

We have been learning about the features of a newspaper so that we can write our own newspaper articles about a Victorian cotton mill accident! We wrote some great headlines using alliteration and puns to grab the reader’s attention.

This week for our money topic we worked at different stations where we had to solve word problems, write cheques and add and subtract money. We have also been looking at bus and train timetables and working out how long different journeys last. We have also been thinking of really good strategies for Number Talks.

The Victorians:

This week we have been learning about the New Lanark Cotton Mill before we go on our trip next week. Since we have been creating presentations about Victorian Inventions, we worked in groups to design our own inventions for school children. We are looking forward to giving our presentations – everyone has been working hard at home.

Other highlights:

Blaire:  Learning how to write a newspaper article was really fun.

Erin: I liked the funny brain break.

Katie: I loved designing an invention with my group.

Ross: Football in P.E. was great.

Donna: I enjoyed the talking skills dice.

Zara: I liked the inventions lesson.

Luke: I enjoyed football in P.E.

Ammie-Leigh: Number talks were really good this week.

Shelbi: I enjoyed P.E.

Lily: The inventions lesson was fun.

Maisie: Science was really good.

Lucas H: Playing football in P.E. was good.

Samuel: P.E. was good.

Lucas K: I enjoyed outdoor P.E.

Callum: football was good.



Victorian Inventions Presentations beginning 4th March.

Trip to New Lanark on Wednesday 6th March




Our week has been busy-P5b

We have worked very hard on our Money in Maths this week. We received a Money pack from the Bank of Scotland Museum. We even got £500 in shredded paper!

We loved going outside on one of the warm days this week. Tennis was such fun in the sun!

Our Victorian work this week was all about Florence Nightingale. We learned so many facts about her -Did you know she was home schooled by her father ?

Here are our comments of different areas of the Curriculum:- 

Jay- I loved getting my certificate for being excellent at the Farm. Miss Holwill  gave it to me

Bryce-Problem solving on Money was great this week

Ellie- This week with Mr Jeffries we were playing Basketball- I liked it

Ruby- I enjoyed having Bryce, Jay and Ellie at my table. Our table is called New Lanark

Brooke- I enjoyed playing tennis with Ellie this week. We had Outdoor PE on Wednesday because the weather was so warm

Lewis- I liked playing tennis this week with Liam-we passed well to each other

Eva-I enjoyed Maths this week especially Problem Solving on Money

Owen,Aaran, Shaun, LiamWe enjoyed preparing for Lowport- we chose our lunches and  partners

Olivia- I enjoyed Big Maths this week

Brandon- I enjoyed going to Nurture with Jay this week.  We had hot chocolate and played Monopoly

Jackie- I enjoyed Problem Solving.  I was with Brandon. The egg  question was so tricky !

Noami-I enjoyed Problem Solving Maths -it was all about Money

Holly- Problem Solving was tricky this week and we had a Money word search as a finisher

Aaron – I enjoyed completing and making a New Lanark word search

Leah- I enjoyed the Egg challenge question in Problem Solving

Jamie- I enjoyed making the New Lanark word search this morning. Leah completed it

Kaycee-I enjoyed choosing my partner for Lowport

Alistair- I enjoyed preparing for Lowport

Max- Problem Solving was fun- I was working with Rory

Kyle, Alfie B, Ellie Rose- We enjoyed PE with Mr Jeffries. It was basketball

Alfie- I enjoyed tennis with Aaron this week-it was lovely and warm outside

Orla-I enjoyed doing the Egg Challenge in Problem Solving with Charlotte

Rory- I enjoyed the Cracking value Egg Challenge with Max

Florence- I got the class certificate for Values today at the Celebration Assembly

Annie-My partner was Ruby for Problem Solving- we are both in the Squares.Mrs Aitken noticed we worked together

Charlotte- I enjoyed making a group dance with Florence, Eva and Holly. We are practising during Golden Time

Dylan- I was partnered with Bryce this week for tennis. We really played well together

Dates to remember-

Monday 4th March -photographer in school

Wednesday 6th March- Our excursion to New Lanark-packed lunch please

Wednesday 6th March- Victorian Challenge due in for Home Learning








Here are some of our highlights from the week:

Aaron: I enjoyed the assembly because my friend Amber got a certificate.

