Primary 2/1 Blog – WB 29.8.16

We have had another great week in P2/1 and are settling well into being in our new class.



Our sounds this week have been m and c.  We have been using floam to make the letters and have also made a cow, a caterpillar, a m sound book and a monster.  Our tricky words this week are I and the, we are working hard to remember these!



We have been practising our counting in maths and have been working on writing numbers with our buddies.  We need a bit of practice at this but our writing is definitely becoming neater!


Learning Across the Curriculum

We have been learning about the different powers that superheroes have and have been thinking about how special we are!  Here are the things that we think are our superhero powers:


Brandon – I can climb up a tree

Rocco – I am brave because I can touch spider webs

Regan – I am good at getting my breakfast all by myself

Romeo – I can touch spider webs!

Rio – I can climb mountains

Max – I can climb very high mountains!

Liam – I help mummy and daddy

Teigan –  I am good at playing with my brother

Leila – I am a football star

Jonah – I am good at making water balloons

Marley – I am good at playing with my car toys and my dinosaurs and going swimming.

Ellie – I am a great dancer

Breghannon – I am good at reading stories

Cameron – I can climb up a tree

Rory – I can climb up and touch cobwebs

Millie – I can count to 20

Keegan – I can go fast on my bike

Leah – I try hard at my swimming lessons

Poppy – I am kind to my cousins

Emily – I can swim



A note from Mrs Mansfield –

Please note that the Meet the teacher event will take place on Wednesday at 6pm, please pop along if you are free 🙂




We have continued unravelling the Scottish Wars of Independence this week.

I liked the video because it taught us what happened – James

I learned Alexander the third fell from his horse and died – Brodie

I liked doing the timeline – Olivia.

In maths we have –

The Ripples have been learning to subtract  with borrowing, I like it! Demi

I liked practising my subtraction skills on the netbooks – Grace

I liked subtracting four digit numbers – Sam

Also we have been busy, busy, busy learning about commas and how to write a letter.

We are on the countdown to Low Port and we are very excited!


Let’s get messy with Class M

This week we had fun following a recipe to make slime. It didn’t work too well as it turned out very wet and runny. We were very persistent and kept trying different combinations. It was messy!

David – I made slime. I think it’s blue. It’s sticky. I put in flour and I mixed it up.

Adam – I also made green slime. It wasn’t too successful but I liked it.

Yolie – The slime feels very good. I liked it.

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In writing we have been learning about setting the scene for a story. Here are some of our scenes:

Joe – I made a lair. There was a sand storm that blew it and it buried it for years and nobody could find it.

Adam – I made a desert world. I had dinosaurs, a lab, and a secret base under the ground and there was a pool for the dinosaurs and a broken house.

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Dylan – On Wednesday I got all my ticks so that means I got to go to Rainbow Room.


Choir News

As I’m now teaching only on a Tuesday and Thursday, Mrs Mansfield will lead the Junior Choir and I will continue with the Senior Choir.
We met yesterday for our first get together. Thank you to all who attended! We have revisited songs that have been done with previous choirs – and had fun along the way!

The Junior Choir will begin after the September holiday.

Golden Time at Balbardie

Friday mornings bring a lovely buzz to the school as children look forward to celebrating their good work and positive behaviour through Golden Time.  Last session, we consulted with staff and pupils and have made a few changes to make this experience more valuable and purposeful for our pupils.

Each class has their own pictorial display that is visible for the pupils.  Pupils all start on an agreed amount of time on a Monday and then earn their minutes every day, which accumulate to 30 minutes on a Friday.  If a child does not earn their minutes and therefore does not receive their full 30 minutes on a Friday, class teachers will discuss this with the child and encourage them to remember our steps to positive behaviour in school.

Each pupil gets the chance to sign up to an activity for them to enjoy on the Friday. The day of choice selection might differ from class to class, to best meet the needs of the pupils in the class.  There is a variety of choices for Golden Time, and these could include toys from home, baking, construction toys, iPad games, role-play etc.  Staff are very creative with the choices and also consult their class on what they might enjoy.  Our hope is to increase the resources available for Golden Time to enrich this valuable experience for our pupils.

