P2A’s week

In class this week we have been learning about the symbols of Easter and writing about what we would have in our Easter baskets.

As part of our Dragon and Castles topic we made dragons and dragon masks to use in our learning.

We were introduced to another little dragon this week called Zog, and he helped us to write about a dragon escaping from the dungeons.

We continue to add to our classroom castle and we have now made blocks for the outside of our castle walls.

We had fun making playdo dragons and Komodo dragons with Miss Owens.

In our French work this week we learned the names of animals and we had fun playing some games.

In our maths work we were introduced to playing Bingo with our times tables, and we look forward to playing this again to help us get faster at getting the right answers.

Achievements this week

Well done to new step 4 people-Charlie, Evan, Lily, Jodie and Ruby.

New Golden Club members-Shelbi, Arran, Luke, Lucas, Cameron and Brooke

Well done to Murray-MVP for P.E

Murray took a yellow grading in Tae Kwon Do

Maisie and Tamsyn are looking forward to going to a golf tournament-we wish them good luck.

Jodie is going for her red belt grading in Tae Kwon Do

Ellis is now reading stage 6 books

Well done P2A


P4/3 are working to their potential

We have been very busy learning about Magnetism, The Easter Story, A tour aroon Scotland, The loch Ness Monster myth, Reading for information, Our Emotions at The Gathering, Book Week and Symmetry in Maths to name just a few !

Alfie, Sophie, Kiara, Euan, Jason- In Drama we were practising the Easter Songs and we started a play that had a twist

Sophia, Lauren, Megan, Connor- In Drama this week we were given parts for a new play

Mia, Gemma, Liam, Denholm, Robert,Ben-This week we were writing newspaper articles about The Loch Ness Monster. We had to write if we thought it was real or not !

Emma, Kay, Jess, Alfie B., Sam- We liked The P1a Assembly on dinosaurs today. We were part of the quality audience

Teighan-I liked dressing up as Mackenzie from” Dork Diaries” because it was Dress Down Day and you could be a book character

Suvi- I dressed up as Maid Marion from ” Robin Hood” today as it was Dress Down Day and also Book Week

Ava- I liked being dressed in my normal clothes today for Dress Down Day….I paid my £1 !

Oliver, Erin- We  liked our little sisters ‘ Assembly this morning on Dinosaurs


Shared Start Tuesday 8th March…come if you can …we’ d love to see you !

Have a super weekend…Happy Mother’s day !







P1a class assembly

Today was our class assembly! We were very excited to tell everyone what we have been learning about dinosaurs.

There were some boys and girls dressed as dinosaurs and some boys and girls dressed as palaeontologists. Everyone looked great!

In our assembly:
– I liked when we said “That’s the endosaurus!” (Lexi)
– I liked dressing up as a palaeontologist. (Kyle)
– I liked singing the songs. (Eden)
– I liked Isla’s part. (Elena)
– I liked my part when I was a tricerotops and I liked singing the songs. (Akasha)
– I was a pterodactyl. (Orlaith)
– I liked when I said my part. (Isla)

Article 29: We have the right to showcase our talents and abilities

Creative Class O

We have been busy learing about the things we do well and the things that make us us this week. We have used technology, craft, music and construction to help us. Look at how creative we have been!

We have also been investigating floating and sinking. We used an orange to help us find out more about this.

Liam: I liked using the DS to have some relaxing time.

Jamie: I enjoyed using the marble run. I made a very tall and twisty run. Mrs O’Neill had to hold it steady as it was so big.

Yolie: I enjoyed dancing and dressing up to music. Science was fun. We were seeing if an orange floats or not.

Cameron: I loved using the marble run to build a huge tower. It was so tall Mrs O’Neill had to put the marble in for it to work becasue no one else could reach it. Science was good fun this week. We were trying to find out what happened to an orange in water with and without it’s skin on.

Callum and Cody: We enjoyed working together to make characters and share our ideas.


We are excited about our rehearsals moving to the Academy now and are gearing up for show time!  We can’t wait until the curtain comes up!

In maths we have been learning about Symmetry and mirroring each others shapes and actions – the only time we have been allowed to copy each other!

