyrant lizard while the word Rex means king in Latin.
5. Along with Stegosaurus and Iguanodon Tyrannosaurus rex was one of the 3 dinosaurs that inspired Godzilla’s design.

Freya’s Pirate Party

This week my blog is about Blackbeard
1. He was born as Edward tech💋
2.He spent some time sailing on privateers 💋
3 He was born in England in 1680💋


Jamie’s Football Facts

5 things abut Ronaldo. next week it will be Naymar.o
1.His full name is Cristiano Ronaldo.
2.Ronaldo best friend is Marseol.
3.🚀 He was the fastest player in his team but Bale is more fast.
4. He has a tattoo on his arm it’s a star.
5. He is the best player at taking free kicks.

Paige’s Awesome Blog

This week my blog is about cars


the first car was invented in 1885

the fastest car was called Thrust 

lt had been raced at l, 226 kph

A car must have 3 or 4 wheels

Too many cars can make a traffic jam

Greig’s Amazing Info

Greig’s smashing facts about lamborghini’s
1st. Girls find them attractive and boys well it’s there dream car.
2nd. Lamborghini’s are one of the fastest car in the world the fastest would be the bughati 
3rd. Most kids dream car would be either a Lamborghini or the bughati veyron.
4th. Most Lamborghini cars had a v12 engine except the gallardo which has a v10 engine.
5th. The owner of the Lamborghini drove a ferrari before making the Lamborghini.
Hope you enjoyed the five facts about Lamborghini’s bye see you next week.

Dyllan’s Car Mayhem

This week my blog is about the jaguar xk120
1.the c-tipe was the successful racing version of the xk120 
2.1950 an xk120 wins the tourist trophy race
3.1954 production ends after 12,000 cars are bult.


Gingerbread Man runs away from Class G!!!

It has been a very busy week in Class G. Today we had our performance of the Gingerbread Man on the stage. We performed to some teachers, pupils and Mr Welsh. We have been practising very hard and our show went well. We had learnt how to make Gingerbread men and we had these after the show. It was fantastic. Our singing was brilliant. We have also been learning about Shrove Tuesday and we added Pancakes to our recipe books. Miss Garland was rubbish at making pancakes but it was ok because Mrs McNeill came to the rescue. They were delicious.

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Jayden – I enjoyed drawing in my snack class. I enjoyed taking part in the Class G show The Gingerbread Man.


Lewis – I enjoyed making gingerbread men and decorating then with the icing. I liked singing on the stage during our show.


Gabriel – I liked being the fox in the Gingerbread Man Show. I liked how we made gingerbread men and I enjoyed eating them.


David – I enjoyed making pancakes. I had syrup on my pancake.


Jake – I liked making pancakes. I liked the gingerbread performance on the DVD.


Busy Week in Class O

Cameron: I was very proud to recievie an award from Mr Welsh for super work!


Cameron: Mrs Mallin and practised my words and sentence building by playing lots of games with my word cards. I really enjoyed silly sentences.

Yolie: I made salt dough and used it to make my spelling words.


Jamie: I worked with Aiden and we were comparing schools in Victorian times with school today. School then was very strict. In the Sensory Room Miss Robertson was a very good Victorian teacher.

Yolie: We joinded with Class m to learn more about the Victorians. I enjoyed learning about toys with Mrs Mallin in the Victorian Toy Shop.


Yolie: I was learning about making different values of money using lots of coins.

Cody: I enjoyed pretending to be the shop keeper and working out how much change people should get.


Pod Squad

This week we were learning about the Chinese New Year which was on Monday. This is the year of the Monkey. We learned about how the different animals were chosen and we researched which animal year we were born in. Then we used the internet to find out our names in Mandarin and created some artwork using Chinese characters. Finally we learned about how chopsticks are used and had our own little chopstick challenge!




What did dinosaurs eat?

When we were planning for our learning context of Dinosaurs, we wanted to know what they ate.  This afternoon we pretended to be palaeontologists and studied dinosaurs’ teeth.  We concentrated on the differences between herbivores and carnivores.  We made models of the two different teeth, flat molars and pointy canines, as those were the teeth we saw in fossilised skulls.  We used flour to pretend it was another dinosaur and dropped our model teeth into it.  We then carefully measured how deep they went.  We learned that the pointy teeth went in deeper and so carnivores, dinosaurs that ate meat, had lots of pointy teeth.


Some herbivores had comb like teeth, like the diplodocus.  They would strip the leaves and swallow them without chewing.  To help them digest their food they may have swallowed stones to help them break up and digest their food, as some birds do today.  We tried this using lettuce.  When we shook the cup with the lettuce and stones the lettuce did get mushier.


P4b 5.2.16

Rachael and Eva: We enjoyed reading this week. We were looking for nouns in our reading books.