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Our First Week Back – Class O

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Cameron – I enjoyed playing with the new equipment in the playground. I played basket ball with Cailtin and I was the first person to score in one of the nets. I also played wrestling with Liam it was brilliant fun. I met my new intergration teacher and my new seat is at the front of the class.


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Jayden – I enjoyed sitting on the chair outside telling stories. I like to play with the lego and build tall houses. I did a drawing of an aeroplane inside there was me Elianah, Caitlin, Cameron and DanTDM.


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Cody – I enjoyed napping in the chair outside, I also liked to play the jigsaw puzzles.  I completed the frog jigsaw but still need to do the snake puzzle. I enjoyed looking at the new book paper. I met my new integration teacher when I went to the gathering and I also met my friends Reece and Aiden.

P3B – First week Back!

We have had great fun in our first week back.
We have been learning about our rights and responsibilities and how these affect us and how all children around the world have the same rights as us but don’t always have access to theses rights. Like the right to education, good, nutritious food and clean water.
We have also looked at how to clean water as an experiment in class. Although the water was cleaner, it was still not safe to drink. Perhaps we could wash the car with it?!
In maths we are learning how to improve our maths facts by using the Big Maths Beat it tests.
We are looking forward to learning lots more in the coming year!

Our great first week back!!!

Class G have had a great first week back. We have welcomed Shea and Erin into our class.  We have all been getting to know each other and doing lots of work based on ‘All About Me’. We have been painting portraits and writing about ourselves and have also been taking selfies with our friends.  We made high five friendship art which was messy but fun.  We also had fun making jelly and top hats.

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P6a- Our first week back!

Ty: I enjoyed playing ‘This is the answer what is the question’ in maths because it was fun and it helped me work on my times tables.

Zoe: I enjoyed researching an Olympic athlete and making a poster with the information.

Sophie: I enjoyed our dictionary challenge because it helped me to practise my dictionary skills.

Lennox: I enjoyed playing times table board games because it helped me to practise my 8 times table.

Cole: I enjoyed sharing my news in circle time.


Special person this week:  Ciaran


We have had a great week back in Primary 7. We have already a great example to the rest of the school as primary 7. We have taken on our new roles as class carers and Primary 1 buddies. We have enjoyed helping our new buddies at break time and are looking forward to working with them next week.

This week we took part in a team work challenge. Our challenge was to build the Eiffel Tower from spaghetti, sellotape and blu tac. We had limited resources so we had to work together to find out the best way to build the tower. We have  been revising our 3D shapes and describing shapes by their properties. In writing we reflected on our summer holidays and wrote a personal recount of our time off.

We have also been beginning to think about our future aspirations and how we need to persevere and work hard to get there. Miss Elliot gave us a really irritating piece of paper and we had to work out how it had been created. During this activity we realised that everyone can find things challenging and if you keep trying you will be able to accomplish your goals. Everyone has different strengths and we can all help each other. We discussed growth mindsets and how a positive atttiude can be the key to our success.

See you next week!IMG_0118

Class Dojo Winner: Lucy

First week back in P6b

We had a lovely first week back!

Lewis – I enjoyed the table challenge. We were learning about Space and working collaboratively. We designed our points poster and decorated our basket. We did a story on our basket.
Archie – I really enjoyed the Olympic athlete. We were learning the Olympics and we had to choose an athlete that was in the Olympic and then we found out information and then created a poster.
Fiona – I enjoyed making the birthday candles for our display. I also got through to the choir! 
Murray – I enjoyed making hamma beads at golden time. It was really fun. You need to earn your golden time each week. At the end of the week if you were successful you get all of it. The table of the week gets to choose first. We could choose baking, hamma beads, own, art, lego, wii and the iPads.
Casey – I liked golden time because we made empire biscuits.
Jack – I really at the end of the day when we played Splat because I was the ‘Splat Master’. Splat is a game when you go in a circle and a person in the middle. The person in the middle says someone’s name and the two people on the right and left have to shoot each other. The person who says splat first wins. Steven won our game and Katya was runner up.

