Welcome back from P1c

Its been great to welcome the children back and we hope you’ve all had a lovely break.

We’ve been working hard this week learning all sorts of new things.
With Mrs Laidlaw we started talking about the seasons and the sort of weather we can expect during the year.

We have been learning the days of the week in French. This is the song we used to listen to the names of the days.

We have done a bit more work learnig about subtraction and how we can work out subtraction sums. We can use our fingers, counters or number lines.

We also started thinking about being Nature Detectives. We thought about what we can see, smell, hear, taste and touch in our natural environment.

Mr Jeffries came along with a brilliant surprise for us – the MVP award for March was given to Grace.

Article 28 – the right to an education.


What a great week. We are really happy to be back together again after a great holiday!!

This term we will be learning about different theories of how the world came to be. We have begun by looking at the Christian creation story and we will also learn about the Hindu and Jewish creation stories. From this we will then look at the Big Bang theory and Darwin’s theory of Evolution and adaptation.


This week we have been learning to simplify fractions. Before we could be successful with this we had to learn about number factors.

Lennox- I am really enjoying learning how to simplify fractions.

Tom – simplifying fractions is easy now that I know how to find number factors.

Megan – We have learned that you need to find the highest common denominator to simplify fractions.


We have had great fun writing for the young writer competion. Almost all of us wrote short stories and one of us wrote a poem.

Caitlin – writing is easier now because I can use all the things I have been learning about like speech marks.


We are taking part in a world record attempt in June for the largest Djembe drumming ensemble. Chris from Infectious Grooves came in this week to give us our first lesson.

Sam – we are learning ‘fills’ and ‘polyrythms’

Lucie T – we were clapping and chanting the rhythms before we used the instruments.

That’s all for now folks, have a great weekend!

First Week Back in p4a!!!

James – We have been learning about magnets
Kayleigh – We know that there is a magnetic field
Ben – In a magnet there is a north and south pole. If there is a south and south pole they go apart which is called repel. If they are the opposite they stick together which is called attract.
Reece – We learned that there is a magnetic force on earth
Leia – We learned by watching a video which taught us about magnets
Demi Leigh – We then went around the room and then tested what was magnetic and what wasn’t
Isla – We then had to work with our talking partner to design and make a game that used magnets

James – We have been learning about measuring
Demi Leigh – We learned to measure length and we measured our heights
Ben – We had a task to measure different objects
Aaron – Me and Olivia measured the teacher!
Freddie – In my maths group we are beginning to learn the 6 timestable
Leia – We have had talks to do on famous inventors that I enjoyed!

Primary 2b Blog


In literacy this week we have learning more about determining importance in our ‘Reading Detective Mission’.  We listened to a story about a beach and then had to select items that we think would be important for a visit to a beach. We worked in groups and were surprised to find that every group had a different ‘most important item’.  This made us realise that everyone might have different ideas about what is important in a book – we just need to be able to justify our answers!

We have also been redrafting some our writing for the Young Writer Competition.  We really enjoyed trying our best to check our spelling and write using our neatest handwriting.  Our stories are now with Mr Welsh and we are excited to see if anyone in our class is a winner for West Lothian!



We have been symmetry wizards this week and have amazed Mrs Mansfield by how quickly we have managed to learn about different lines of symmetry.  We have been creating symmetrical patterns, completing pictures and sorting shapes to practise our skills.

We also have been adding new actions to our counting games to make them more exciting and are getting much better at skip counting as well as counting backwards and forwards.  We even learned a new game this week called ‘Fizz’ which we really liked playing!!


Tadpole Rag

The class have all been practising their parts for Tadpole Rag and are really looking forward to sharing their songs and dances with an audience.  A letter will be going out shortly with details about getting tickets for the show on the 29th of April (we are performing at the 11.00am show).




Primary 2b



Welcome back after the Easter Holidays.

This week we have been busy redrafting favourite stories for the Young Writer competition.  We found it a challenge to do our best handwriting and presentation.

We have been busy practising our times tables and we are getting faster at our table challenges.

We have had a handwriting focus this week and we are trying our best to write on the line and use capital letters and full stops correctly.

In the gathering we learned how to resolve our conflicts by making good choices.

Achievements this week

Murray got his green belt in Tae Kwon Do

Maisie and Tamsyn are competing in a golf competition

Tamsyn won a medal for her first golf tournament

Kaycee moved up a Judo level

Well done to Luke-MVP for P.E this month

Happy Birthday Cary!

Caitlin – I enjoyed doing PE with mr jeffries and i enjoyed eating carys star wars cake but wish i could have a big bit of cake because it is very very tasty and mrs mcCulloch came to visit to see what our class looks like and mrs welsh came to visit on monday to see us all and i am learning how to do tuck shop with p7s

Aiden – i enjoyed PARTYING in class M the sad thing is I MISED P.E :[  i liked playing with the wii and went to A LOT!!!of intergration i enjoyed it at least and plus a really LOVED my Spring onion crips and OREOS.