Hollywood came to 6B this week as we shot our movies.  We are having a Premiere before Easter where we will get to watch each others.

Pod Squad Blog

Hope you enjoy them…

Freya’s Blog Party

This week is going to be about Victorian toys 


(1.) Tiddlywinks It was played in the victorian era.

(2.) Ball in a cup was played. I think it so much fun.

(3.)  Poor people had to use a pigs bladder as a football.

(4.)  Families played knots & crosses.

(5.) Rocking horses were popular in the victorian times 👄👄💅

Jamie’s Football Facts

Today i am talking about footballer and commentary Alan Smith.


1.He was a footballer but he is an commentary.

2.He was born on 1962 21 November in Hollywood.

3.He played for Leicester city before he joined Arsenal.

4.His full name was Alan Martin Smith.

5.He is 6ft 3. 

Paige’s Awesome Blog

This week my blog is about horses 


1. Did you know that there  are  around 100 types.

2. Some of the colours are  brown, black,grey and white.

3. Did  you know  that  horses can  grow up to  2metres.

4. They can  weigh up to 1200kg.

5. They can live for up to 20 to  30 years.

Greig’s Amazing Info

This week my blog is about me.


1. My name is Greig I love mince and potatoes.

2. I like boxing and sports riding scooters and bikes.

3. My best friend is called Dylan.

4. My favourite bike is a mongoose.

5. I like dirt bikes too my favourite is a yamaha.

Dyllan’s Blog Mayhem

This week my blog is about the motorbike.


1. Modern  motorcycles can travel very fast.

2. It was invented in 1869.

3. It was produced in 1885.

4. They were first raced on a track in 1897.

5. They don’t get stuck in traffic and they use less fuel. 

James’ racing blog

This week my blog is about Ferrari 


1,Ferraris are fast.

2,Ferrari is a racing car.

3,Ferraris can go 117 miles per hour .

4,The Ferrari has a horse on the badge.

5, Lots of people think Ferraris are cool.


P5b just want to say….


This week we started preparing for our trip to New Lanark. We learned about Robert Owen and what he did during his time at the New Lanark Mills. We learned that he was a social reformer who changed the working conditions for people in the mills. He gave children the opportunity to go to school and he reduced the length of the working day. We discussed how to write down information into our own words and we used this skill to create a poster about Robert Owen.

Health and Wellbeing

We did outdoor hockey this week and we were focusing on our passing and shooting skills. We played a mini tournament at the end of the lesson and we were all very competitive!

We continued learning about how to deal with problems in the playground. This week we look at what to do when someone is being excluded. We used drama to act out different scenarios and we discussed if the group had chosen to respond in a weak, cool or aggressive way. We learned that sometimes the manner in which we say things can make a big difference to the outcome of the situation. We realise that if we ask someone nicely and politely if we can join in with a game then they are more likely to say yes, compared to asking them in an angry manner.


In maths the Pentagons and Squares continued their work on decimals. We were learning how to add and subtract decimals. We used the column method to work out these sums. The Triangles continued their work on division and learned how to divide by 5. We all practiced our times tables and we started to learn the 7 times table. We found out that we already knew some of the 7 times tables as we know that 5 x 7 is the same as 7 x 5 and we know that 7 x 2 is the same as 2 x 7.

By P5b and Miss McClements

From the Blog Post Box:

This week I want to say…

…..thank you to Callum for bringing me up when I’m down.       Jamie

……thank you for giving me the privilege of learning.       Casey

……thank you to Miss Elliot for letting us go to the netball tournament.     Aidan

……thank you to Harry for always being cheerful.    Jack

…..thank you to Luca for being my friend.   Jordan

Pupil of the week: Luca



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Rachael: I enjoyed preparing and giving my class talk on Monday.

Eva and Grace: we enjoyed yoga (Alan the camel) this week.

Daniel, Robbie, Emma and Isla: We liked making a poster about house hold inventions with our co-operative learning groups.

Finn, Baillie and Liam: We enjoyed P.E this week.

Karys, Breanna and Ava: We enjoyed writing this week. We were continuing on the character and setting of our class novel ‘Nelly the Monster Sitter’.