Skye – I enjoyed drama this week with Mrs Innes. We first sang a song, then we had to make a dance with ribbons and then we talked about what was going to happen throughout the year. We talked about Golden Tickets and Drama Awards.
Harry – Mrs Innes reminded us on how to sing the Balbardie anthem properly.

Welcome to P4b!

We have had a great first week back at school and we are looking forward to learning many different things this year.
Maisey – I am looking forward to learning more about my tables.
Emily – I am looking forward to art.
Jason – I am looking forward to doing new things in P.E.
Luke – I am looking forward to developing my art skills.
Charlotte – I am looking forward to reading harder books and improving my writing.
Aryan – I am looking forward to doing maths, especially hard maths. I am also looking forward to learning new skills in gym.
Dani – I am looking forward to all the activities, especially art!
Hope – I am looking forward to learning more about times tables.
Jaime-Lee – I am looking forward to learning more about change with money. I am also looking forward to art.
Callum – I am looking forward to learning more about division.
Emma – I am looking forward to doing gym.
Hayley – I am looking forward to writing.
Guy – I am looking forward to doing hard questions in Maths.
Ben – I am looking forward to learning how we get energy into our bodies.
Lucy – I am looking forward to writing.
Katie – I am looking forward to doing division.
Jacob – I am looking forward to doing more turbo tables.
Elliot – I am looking forward to doing writing with Mrs Mackenzie.
Jack – I am looking forward to school trips.
Nathan – I am looking forward to doing art.
Mrs Mackenzie and Mrs Collings are really looking forward to a fun-filled year with the class!
Article 28 – The Right to an Education
Table of the week – Blue and Green

Welcome back in P3/2

It has been a short first week in P3/2.

We have been sorting our table names, putting our new pictures of ourselves up on the wall and writing stories about our Summer memories and lots of other new term activities… We had Mrs Spence all day on Wednesday and Mrs Innes for Drama. We are looking forward to having Mr Jeffries on a Monday for PE.

We have all worked extremely hard and settled very well into P3/2.

Here are our comments:-

Zara,Dylan,Ross -We really enjoyed Maths

Eva,Rory,Harris,Nina,Isla,Lily- We enjoyed meeting our new teacher

Grace-I enjoyed seeing my new classroom all set up for us

Eden- I enjoyed making a sign for the wall

Max- I enjoyed coming back to school

Katie-I really enjoyed Art with Mrs Spence

Niamh-I enjoyed story writing about “My summer”

Luis,Archie,Sophie M.- We enjoyed meeting new friends

Noah-I enjoyed going outside

Jess-I enjoyed being the table winners this week. I sit at The Rulers table !

Sophie S.- I enjoyed learning new stuff

Have a super weekend, P3/2

I look forward to seeing you all again on Monday.

PS reminder milk money due Monday ! and if you haven’t already done so please bring PE kit back for the new term.






A huge welcome to you all to our P5A blog.  We have had a very busy week getting organised and on with our learning. We have already started learning about the Scottish Wars of Independence, and quite a few of us can’t wait to learn more about the battles!

We have brought home a couple of admin tasks this weekend which we have to return, so please help us remember…….

We have also enjoyed meeting our new Head Teacher Mrs Dunbar, and we are looking forward to showing her just how successful we are at learning.

Have a great weekend!


What a great start!

We have had a great start to our first term in P4. We have been getting to know each other and learning about how to be an excellent P4 pupil.100_1555 100_1556 100_1557 100_1558 100_1559

These are some pictures of us working on our new review jotters. See how happy we are !!!!

Alex – It’s the greatest week of school I have ever had!

Murray – I really enjoyed doing my review jotter.

Lauren – I have really enjoyed my week in P4a.

Suvi – I really like the new Head Teacher.

Ranna – I really enjoyed this week and I love my new teacher.


Have a great weekend everyone!!


Our first week in Primary 1B!