Megan: I enjoyed the assembly.

Ellie: I enjoyed practising for our assembly because I like the song ‘Amazing Egyptians’.

Aileigh: I enjoyed it when we practised our assembly because it is about Egyptians.

Jack: I enjoyed Big Writing because we were writing the beginning of a story and my story is called ‘Back in Time’.

Carley: I enjoyed it when we went to the gym hall to practise our songs for the assembly. I also enjoyed doing the actions.

River: I enjoyed the assembly because Amber got a school values certificate.

Mia: I enjoyed it when we went to the gym hall to practise our assembly with 3B.

Scott R: I enjoyed the assembly.

Holly: I enjoyed the assembly because Bruce came in third place.

Jude: I enjoyed assembly because my friend, Amber, got a certificate.

Ellis: I enjoyed ‘Everyone Reading In Class’ because I read ‘Mummies and Pyramids’ and I liked it.

Amber: I enjoyed the assembly because I got a certificate.

TJ: I enjoyed it when we were practising our assembly.

Alex: I enjoyed the assembly because my next door neighbour, Amber, got a school values certificate.

James: I enjoyed reading.

Max: I was very proud of myself because I think I was being nice to Holly by giving her my red nose.

Scott B: I enjoyed maths.

Millie: I enjoyed the assembly because we found out how many house points we got.

Leila: I enjoyed it when I went to the office to get a red nose.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!




Here are our highlights…

Daniel-I liked using the chalks for outside PE

Tommy-I liked starting chapter books

Aiden-PE was good fun

Willow-I liked reading about Nesta and Ned in my reading book

Brooke-Starting chapter books was great fun!

Robyn-I liked starting chapter books

Mason-I had fun at art

Skye-I liked my times tables and getting a certificate at assembly

Michaela-I liked practising my sums

Ethan-I enjoyed learning my tricky words

Kieran-I loved Mighty Writer

Logan-I liked making my review jotter targets

Grace-I liked Numbertalks this week

Devyn-Reading ar reading group time was fun

Bailey-I enjoyed thinking about my targets

Georgia-Mighty Writer was fun this week, we wrote about a castle escape!

Lucy-Review jotter work was good fun!

William-I liked writing my class story this week

Amelia-Times table practice was fun

Ellie-Jai-I enjoyed my art work





This week P6A have been learning lots of exciting things.  Here are some of our highlights…

Jess- I enjoyed outdoor P.E. because it was fun playing rounders.

Mia- I really enjoyed the stations in Maths because I really like working on problem solving.

Miles- I enjoyed indoor P.E. because I liked playing football.

Kiara- I enjoyed planning our poetry because it was fun trying to think of similes, metaphors, rhyme and personification.

Hannah- I enjoyed the emoji Maths because it is helping me get better at my times tables.

Connor- I enjoyed outdoor P.E. because I got to play rounders with my friends.

William- I enjoyed indoor P.E. because we got to play football.

Denholm- I enjoyed learning about metaphors because it is interesting.

Sophia- I enjoyed Sex education this week because we learned about lots of interesting things.

Teighan- I enjoyed learning about periods in sex education because it’s made me feel more comfortable about it.

Suvi- I enjoyed Sex education because I am now prepared for what’s going to happen to me.

Ranna- I enjoyed rounders in outdoor P.E. because I got to throw the ball.

Joshua- I enjoyed P.E. with Mr Jeffries because I liked playing handball and football.

Euan- I enjoyed ‘Keeping Myself Safe’ because it is helpful.

James- I liked Sex education because I’ve learned lots about whats going to happen to my body.

Liam- I enjoyed outdoor P.E. because we got to play rounders.

Dhivya- I enjoyed writing our poetry plan because we got to write some rhyming words.

Murray- I enjoyed handwriting because it makes my handwriting neater.

Robert- I enjoyed outdoor P.E. because we played rounders.

Jason- I enjoyed my flute lesson because I got given new news.

Islay- I enjoyed handwriting because it’s fun.

Alex- I enjoyed Sex Education because I feel more comfortable and aware of what a period is.

Amy- I enjoyed Reciprocal Reading about the ‘Taj Mahal’ because there was lots of information about it.

Lauren- I enjoyed handwriting because it interests me.