Sophie and Cameron: We enjoyed NYCOS this week. We were learning about rhythm.

Freya: I enjoyed  doing our reading task this week.

Olivia: I enjoyed doing drama games this week.

Kelsey, James, Demi and Lucy R: We liked when Daniel Dillon came in on Thursday.

Lucy M: I enjoyed R.E- we were learning about the seasons.

Millie: I liked gathering this week.








We have been learning so much this week in P7.

In health & wellbeing we learned facts about the heart. Here is some of our learning- there are two sides (chambers) of the heart, one with rich (oxygenated) blood the other side has poor (deoxygenated) blood. The arteries carry oxygenated blood around the body whilst veins carry deoxygenated blood back to the heart. Veins are not actually blue!
We also explored the function of the lungs and wrote an explanation text on this subject.
In drama we are learning slapstick and are really enjoying it!
By Jamie and Leon
Thank you for reading.

Pupil of the week- Dave
Class dojo winner- Kerry
Article 28- Right to an education
Article 24- Right to information to keep you well.


This week we have been continuing our CSI Investigation. We have been learning about handwriting and fibre analysis and used this knowledge to analyse the evidence found at the crime scene. We are now a step closer to discovering who stole the money.

On Wednesday we went to Bathgate Sports Centre for swimming lessons. We worked with an instructor who showed us different techniques. Most people in the class said they made some improvement after the lesson which is great news.

We have been continuing to learn about the body. This week we learned about the function of the lungs. We then used this knowledge to write an explanation text. We had to use diagrams and technical vocabulary to help us explain how the lungs work.

Class Awards:

Class Dojo: Adam


See you next week!


Dinosaur ROAR!

This week we spent some time preparing for our class assembly. We were talking all about dinosaurs and all the things we have learnt. we hope that those of you who managed to come enjoyed it!
Nina – It was great. I enjoyed saying my lines!
Isla – I liked being a T Rex!
Sarah – All our Mummies and Daddies were there. I enjoyed learning about dinosaurs.
Marley – I liked that Mummy could come and see me.
Alysheeya – I liked saying my line because I could remember it!
Liam – I made a dinosaur on a mat.
Harris – I liked when we were all dinosaurs munching our food!
Emma – I liked when I saw Mummy in the dinner hall.



As well as preparing for our assembly, we have done a lot of other learning. In maths we have learnt o’clock, half past and some children have even learnt quarter past – pretty good for P1! We painted dinosaurs in Art and wrote about the dinosaurs dying out in Language.


We were palaeontologists this week. We dug for fossils in the sand, made our own fossils and cut out bones to make a dinosaur skeleton. We also had a dinosaur nest arrive in our classroom with 6 colourful eggs in. We are excavating them to see what is inside……




Pupils of the week – were the entire class for their hard work and excellent performance in the assembly.
Dojo winner – Grace
Article 29 Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full. It must encourage the child’s respect for human rights, as well as respect for their parents, their own and other cultures, and the environment.

P4a Learning

Aidan – We learned about Alexander Graham Bell. He invented the telephone and the metal detector. We had to take notes.
Kayleigh – We learned that Alexander Graham Bell taught in a deaf school and that he invented a metal jacket.
Evie – We learned about Alexander Graham Bell by watching a video, we read information, highlighted important facts, took notes and we then used our learning to make a fact book about him.

Leia – We learned some sign language. We learned how to say our names and other things that we asked. We learned this by asking and copying Mrs Paradies.

Dadirayi – In maths we have been revising adding and subtracting. We have been completing our workbook, playing games and working with the teacher.

Mya – In whole class maths we have been learning about Symmetry. Symmetry is when it is the same. We have been copying patterns and shapes in booklets, we created symmetrical art.

Aaron – In my maths group we have been revising our numbers to 10,000. We have been learning this by completing our workbook, games, iPad and have been working with Mrs Paradies and Miss Davidson.

Kayleigh – My maths group has been learning to multiply a two digit number by 2,3,4,5 timestable.

James – So say it was 3 x 45 you would do 3 x 40 which is 120 and then 3 x 5 is 15 and then you add them together so 120 and 15 is 135.