This week was very exciting in Balbardie PS because all the new Primary 1 boys and girls started school. It was a very happy and fun day for everyone. We would like to share our favourite parts of our first week in Primary 1.
Our favourite parts of the week are:
Maksim – “I came to school to write”
Hamish – “I like Golden Time and everyone gets to bring something in except from tablets”
Matthias – “I liked playing with my buddy and I liked playing with the toys”
Kyle – “I like playing with the play-doh”
Caitlin – “I like to draw”
Noah – “I like it when it’s Golden Time”
Jacob – “I liked when our buddies came”
Max – “I like to play with my friends”
Kaiden – “I like when it’s going to be Golden Club”
Evie – “I like Golden Time”
Scott – “I love to play with my friends”
Lily – “I like to play with the play-doh”
Rose – “I like playing with my toy at Golden Time”
Gracie – “I love play time”
Taylor “I love school!”
Emma – “I like playing with play-doh”
Josh “Playing with the puppets”
Ava – “I like the classroom”
Reiss – “I like my teacher, Miss Wilson!”
Zara – “I like when Ava and I play with the dragon”
Marcus – “I like playing with the play-doh and I like to play with my friends”
Natasha – “Playing with play-doh”

We are all very excited for our next week at school!

Article 28: We have the right to an education

P7b’s First Blog 2016

Most of us are happy to be back at school.  We have had a good week in Primary 7.  Here are some of the things we got up to:

‘Spending time with our P1 buddies.’ – Aidan

‘I liked writing a piece about our adventures in the summer holidays.’ – Brooke

‘I loved making our Get to Know You game for our buddy.’- William

‘I liked our art work where we outlined a self-portrait with personal facts.’- Iona

‘I liked making a figure me out poster.  This is a poster with maths questions that someone has to figure out.  E.g. My age is 5 x 2.’- Callum

‘I enjoyed making different 3D shapes with lolly pop sticks.’- Meadow

‘I liked the different 3D shape maths stations.’- Aaron

We are looking forward to our months ahead in P7

Have a nice weekend,


Welcome back to Class M

Class M were very excited to see the playground had changed when they came back to school on Tuesday.  It has been a great few days trying all the new equipment.

Yolie – I like the new playground , I like playing nought and crosses.

Dylan – 10/10 for the playground it has a Throne.

Adam – it’s really cool and awesome I like the basket ball and football pitch.

Joe – It’s awesome. I like sitting on the throne. I can be King. We were playing Kings of Kings game.

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Our first week in P2/1

Hello everybody,


We have had a great first week in P2/1 and have been learning lots of fun things.  Here are our favourite bits:

Poppy – ” My best bit was making Superhero Potions to start our writing lesson”

Liam – “I liked learning about superheroes”

Rory – “I really liked seeing the gym hall”

Max – “My best bit was getting a letter that had superhero challenges in it!”

Teigan – “I liked the gym”

Cameron – “I liked meeting Mr Jeffries”

Rocco – “I liked playing with the floam and making my numbers with it”

Regan – “I liked everything!”

Leah – “My best bit was playing at the number table”

Ellie – “I liked making my name with the letters”

Breaghannon – “I liked the messy area where I painted a rainbow”

Brandon – “I loved the songs at the assembly”

Leila – “I liked going to gym”

Romeo – “I liked everything at school”

Jonah – “The best day of the week is a Friday because I like Golden Time”

Keegan – “Everything was great!”

Rio – “I liked fishing out letters with the fishing rods”

Marley – “I like learning to write both my names”


We can’t wait to come back to school next week for more learning through play!


RRS – Everyone has the right to play! 109_2524


P2b Mrs Clark’s Class

We are all so excited to be back. It has been a short week but we have been busy learning about our new class routines, sharing information about ourselves and learning about our new friends. We have been learning about rhyming words and the symbols for “greater than” and “less than”
P.E. days this term will be:
Wed – indoor
Thur – outdoor most weeks but indoor sometimes

Meet the teacher Wednesday 7.9.16 6:00
Our first Shared Start will be on Tuesday 4.10.16, 8:55-9:25
Assembly will be in the Summer Term -Friday 2.6.17 9:20

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