Joe – I liked  star wars rebels. my favourite is the droid  army. i enjoyed the party, adam and i had fun in the soft play.

Adam – i liked carys party it was really cool and i had lots of fun playing with joe in the soft play and the party food was good and it was really cool when me and cary and caitlin played with the bouncy ball and it was fun playing with the orbees.

Dylan – I enjoyed painting the five pillars of Islam. I painted the Salah pillar. I had fun at Cary’s party. I went into the soft play with Callum it was good.

Cary – I liked the hot wheels cars that class M gave me for my birthday. I like  Star Wars technology. I enjoyed the new topic with Mrs Innes ‘ Star Wars Rebel’.

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We blasted off into our Space topic this week by designing and describing our own planets.  These are going to be part of our Guide Books which we are looking forward to sharing with you all.

Zoe – I am looking forward to learning about all the different planets

Viggo – I am looking forward to learning about how planets are formed.

Aiden – I want to learn about gravity.

Ryan – I want to know how gravity is made.

Aaron – I want to see what happens on different planets.

Lucy – I am excited to be going on our school trip.

We also completed our Treasure Maps for the Float competition, and can’t wait to hear who has won!

We have also entered five letters into the West Lothian Young Writers Competition – so fingers crossed!


Choir news

The Junior Choir is busy learning songs about the human body. We will also be using percussion instruments during the first block of work.

The Senior Choir – Today, we will begin working on an adaptation of ‘We Will Rock You’. Pamela Logan, choreographer, will begin teaching us our first dance routine, and we will be auditioning for different roles. This block will rely heavily on children working on scripts and solo singing at home. We may need to rehearse scenes after school on a Thursday too. However, when this happens a letter will go home a week in advance. I understand that not everyone will be able to attend extra rehearsals – as we all have very busy lives!

Primary 6A

First week back after the Easter break, and we’re all smiling happily!
Cameron B is so pleased as we have begun to learn about Space – ‘The final frontier’.
Ella – Mr Berginis is teaching us about internet safety.
Isla was telling Mrs Innes about the game the class played with Mr Berginni. It was a bit like ‘Face-off’. We had to say an animal beginning with the letter Mr Berginis said – the letter was P and Isla said pineapple… someone tell Isla that a pineapple is a fruit, please.
Jessie – We have begun learning our Celebrating Success song – strangely enough it’s called ‘Celebration’.
Louise – We also started discussing our class assembly which is on Friday 3rd June.
Scott – We have all been learning how to calculate perimeter and area of shapes.
Ellie – We have moved seats in and have changed our table names. We have a group of aliens, plutopians(?) and two chocolate groups – the galaxies and milky ways!
Keira B – In space we learned about the four gas giants and the rocky planets…. test us!
Louisa – In maths I counted up in tens and twenties – it was tricky!
Another good week in primary 6A.

School Transport for Next Session

It has been confirmed that all pupils requiring school transport next session will need to apply before 6th May 2016. This includes new pupils as well as pupils already receiving transport in buses and taxis. Please be aware that new bus passes and information will be required for next session so it is essential that applications are submitted prior to the deadline as previous passes will not be accepted.

In order to improve the application process a new feature has been created which allows pupils and parents to complete and submit transport applications online through the council website making it quicker and easier to apply. The form can be found at the following web address:


Should you require any further information or have any queries please contact school transport on 01506 282322. 

Learning symmetry in Primary 1a

This week we have been learning about symmetry in our class. We have learned that symmetry means something is the same on both sides of the mirror line.
All of the boys and girls were very excited to use the mirrors and to try and find symmetrical and non-symmetrical objects.
We have created symmetrical butterflies, symmetrical patterns and tried to create symmetrical eggs. We all really enjoyed learning about symmetry with our buddies also!

Article 28: We have the right to an education

Class O Excitement about the new Sofy Play!

Liam: I couldn’t believe it when we had a soft play! I like playing with the toys in there – red cube, trampoline, soft bricks and the roller. My favourite thing is the roller! I like rolling in it.

Cameron: I really like the look of the new soft play. It is great fun to play in and relax. It is so much better than our old one. It is a good place to chill in.

Yolie: I like the soft play. When I jump on the trampoline I can jump high. Inside the tunnel there are mirrors because you can make lots of funny faces.

Cody: The soft play is an amazing space to play and express yourself. The tunnel cube is super.

Callum: Wow! The soft play is great. There is so much to do. I really like building things to be adventurous on. This week I built a slide.

