
It has been full steam ahead with our Olivia show this week. We have had a full dress rehearsal in school which went really well and next week we will be going to Bathgate Academy on Friday to do a run through on stage. If you have not yet returned your permission slip for this please do so by Monday.

On Wednesday we held our Fundraising Day and raised a total of £272. Thank you so much to everyone for all your help with this! We were all very proud of our achievement.

Thursday was World Book Day. P6s celebrated by having a ‘Book Swap’ where we brought in a book from home and swapped it with someone in the class. We also wrote reviews of our favourite books and conducted a whole class survey to find out favourite authors. Our results will be displayed outside Miss Henderson’s office next week.

Sports Electives start this Monday 9th March so remember to bring suitable PE kit with you.

Here are some pictures from our week…


These are our new books from the ‘Book Swap’


Creating graphs with the information we collected on favourite authors


Gathering information about favourite books



Counting the money raised from our Olivia Fundraising Day


This week, we learned about the weighing of the heart. The Ancient Egyptians believed that when you died your heart got weighed to see if you were a good person. If your heart was light then you lived a good kind life, but if your heart was heavy you were eaten up by God Ammut!
We also found out about the one of the most famous Egyptian’s Tutankhamun. He was a pharaoh and Howard Carter found his tomb filled with lots of gold. We then found out that people and animals that entered the tomb were cursed. We acted out the story in drama and used freeze frames to show how the people in the story felt. We also looked at Tutankhamun’s tomb and looked at all the objects found in his tomb. We thought that the tomb was similar a time capsule. We created our own time capsule including things we could not live without. Lots of us couldn’t live without our families and different types of electronics and food.
In language, we have been learning about contractions. Contractions are shortened versions of words, we really liked finding out which words could be shortened such as cannot > can’t and I am > I’m.
Bye for now,

Article 28-Right to an education

A Viking Week in P4g

This week in our topic work we have been finding out about the Viking invasion of Britain. The Vikings came to Britain in 793AD.

They wanted to fight the Britons to get their treasure – Eva

They came from Scandinavia in search of new lands – Tom

They travelled in longboats, which had massive sails. They held fifty men and each man had a chest which they sat on which held their belongings. They rowed with massive long oars. -Lennox

The long boats had dragon heads on the front to make people scared of them – Eva

They used the sun to navigate as they didn’t have any maps – Yasmin

We  also learnt about the Viking Gods. I wrote about Thor who was the God of Thunder and he was the son of Odin – Sam

Odin was the God of Gods and he rode an eight legged horse. – Ty

Odin had ravens and could change into any animal or bird – Rowan

Freya was the Goddess of love, war and death and she was a twin to Frey. Freyja could turn into a falcon.

Loki was the God of mischief – Noah

We also made a salt dough tile with Mrs Jamieson which we are going to decorate next week.

The Discovery of Tutankhamun’s Tomb

This week we discovered Tutankhamun’s tomb! We turned our role play area into the tomb. We read a play about Howard Carter and we acted out the discovery of the tomb. We had to crawl through tunnels to reach the tomb. In the tomb we discovered lots of treasures and the sarcophagus of Tutankhamun. We used the netbooks to find out more about King Tut. We also researched some different Gods. Mya brought in some figures of Egyptian Gods so we looked up their names on the internet.

In Tutankhamun’s tomb they discovered his sarcophagus. He has a beautiful blue and gold death mask. We used colour and pattern to design our own death masks for a display.

In reading this week we have been learning about fact and opinion. We had to sort out information about King Tut. We had to decide whether it was a fact or only someone’s opinion. We found this quite tricky and are going to look at it again next week.

Article 28: Right to an Education

Article 17: Right to Information


This week in p2bg

This week we have been learning how magic e changes the vowel sound in words. Mrs Gallagher introduced us to Walter the Wizard who is going to help us to read and spell words with magic e.

We have been working hard on rehearsals for our p2 show and had our first whole run through yesterday. Our homework task is to design a backdrop to be displayed during the show. Mrs Innes will be picking the winning designs next week.