Alfie- I enjoyed today’s assembly because we found out the house points.




Creating Paper Flowers

Class Star enjoyed smelling and then creating their very own hyacinth flowers today. We thought about our scissor skills and showed careful cutting. We had to fold and roll paper too. We also needed a lot of glue! We think they look very realistic and everyone felt proud of their efforts.

Put a nose on it!

Although it was a short week, it was a busy one for the P4s as we rehearsed and presented our assembly for the school community. We hope you enjoyed it and were able to understand the message that the P4 children were sharing. As a community, we are coming together to fundraise for Comic Relief which supports projects in the UK and in the wider world. Each class has a money box to collect spare change and all children are invited to dress down (in red if you like!) on the actual day of Red Nose Day which is the 15th March. The week of the 11th to 14th March the house captains will be selling quizzes and wordsearches which should be completed and posted in the box in P4a by the end of the day on Thursday 14th. There will be prizes and housepoints given to the winners in the upper and lower school.

If you weren’t at the assembly or would like to know a bit more about the work that Comic Relief does, please watch this film….

And finally, remember to PUT A NOSE ON IT!

P4a – Table of the week – red 190 points.


A short but busy week of learning for P2B. We enjoyed a fantastic, fun visit from an outdoor learning company who helped the children to build dens.

We enjoyed watching P4’s assembly today about Comic Relief.

We also began creating characters to use in a story we are writing next week. The children were using more creative synonyms for words such as “nice”.

Our best bits:

Ben – Watching P4 assembly. Watching the science video of launching stuff. Den building.

Jack B – When Murray showed his castle and building a den

Ruby – Show and tell

Sophie – when I watched P4 and show and tell castles and den building

Lois – Assembly

Daisy – Show and tell and assembly. Den building.

Isla – The castles and science

Mikolaj – Castles and science and den building

Sofia – Show and tell and the P4s assembly, I liked the song and building a den

Murray – Science

Oliver – P4 assembly and science

Thomas – Making my castle and making hero character for our story and science and making a den

Anna – Assembly and heroes and den building

Hannah – Being with all my friends and den building

Kai – Making heroes and P4 assembly

Hollie – Show and tell and science


Miss Cowan


It’s been a short but busy week in P3A. Here are some of our highlights:

Olivia and Aaron: I enjoyed doing maths because we were trying to find the addition facts for 11 to 20.

Amber: I enjoyed practising our assembly lines because it was fun.

Ellis and Leila: I enjoyed it when Mrs Mansfield came.

Scott B: I enjoyed playing ‘The last one standing’ with Mr McCabe.

Jack: I enjoyed holding the Ancient Egyptian artefacts because they were so cool and some of them were funny.

Ada: I enjoyed practising our assembly because I like the songs and I like my line as well.

Ellie: I enjoyed the P4’s assembly because when they said Red Nose Day was on the 15th of March, I was happy because my birthday is then.

Aileigh: I enjoyed it when we were playing ‘Hickety Tickety Bumble Bee’ with Mrs Mansfield.

Carley: I enjoyed it when the P4’s were doing their assembly because my friend Natasha was dancing when she was walking up to talk.

Megan: I enjoyed the assembly.

Holly: I enjoyed the P4’s assembly because they were talking about Red Nose Day.

Ethan: I enjoyed mental maths and maths because it was fun.

Alex: I enjoyed holding Ancient Egyptian artefacts.

Jude: I enjoyed assembly because it was my cousin’s assembly.

Teigan: I enjoyed maths.

Max: I enjoyed the Red Nose Day assembly and I would like to wear a frog nose.

James: I enjoyed playing buzz because that’s my favourite game.

TJ: I enjoyed it when we practised our show songs.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!



Our highlights for this week are…

Daniel-Outside PE was good fun this week

Brooke-Seeing my friends again was fun

Grace-Practising my dividing was great

Robyn-Practising games with dividing is my favourite

Mason-My wobbly tooth came out during outdoor PE and I got a visit from the tooth fairy!

Georgia-I’m getting better at dividing

Lucy-Writing my review jotter targets

Bailey-Assembly this week about Red Nose Day was fantastic!