Millie, Emma, Kelsey, Lucy R, Breanna, Liam and Baillie: We enjoyed P.E this week, it was fun!!

Arran, James, Isla, Aidan, Keira, Ava, Grace and Sophie: We loved doing star wars yoga this week. We learned lots of new yoga poses and how to say ‘Namaste’.

Finn: I liked French this week. I learned how to put French days of the week in order.

Karys, Robbie, Rachael and Lucy M: We enjoyed learning more about symmetry and making Mandala designs in art.

Demi: I enjoyed maths this week. We were learning to sequence numbers to 10000.

Lots of new ways of learning in P4/3

Busy days in P4/3….We learned that there are magnets in cows …imagine that !

We also learned a shepherd called Magnes discovered magnetism about 4000 years ago in Ancient Greece.

Our writing this week was creating a leaflet about Caring for a pet…We all worked so hard to produce neat, colourful easy to read leaflets.

In Maths we have been consolidating our times tables(the Hexagons) , measuring accurately with a metre stick (the Rectangles) or a ruler( the Pentagons). We have also been working on our Mental Maths strategies.

Our comments:-

We liked the comic strips this week on Dennis the menace-Euan,Kay

We liked making the poster on Magnetism-Ben,Oliver,Sophia,Ava

We liked PE this week working with Mr Jeffries-Megan, Lauren,Erin

We liked the new style of Golden time-Jason,Alfie G., Jess

We enjoyed Mental Maths with Miss Davidson-Suvi, Liam

I liked the speedy Maths times table activity this week-Sam

I liked working with other P4s on Maths this week-Sophie

We liked doing the Gingerbread Mannie-Kiara, Alfie B, Connor, Robert

I liked doing my part of the Gingerbread Mannie in Scots-Teighan

I like being Mrs Moore in the Gingerbread Mannie-Mia

I was Star writer this week -Denholm


Denholm, Lauren and Sophie..Well done all



The Valentine’s Disco Wednesday 10th February

4.30pm-6pm P1-3

6.30-8pm P4-7










Victorian Life in P5b

Context for learning

This week we were comparing Victorian toys to the toys we play with today. We identified what materials they were made of, who used them and if it was a toy that used skill, imagination or exercise. We decided that Victorian toys are initially fun to play but we could easily get bored of them after a while. We also realised that most Victorian toys were handmade or made from wood. Whereas, a lot of the toys we play with today are made of plastic and are electronic. We realise how lucky we are because we have such a wide variety of choice compared to what Victorian children had.


This week we prepared some open-ended questions to ask underage chimney sweeps. We wanted to know what it was like to work in the chimneys. We then used these questions to interview the chimney sweeps. We used the hot seating drama convention to do this. Luca, Fiona and Casey acted as Jeff, Vic and Courtney and told us what is was like to work in the chimneys.

They told us:

‘I got stuck up the chimney once and it took me hours to squeeze myself out.’

‘I do not get paid. I only get some bread and milk when I have my daily break.’

‘I need to work in the chimneys because I need to help feed my family.’

‘I am 10 and I have been working as a chimney sweep since I was 6.’

We are now going to include this information in our newspaper articles on underage chimney sweeps.

By P5b and Miss McClements

From the Blog Post Box:

Something new I learned this week was…

…that when you divide Tens and Ones you start with the Tens. When adding, subtracting and multiplying you start with the Ones!                  Steven

…what N/A means and that you can use it when completing a survey.                   Casey

…how to divide with remainders.                              Gary

…that they didn’t have any plastic toys in Victorian times.                            Archie

…the 12 times table.        Emma


Pupil of the Week: Murray



Article 28

You have the right to a good quality education.


Gong Hey Fat Choy!

This week we have been learning a little bit about the Chinese New Year.
Evie – We saw Chinese lanterns which are red.
Daniel – The Chinese people celebrate New Year in January or February every year.
Grace – The children receive money in a red envelope.
Harris – Red is a special colour for the Chinese new year. It is a lucky colour.
Ava – With Mrs McClafferty we made tigers because we were born in the year of the tiger.
Isla – Mrs McClafferty read us a story about the animals of the Chinese zodiac.
In Maths, we have been learning to tell the time. We can read o’clock times now!
Pupil of the week was Maddison for her excellent efforts in addition.
Dojo winners – Nina


This week we watched ‘Brave’ to end our Scottish topic.  We are looking forward to starting our new topic about Dungeons and Dragons.

In our maths work we have started learning our 2 and 5 times tables and have been busy practising our games.

Next week starts Chinese New Year and it is the year of the Monkey. We learned that the Dragon Dance wards off evil spirits and we made super dragon masks for our puppet theatre.  We will be learning about the Lion Dance next week.

Achievements this week

Brooke has moved up to level 2 in gymnastics

Charlie has won a football trophy

Tamsyn and Maisie entered a golf competition and came second place

Pupil of the week-Brooke

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