For our Castles topic we have been learning about The Stirling Heads in Stirling Castle. These are wooden carvings of kings, queens and historical people which have been restored and are displayed on a ceiling in Stirling Castle. We used these as a stimulus to create our own portraits. We learned how to draw eyes, nose and mouth correctly and Mrs Gallagher is very pleased with our finished work. They will be displayed outside our classroom, please come and take a look.

Well done to Kiara who achieved our rights respecting award for last month for always being kind and respectful and to Gemma for achieving the award for p2 pupil of the month in drama. Gemma has worked really hard on her solo performance for the p2 show and has shown great confidence in singing on stage.

Primary 3/2’s Week

This week we have been so busy handing in our projects !

It was very hard sticking on the little pieces for my mosaic on Diana- Sophie

I liked making my aqueduct because it was fun- Sam

I made a Roman shield and a sword for my project-David

In Drama I liked it this week because I was the troll in the story-Ben

Story writing was quite difficult but fun-Lauren

It was quite difficult to write the ending about living in Bo’ness at the time of the Romans…. Demi Leigh, Liam, Mia, Suvi, Oliver, Charlie M., Emma, Aaron, Erin and Alfie

It was exciting getting the certificate for RRS-Connor

We got our Step 5 today….that was exciting !-Robert and Sophia

I liked getting my MVP from Mr Jeffries-Megan

I was excited getting the Drama certificate from Mrs Innes- Ava

I think getting dressed today was fun for the charity. I was wearing my new jumper and trousers.. My sweatshirt was yellow ! Charlie D.

We also painted our tiles with Roman designs…Thank you for helping us Mrs Jamieson




Our week in p7b


In Health lessons just now we are focusing on internet safety:

Antonia: “We’ve learned how to be safe on the internet by only choosing to do things which are sensible and appropriate.”

Jay: “Be careful what you click on when online because you could end up losing money by giving out your credit card details to people who are trying to commit fraud.”

Finlay: “We’ve learned that phishing is when someone online puts an advert on top of a virus to try and make you click it. If you click it you could end up with a virus that lets hackers see all your personal details.”

Isla: “If you have a social media account don’t put your personal details such as your address, phone number etc.”

Flyn: “We’ve learned to never look up inappropriate sites because we could end up seeing things that upset us.”

Chloe: “Make sure you don’t put names next to any photos and don’t put up photos where you are wearing uniform that could identify you.”

In maths we have been learning about fractions:

Emily: “We learned how to simplify fractions and we do this because it gives us smaller numbers in the fraction which are easier to use in our head.”

Finlay: “We’ve been learning how to simplifying fractions. To do it you look at both numbers in the fraction and see which times table they are in. Then we divide the top and bottom by that number.”

Lauren U: “Mr Berginis told us that we have to treat the numerator and denominator the same otherwise we are being ‘fraction-ist!’ “

Jack: “We learned yesterday about equivalent fractions. When two fractions are equivalent they are equal and show us the same part but with two different fractions.”

Who has impressed?

Flyn: “Lauren K impressed me by winning the certificate for the Right Respecting School award.”

Antonia: “Harry has impressed me this week because he has been a really good friend by always being there when I need to talk to him.”

Emily: “The Electric Eels table impressed by winning table of the week for the fifth week in a row.”

Chloe: “Adam has impressed me by winning the P.E. MVP award for February.”

Lauren C: “Emma and Ailah in p2 impressed me because they are doing very well in their p2 show.”

Jay: “I’m impressed with my p1 buddy Ellis and he got two certificates at assembly this morning.”

Mr Berginis: “I’m impressed with the resilience shown by the class this week in their maths work while we have been learning about fractions.” 



5d rocks!!!!

Just when we thought we couldn’t get any better we have excelled ourselves by learning a more complicated rhythm pattern that sounds really cool and we even played along with the Meghan Traynor song All About The Bass !!!


We have been learning about the daily routines of rich and poor Victorian children. We used this as a focus for writing out a timetable for each and it was really interesting to see the difference between the two. We will be using the timetables next week in maths!                                                                                                                  We were also able to relate our work on timetables to this morning’s assembly that showed how the lives of rich and poor children were very different and we understand this in the context of social norms and values.