Aiden-Making spring blossom paintings was my favourite

Devyn-Review jotter targets were my favourite

Logan-I liked times tables

Ethan-I liked practising my reading

Kieran-Times table games were fun this week

William-I liked practising my sums

Amelia-Tunnel Tig was good fun this week


Primary 5b’s week was short

We had a short week this week but we managed so much….

We are nearly finished Money work and we are definitely getting faster at Big Maths.

Robert Owen was introduced this week to prepare the class for their visit to New Lanark on Wednesday 6th March-not long now. We learned he moved from Newtown in Wales to take over the mills at New Lanark. His first job when he arrived there was to build a school for the children who lived in New Lanark.

We loved tennis for Outdoor PE. We are improving our passing and working with a partner. It is hard work.

Shaun- I enjoyed Big Maths because I like doing times tables. Mrs Aitken noticed I had the highest score in my group TT1.

Florence, Noami, Aaran, Jamie- We enjoyed learning about Robert Owen and New Lanark

Annie- I enjoyed Outdoor PE because I was playing tennis with Florence

Ruby- I enjoyed playing tennis with Ellie

Kyle- I enjoyed tennis yesterday. My partner was Owen

Alfie B. -I enjoyed tennis yesterday. My partner was Shaun

Ellie- I enjoyed tennis and my partner was Ruby. Mrs Aitken noticed we played well together

Liam- I enjoyed Outdoor PE -my partner was Aaron. We played well together

Bryce- My partner was Brandon.Mrs Aitken noticed we played hard shots to each other

Jay-After returning from the farm I enjoyed playing Netball. Mrs Aitken  allowed me to share my farm fun day aswell

Alfie L- I enjoyed Outdoor PE because we got to play tennis. Mrs Aitken noticed I am quite a good player

Aaron- I enjoyed playing tennis with Liam. I was better than Liam at keepie uppie with the tennis raquet  ( not sure Liam would agree!)

Orla- I enjoyed tennis with Olivia. We were both good at keepie uppie !

Max- I enjoyed playing tennis with Rory. Mrs Aitken noticed we were good at passing back to each other

Holly- Eva and I were tennis partners .We were a good team

Rory- I enjoyed playing tennis outside with Max. We were good at playing together

Alistair- I enjoyed playing tennis. I was lucky my partner was also my best friend !

Owen- I was lucky my partner was Kyle for tennis

Eva- I enjoyed tennis with my partner. It was Holly

Brandon- I enjoyed playing tennis with Bryce. Mrs Aitken noticed we played long shots and tried to return them to each other

Olivia- I enjoyed playing tennis yesterday and I was lucky to have Orla as a partner

Charlotte, Leah- We enjoyed P4s Red Nose Assembly. It prepared us for the day ( 15th March)

Jackie- I enjoyed helping tidy the chairs up after this morning’s Assembly. Mrs Leamy told Mrs Aitken and I got 500 points !

Kaycee- I enjoyed making the food wheel with Mrs Rodger in Health

Dylan- I enjoyed reading my book ” Terror at sea”

New Lanark date Wednesday 6th March-money is due NOW…thank you 

Lowport is coming soon as well…Wednesday 27th-Friday 29th March…that’s exciting 🙂

Victorian challenge is due on Wednesday 6th March…looking forward to seeing them all after that

Have a lovely weekend












We have had a short but busy week in P5A. Here are our favourite bits:

Shelbi: I really enjoyed the P4 assembly.

Gabriel: P.E was good fun.

Tamsyn: I enjoyed the Escape from the Workhouse writing.

Blaire: I liked writing my 500 words story and science.

Erin: I enjoyed P.E.

Murray: I really liked finishing my 500 words story.

Luke: P.E. was really good.

Ellis: I enjoyed writing my 500 words story.

Brooke, Arran, Zara and Jodie: P.E was great.

Donna: I really enjoyed typing up my story for the 500 words competition.

Katie: I enjoyed everything!

Maisie: I enjoyed Maths this week.


This fantastic group of P6 and P7 children took to the court again on Thursday 21st for the 2nd cluster netball festival. Facing stiff opposition from Boghall, who eventually came out on top, they worked hard to get into the game and were pleased to have given their opposition something to think about for the next time we play them. The second game saw us facing Simpson. Defence worked hard to ensure that the Simpson shooters had few chances to scoreand this proved to be the difference as Balbardie took their opportunities so winning the game. Playing against St Mary’s was again a tight game with Kiera scoring in the dying seconds of the game to take the win! With Boghall being held to a draw by Simpson, there is all to play for in the final with Balbardie sitting comfortably in second by one point to Boghall. Roll on the Newlands tournament in May!