Pod Squad Blog

Hope you enjoy them…

Derri’s Delightful Blog

This week my blog is about Loch Ness.


1. Loch Ness is the second biggest loch by surface area and the largest by volume. 

2. Part of the loch is 812ft deep. 

3. There is one island on the called loch cherry island at fort August.

4.The Loch Ness monsters nick name is Nessie.

5.Loch ness is 22.5 miles long and 1 mile wide.

Freya’s Blog Party

This week is going to be about dinosaurs 


1 Some dinosaurs coudlden see in colour.

2 No human has ever seen a dinosaur.

3 Dinosaurs bones are called fossils.

4 Some dinosaurs used camouflage.

5 No dinosaurs had long fur.

Jamie’s Football Facts

5 facts about Ibrahimović.


1. His full name is Zlatan Ibrahimović.

2. He was born on the 3rd October on 1981.

3. The place of birth Malmõ Sweden.

4. He plays for PSG that stands for Paris Saint-Germain.

5. He is 6ft 5 in 2.

Jay’s Dino Facts

I’m not around this week but I look forward to sharing more facts with you next week.

Dyllan’s Mega Blog

No blog from me this week but look forward to sharing more facts with you next week.

Paige’s Awesome Blog

My blog this  week  is about  Mr Berginis.

mr b

Mr Berginis  likes to run.

His  favourite food is pizza.

He supports Hearts football team.

He likes his family the best.

Sometimes he like to sing on the karaoke.

I think  he is awesome

James’ Radical Blog

This week my blog is about The Pod.


1.There are 8 members in The Pod.

2.We go up stairs after lunch.

3.We have  been learning about emotions.

4.After we do some learning we have choose.

5.We have a behaviour chart.

Greig’s Amazing Info

This week my blog is going to be places to eat in Bathgate.


1. A very famous place McDonalds.

2. Gregg’s bakery i love a pizza out Greggs.

3. Kelly’s sweet shop they sell sandwiches.

4. The James young   Pub.

5. The sports centre cafe.

I hope you are hungry for more next week!

Article 13 – Children have the right to find out things and share what they know


Full Focus for 5b’s Final Term

We began our new focus for Maths and Numeracy this week – fractions. We can identify fractions of a shape as well as fractions of a group. We understand and can use the terms numerator and denominator.

Our new focus for Health and Wellbeing is Healthy Lifestyles. We created mind maps to share our previous knowledge. We look forward to learning more about this important subject and understand that, at our age, we are becoming more responsible for keeping healthy.

In Reading we will be focusing on non-fiction text, gathering information from a variety of sources to build a project on a subject of personal interest to us. We will also keep a log of all our reading experiences and have opportunities to share them with our classmates.

‘What a Wonderful World’ is the title for our new Context for Learning. This week we discovered some amazing new species: velocipigs, catiphants, smilions and bargontions to name a few. These new species will all enter the Battle of Evolution. Stay posted to find out if they survive or face extinction!

From the Blog Post Box:

My target for this term is…

…to climb up the reading ruler.                  Jordan

…to bring in my glasses every day.          Gary

…get more medals and trophies in archery. At the start of the Easter holiday I got bronze, at the end I got gold!                 Gabriel

…master my times tables.                            Steven

…get into the Golden Club before the end of May.            Archie

…go on my bike more.                   Aidan

…to climb up the punctuation pyramid.                 Kamron

Our Whole Class target is to focus fully on our learning and make our final term of P5 fantastic!

Summer is round the corner!

With all the lovely weather we had last weekend we were feeling rather summery in Class M. For Out and About we decided to go to Kelly’s ice cream shop as a special end of term treat. We all brought money in from home and had a look online at what types of things they sell and how much they cost. Everyone had £3 to spend so we had to work out if we could afford our purchase and whether or not we would get any change. We all chose very carefully and ordered independently. The adults were very pleased with everyone’s polite manners and behaviour in the shop. Most of us chose cones with 2 scoops and a flake. Aiden wanted a snow cone, and Adam bought sweets. Even the adults treated themselves to a cone!


Happy Easter everyone!


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Last week of term

Here are our comments about our excursion to The Forth Bridges visitor centre…

Our trip this week was very interesting. The visitor centre was quite big. At the Rail bridge restaurant we could see the Rail bridge easily. Trying on the safety equipment was fun. We learned alot.

Church service comments…

We liked singing all the Easter songs in the church. We liked the Three Trees story. The junior choir sang exceptionally well.

The Golden Club event… We loved the event.