Grace – In my maths group we have been learning to take away three digit sums using upstairs downstairs sums.

Caitlin – We had to learn that we sometimes cant take away in our column so had to borrow.

Evan – We learned this by completing worksheets that didn’t have any words and then completed a trickier textbook page. We also played games and worked with the teacher doing examples on whiteboards and iPads.

Calvin – At the Hub we were going to have snack and we went through to the staffroom with Mrs White and we made a fruit boat. To make a fruit boat you get some melons, you cut it in half and then you cut wee pieces of it and then you get a wee stick to put fruit on it. To make the sail you get an orange, stick it through then you put it on the middle of the boat melon and put a grape at the top. It was very tasty! Me and Ben served it to other people at Hub and they all enjoyed it! Caidan ate it all and took another one!


We posted a blog last week yet it can’t be found so here is last weeks blog (again) followed by this weeks blog!



Last week-

Maths has been really tricky this week as we have been learning about the 24hr clock. We say that ‘am’ is after midnight and that ‘pm’ is past morning and it’s really helped us with the 24hr clock!

Lennox – the 24hr clock is different to the clock we normally use because it just shows numbers to twelve.

Jenny – you have to add twelve hours on to the pm time to make it 24hrs.

Yasmin – 8 o’clock in the morning is O800 hrs.

We have also been practicing our mental maths skills. We are getting much quicker adding nine to a number and we are all much faster when adding ten to any number.

Our writing this week has been about writing instructions. We made a Victorian theatre and we had to follow verbal instructions then write our instructions down after we made the theatre. We also used the theatres as a focus for writing a play working in pairs. We will finish our playwriting next week and let you know how it went.

Here are some pictures of our theatres-



This weeks blog!!


This week we have been learning about how to write a diary entry. We have been learning about the conventions of writing this way.

Lennox – write short notes.

Rowan- write in the past tense and in chronological order.

Cole – you can use bullet points for things.

Jennie – always have the date.


Maths this week has been building on what we have been learning about time. We have been learning to read journey timetables. We found it quite straight forward when we had to add or takeaway whole hours however it was very tricky when the time differences were more difficult. We had a fun time with rapid fire questions when Mrs D would say a time and then we would have to add or subtract 15mins, 30 mins, 45 mins etc. we all agree this helped us a lot !

We have also been learning how to measure an area in square centimetres. We really got the hang of this very quickly! We know it’ll get harder next week but we are really looking forward to more complicated measure work.

Learning about the lives of Victorian children has been great fun. This week we made peg dolls. They didn’t take long to make but we all had great fun finding different materials to use for clothing and arms etc.

Here are some pictures –

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We did a really fun task on Thursday. We had to works in pairs  using one hand each to make a paper aeroplane. We had to really work together to be successful. Lots of instructions meant intense listening ! Here are some pictures-

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Have a great weekend!!

P2A’s busy week

As part of our Dungeons and Dragons topic we have been learning about the different jobs people used to have when they lived in a Castle.  We learned what Puff the dragon would get up to and we are hoping that he will come back to visit us.

We continued to learn more about symmetry and we made our own shields with symmetrical patterns.

The Spheres maths group have been continuing to practise the 4 times table and have been practising the 3 times table.  We are getting faster at our answers.

We continue to practise our songs and dances for the P2 show which we are looking forward to performing after the Easter holidays.

In RME work with Miss Owens we learned the stages in the Easter story.

Class Dojo winner this week-Mia

Pupil of the week-Mia

Achievements this week

Arran won a football trophy

Jodie is hoping to get a red tag at Tae Kwon Do

Kaycee won a Judo trophy

Mia has started new swimming lessons

Charlie won a baseball trophy

Tamsyn won a go-karting medal

Sophie continues to do well in swimming

Well done to Arran-step 5

Well done to Ruby, Charlie and Evan-step 4

Units of measurement

This week in Primary 1a we have been learning about the different ways you can measure. Some of these are:
– height
– length
– weight
– capacity
We were given different units of measurement to explore the classroom and see if we could find things that length. For example, some of us were given 3 rubbers, some of us were given 5 counting bears and 6 sticks. We really enjoyed exploring the classroom to try and find things of a certain length using our unit of measure.