Here are our highlights:

James and Megan: I enjoyed the assembly.

Ellie: I enjoyed learning about the Egyptians.

Alex: I enjoyed learning about the Egyptians because we were thinking about things that are ancient and things that are modern.

Carley: I enjoyed the assembly because we were thinking about how to be safe online and if there is a question you should always ask an adult.

Ellis: I enjoyed Art because we got to make Valentine’s Day cards.

Mia: I enjoyed practising for our assembly.

River: I enjoyed learning about the Ancient Egyptians.

Max: I enjoyed Art because we made Valentine’s Day cards and since Holly isn’t here, I put it in her tray for a surprise.

Aaron: I enjoyed the assembly because we were learning about being safe online.

Jack: I enjoyed practising our lines for the assembly because I think both mine and Max’s parts are funny.

Amber: I enjoyed practising the songs for our assembly because the song, ‘Amazing Egyptians’ is fun.

Scott B: I enjoyed Art.

Millie: I enjoyed Art because we got to make Valentine’s Day cards, I made one for my sister and she really liked it.

Olivia: I enjoyed practising our lines for the assembly because it was fun.

TJ: I enjoyed listening to ‘Let My People Go’ on YouTube at home.

Jude: I enjoyed assembly because we were learning about being safe on the internet.

Shannon: I enjoyed the assembly because it was about being safe online.

Have a lovely long weekend everyone!



This week we have really enjoyed writing a short story for the BBC’s 500 words competition. We had loads of crazy, silly and spooky ideas for stories. We are looking forward to submitting them. For maths we have been working on time and doing lots of mental maths and problem solving. We are also enjoying continuing our learning about the Victorians and we learned about the tough conditions for children in Victorian workhouses. We worked really hard this week and are looking forward to our extra days off! Here are some highlights:

Cameron – I enjoyed coming up with my story for the BBC 500 words competition.

Arran – I enjoyed outdoor P.E.

Samuel – P.E. was good.

Ross – I enjoyed writing my story and Stuart Reid’s visit was so funny.

Gabriel – P.E. with Mr Jeffries was good.

Farrah, Donna and Luke – We loved writing our stories for the competition.

Zara – Stuart Reid’s visit was hilarious.

Ellis – feeling better and coming back to school.

Blaire – P.E. was good.

Lily – 500 words was fun.

Ammie-Leigh – I liked getting my Lowport letters and I’m really excited to go.

Erin – My favourite part of the week was the visit from Stuart Reid.

Tamsyn – Stuart Reid was really funny

Katie – Art this week  was great.

Callum – The best bit was Stuart Reid’s talk and his funny pictures.

Murray – Science with Mrs Rodgers was really good.


Have a lovely long weekend everyone!


REMINDER: Castle models due Wednesday 20th February


Our best bits of this week:

Hannah – My favourite part is being big star.

Anna – Little star

Kai – Music because we had to think about the composer.

Sophie – my favourite bit was making a Nian mask.

Thomas – making Nian masks

Lois – Making a Nian mask

Mikolaj – making a nian mask

Jack B – making Nian masks

Ethan – Science and making Nian masks

Daisy – Nian masks because it was colourful

Hope – Nian masks

Ruby – Nian masks

Murray – Nian masks

Isla – Being little star and science and music and maths.

Jack C – Science

Hollie – Nian masks

Sofia – Science because we learned about electricity and Nian masks


Life as a Viking child……

In numeracy we have been learning to subtract using number lines and some concrete materials. We also learnt to count up from the smallest number to the bigger number. In Maths, we have been learning to copy symmetrical patterns on squared paper. It was quite challenging. We also played a game where we had to help Caleb rescuing him from roboids. You can try it here.