Happy Holidays everyone !

dates for your diary;

Back to school

Monday 11th April

Junior Choir Tuesday 12th April 3.25pm

Remember to bring PE kit back for Wednesday 13th April

Stay safe and have lots of fun100_3018 100_3013 100_3015 100_3016


P1c’s highlights of the term

This term has been incredibly busy in P1c. These are our ‘best bits’

Harris – I like playing with Noah at playtime.
Skye – I like playing on the ipad when I’ve done my work.
Dionne – I liked listening to the Easter songs with my buddy.
Alysheeya – I liked visiting the library for World Book Day.
Alex – I liked going to church to sing the songs
Marley – I like learning on pocket phonics.
Nina – I liked going to the church to sing about Easter.
Daniel – I enjoyed learning why stone age people killed animals to make clothes.
Evie – I enjoyed making the stoneage jewellery with Mrs Laidlaw.
Elise – I liked learning about adding in maths.
Grace – I enjoyed learning about dinosaurs.
Ava – I have enjoyed learning the new sounds with Miss Wilson.
Isla – I liked learning about stone age clothes.
Emma – I have enjoyed learning about dinosaurs.
Sarah – I liked making my dinosaur project.
Keira – I liked learning about stone age people, especially what they ate.
Noah – I liked playing with the playdough.
Isla – I liked doing gym with Mr Jeffries.
Liam – I liked learning about dinosaurs.
Esther – I have learning about cave people and what they ate and how they lived.

Article 28 – the right to an education.

Dojo winners – Nina and Grace

Primary 2b Blog

Hello everyone!


We are super excited because it is now the end of the week and…that means it’s the Easter Holidays!!!  This week at school we have enjoyed:

Noami – I liked choosing activities for the number station.

Alistair – I have enjoyed learning how to tell the time (this means I can now check when my bedtime is)

Hannah – I have really liked reading stories in cosy corner.

Bryce – I liked spending time in the cosy corner Castle tent.

Kyle – I enjoyed the construction challenge this week because I could make machines to help Harriet get the eggs to the farm safely.

Owen – My favourite bit of school was the writing table this week because I got to use my imagination.

Olivia – Construction was my favourite because I got to make a farm.

Orla – I liked learning about the Easter story because I understand what Easter is about now.

Shaun – I liked messy table because I could use my creative skills to make new things.

Jay – I really liked everything!  Especially the number, writing and messy table station.

Anna – I enjoyed using art skills to paint and draw an Easter bunny picture.

Lewis – I liked maths because I got to do time this week.

Charlotte – My favourite bit was the imagination station because I wrote a new story.

Annie – My favourite time was when I went to imagination station because I liked writing my story and drawing my pictures.

Ruby – I liked imagination station because I got to write lots of stories.

Ellie-Rose – My favourite was role play because the King and Queen were getting ready for Easter this week.

Jackie – My best bit was construction because I got to use lego.

Brandon – I liked construction too because I liked the different challenges.

Rory – My favourite bit was construction because I got to build a ship to get across the water with the eggs.

Alexander – My best bit was mental maths because we got to play exterminate!

Aaron – I liked construction too because I used my brain to fit all the eggs in my boat.

Holly – I liked role play because I got to pretend I was different people all the time.

Alfie B – My favourite was cosy corner because I got to listen to a story and go in the castle tent.

Alfie L – I liked construction because I got to make a massive boat to cross the river!

Jamie – Writing was my favourite because I got to write about when the Easter Bunny ran past me.

Liam – Mine was construction because I got to build a truck and a person to drive the truck.


We hope everyone have an amazing Easter holiday!



Primary 2b!

Happy Easter from Primary 1a

This week we have been learning about The Easter Story.

Akasha – Easter was when Jesus died.
Kyle – The soldiers killed Jesus and he went up to heaven.
Orlaith – They used their spears and crucified him on the cross. He was dead for 3 days.
Lily – After 3 days he was risen from the dead and resurrected!

We made Easter Story booklets with Mrs Laidlaw which helped us understand the Easter Story better. We had to put it in the correct order.

Today we went to The High Church in Bathgate and the Service was about Easter. We learned the story about The Three Trees.

We hope you have a lovely Easter holiday break and stay safe 🙂

Article 28: We have the right to an education

Primary 6A

This week we made Easter egg baskets with our primary 1 buddies – this was great fun.
In PE we played Castles – we were trying to knock down the structure with balls. This helps our co-ordination and directional throwing.
On Tuesday we watched the Tuesday cast’s performance of ‘The Rocky Monster Show’, on the big screen in the drama hall. It was fabulous watching ourselves – we even applauded ourselves at the curtain call! Today we will watch the Wednesday night cast’s performance.
This morning we attended Church. The singing was super! The whole service was very interesting and we enjoyed it.
This afternoon we also have our Golden Club event – the Easter egg hunt.
It’s been a busy term for us! We have so much else to learn next term – and our class assembly and Celebrating Success too!

Have a wonderful Easter break.

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