Here are some pictures of our learning:








Article 28: The right to an educatoin

New Learning in P4/3

We learned lots this week in class, groups  and as individuals.

Here are our comments:-

Sophie, Alfie and Ava said we learned new songs at the choir on Tuesday.

Sophia, Mia, Lauren,Robert learned in Maths that the 9 times tables goes down in units and up in tens with Miss Davidson

We learned the numbers before zero in Maths-Denholm, Gemma

In Science in Magnetism we learned that magnets can attract nails through card-Jason, Erin, Kay, Kiara

In PE we learned that the air you breathe acts as fuel-Emma, Connor

In RME with Mrs Innes we learned about the Easter Story-Megan, Teighan, Liam, Alfie B

We learned the Easter songs- Jess, Oliver, Sam, Suvi,Ben

Have a great weekend everyone !


Home Learning “Environment in a box” due in Monday 29th February

Parental consultation slip returned by Friday 4th March

Dress down day Friday 4th March

Excursion slip and money and signed green form please return as soon as you can







Primary 6A

Well, that’s another week of school almost over…. how quickly it has passed.

Connor – We all went swimming this week. I enjoyed it lots!

Declan – In maths I was doubling three and four digit numbers. It was a little bit tricky to start with.

Zoe – We were taught our dance for the show. It was fun, but a wee bit difficult getting the alternate arms and legs to work!
After school Sarah got it right, and she became ‘Pamela’!

Louise – We used all of the mics on Tuesday during our full rehearsal. It was scary because we had an audience watching us!

Jane – Our art work involved drawing using angles. It was pretty easy to do.

Louisa – Today during Golden Time I completed craft work. I made an Easter basket using foam shapes.

A reminder that we are going to Bathgate Academy next Friday morning. We will travel down by bus. Those being collected from the Academy should be collected at 12.30, and those not will walk back to Balbardie to be collected at 1.00p.m. (approx)


Firstly, apologies for not posting that the Senior Choir is not on today. The children had been told in class twice this week that there would be no choir for three weeks. However, I hadn’t posted a blog saying that and a couple checked the blog this morning and thought it was still on.

Junior Choir is on on Tuesday 1st and 8th March, but not on 15th due to the primary six show.

Class O Experimental Week

In functional writing this week we had to be Scientists and carry out an experiment so we could write a report on what happened. We had so much fun. We were learning about staying safe while experimenting and about chemical reactions by ading mints to cola.

Cameron: When we added the mints to the cola the cola came out the bottle like a volcano.
Cody: The mints and the cola reacted but didn’t go as high in the air as we thought.
Yolie: We put mints in cola to see what happens.

To develop our skills and manners we prepared and had a Victorian Tea Party with Class M. Some of us have been learning about the Voctorians so we were able to combine our skills and knowledge. It was fun experiencing a different type of party.

Yolie: I enjoyed making cakes with Mrs Malln and sandwiches with Mrs Spence.
Cody: I liked making the cake but there was chocolate on it and i don’t like some chocolate.
cameron: This was fun. We made cakes, sandwiches and placemats.

We enjoyed trying French Toast for our snack this week.
Here are our opinions of it:
Cody: It was really bad.
Cameron: It was delicious!
Yolie: It was yummy.
Liam: I tried it nut I didn’t like it.
Callum: Very tasty.

A Victorian Tea Party

This week in Class M we held a Victorian tea party. We all helped to prepare the food, including cakes and sandwiches, then we sat down together with Class O to enjoy it. Here are our thoughts on the tea party.

Joe – The victorian tea party we had was awesome. I was called Benjamin and enjoyed the jam sandwich and cake we had.

Dylan – I made a cake for the victorian tea party. It had chocolate and white icing on it and chocolate sprinkles it tasted yummy.

Adam – I missed the tea party because I was off, but I’m going to make cakes today for Golden Time today instead.

Cary – I think it’s a bad idea to cut the crusts off the sandwiches and that’s where all the nutrients are.

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