In writing, we wrote a diary entry pretending that we were a Viking child. We had to think about the activities that the children would have done during the day. Girls would have helped mum in the longhouse, taken care of the baby, cleaned, cooked, sewed, spun wool and made cloth. Boys would have spent their day hunting, fishing, collecting firewood and practising their warrior skills in case they needed to go into battle when they were older.
With Mrs Mackenzie, we have been learning our songs and practising for the show ‘Eddie the penguin saves the world’.
We also listened to 2 more class talks. Daniel told us about Viking food, including dagmal and natmal which are breakfast and dinner. The Vikings had no lunch!  Artjom told us about longhouses and made an amazing longhouse for us out of real materials!

In PE we had a taster session for netball and hockey which was great fun.
This week we have spent some time with P4b practicing for our assembly. We hope that some of you will be able to join us next Friday morning.

Table of the week –
with 650

Learning partners of the week – Elena and Kyle.


We have had a very busy week in P6A, here are some of our highlights…


Suvi- I enjoyed indoor P.E. because we did tasters of basketball and rugby.

Hannah- I liked our Maths stations because they were fun!

William- I enjoyed Sex education this week.

Robert- I enjoyed playing rugby in P.E. because I could play with my friend Jason.

Catriona- I enjoyed the Maths stations because I enjoyed doing the different activities at each.

Liam- I enjoyed outdoor P.E. because I liked playing ‘Buildy Tig’.

Lucas- I enjoyed learning Spanish because it’s an interesting language.

James- I enjoyed learning the scientific names for female and male body parts.

Euan- I enjoyed going to the cinema with Nurture because I didn’t have to do any school work.

Ranna- I enjoyed learning about personification because I’ve never learned about it before.

Denholm- I enjoyed learning how to say what the weather is like in French because it was fun!

Miles-I enjoyed outdoor P.E. because we got to play ‘Cops & Robbers’.

Kiara- I enjoyed playing the ‘Roll a dice’ game in spelling because I like learning my words in different ways.


Enjoy your long weekend everyone!



Here are our highlights…

Amelia-Outdoor PE was great!

Kieran-Playing arch tig was my highlight

Aiden-Playing the floor is lava was fun!

Daniel-I liked playing What’s the time Mister Wolf

Bailey-Our assembly was good fun learning about internet safety

Logan-Learning about the values, TRUST

Robyn-I liked learning about the school values

Willow-Learning times tables was fun

Grace-Division games were my highlight

Mason-Counting in 10’s was my highlight

Lucy-Learning at outdoor PE was good and playing playground games with P7

Michaela-Learning in maths

Georgia-Times tables was good to learn

William-Valentines art was fun!

Brooke-Making Valentines love monsters was fun!

Devyn-I liked making my Valentine’s card




Stuart Reid, author came to our school today….Report by P5b

Today we were so lucky as part of our Literacy programme to have Stuart Reid, a children’s author in to talk to the P5-P7 classes. He had all his books with him.

He read a little from all his 7 books. He was very funny and had lots of sound effects and clips to enhance his books.

He told us books are brilliant and we shouted Reading Rocks!!!

Here are our comments from a fun filled hour of Learning about reading:-

Leah- I enjoyed the author-he was so funny

Brandon, Eva- We were chosen to be cheeky chimpanzees. It was funny and we enjoyed it

Jamie-I enjoyed Brandon and Eva being cheeky chimps

Alfie, Brooke- We enjoyed doing the floss at the front when he said “Leprechaun”

Ellie Rose, Owen- We enjoyed when Stuart was doing the booger part and he had slime -it looked like a booger !

Liam, Bryce, Holly, Lewis, Dylan, Olivia, Ellie, Annie- We enjoyed everything about his visit

Kaycee- I enjoyed when Stuart Reid signed my book and Mrs Aitken took our photo

Aaron, Florence – We enjoyed the clip of the monkey falling off the branch of the tree

Jackie- I found it too noisy so I didn’t really enjoy it

Charlotte- I practically enjoyed everything but the pink poo bit was the best

Ruby- I enjoyed the other P5s throwing the sweetie false teeth at him during him reading some of a book

Orla, Kyle, Rory, Alfie- We enjoyed Mr Erskine being in a story.  He had to  pretend to be an elephant

Max- I enjoyed the clip of the little child running about with the cat

Jay- I enjoyed his sound effects especially the giant pump

Aaran – I enjoyed when he said leprechaun and Irish dancing came on the screen -Monkeys were dancing the Irish jig

Alistair- I enjoyed Stuart’s favourite word -it was jobby!!





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