We will now be doing a weekly reading rave slot (an idea pinched from Mrs McKenzie) where we have the opportunity to bring our favourite reading material into school and talk about it with the class. The idea behind this is to encourage those who maybe aren’t keen readers to read more and those who are keen readers have the opportunity to share their thoughts and ideas with the class.

Have a great weekend!


Budding artists in 1w!

This week in 1w we have been learning more about making collage pictures. Last week we made flowers out of tissue paper and this week we made forrest pictures. Some people even started to add the Gruffalo and the little brown mouse into their picture.

We really enjoy Art in 1w and are becoming fantastic artists! Here is a list of our favourite pieces of art we have made so far in Primary 1:

Jodie – Making my Caribbean beach picture
Katie – Making my 3D parrot as part of home learning
Donna – Painting pictures
Max – Making my 3D parrot out of paper mache
Eva – Drawing pictures of dinosaurs
Lucas – Drawing a pirate portrait
Farrah – Colouring in pictures of our favourite books
Lewis – I enjoy drawing
Anna – Painting pictures

*Article 29 – We have the right to learn to be the best we can be*

Sinking and floating…

This week we have been scientists.  Like real scientists we did some research, made predictions, carried out an experiment and recorded our findings.

We learned about why some objects float and some sink.  It has all to do with density.  Everything is made of molecules. Molecules are tiny particles that can only be seen with a microscope (we thought of them as Lego bricks).  Some objects have molecules that are packed closely together. Others have molecules that are packed more loosely. This is density. Objects with tightly packed molecules are denser than the water and sink.  Objects with more loosely packed molecules are less dense and float.

We used this knowledge to make predications.  We then did experiments to check our predicitions and finally recorded our results.

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article 13

P6 Fundraising Day

Today P6 organised a fundraising day to raise money for our show Olivia. We brought in lots of home baking and set up some games and a raffle. Emma made a fantastic Olivia cake at home which was amazing and helped us raise lots of money! We are going to count all the money we have raised during Maths tomorrow. This will then go towards getting costumes and resources for our show. We would like to thank everyone who helped us out.

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Luca: I enjoyed maths the week because we were making our own games for the 6,7, 8 and 9 times table.

Kamron: I liked doing home learning this week because I painted a Viking god (Thor).

Archie: I enjoyed writing my star poem because it was fun.

Cameron: I liked NYCOS because we were learning musical note names like ‘me and so’.

Murray: I enjoyed researching the Vikings with the net books because it was interesting to learn that the Vikings came from Scandinavia and where they invaded in Britain.

Jack: For the past few weeks I have enjoyed practicing and learning lots of different spelling words. I like using different spelling strategies to get better at spelling the words, especially using my words to make up a rap.

P4m have been learning about symmetry for the past few weeks: we have learned that cutting a shape in half helps us to decide whether or not it is symmetrical. We have also learned how to print a symmetrical shape with paint. We enjoyed finding things around us that are symmetrical like butterflies and even people! We had a great time at the National Museum on Thursday: we had lots of fun and learned so much about the Vikings! Pictures from the trip to follow, watch this space!


P3b Learning

This week we learned about the mummification process. We were so shocked when we found that the Ancient Egyptians pulled the brains out through the nose! We then made our own canopic jars- it was great fun!
We also mummified a small toy. We pretended we were the priest wearing an Anubis mask ready to embalm the small toy.
In art we painted a sunset silhouette picture. We had to blend different colours to create a beautiful sunset. They were so good they are displayed on the wall.
In writing we edited our pyramid adventure story and used the laptops to type them up. The laptops were very fun to use. It was a bit tricky using all the keys and knowing where the letters were.

Have a great weekend,

Article 28- Right to an education

So you want to be a Viking?

On Thursday 26th February, P4g and P4m went to the National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh as part of their topic on the Vikings. They saw a Viking grave, a film about the Vikings, were able to handle some Viking artefacts and some children even dressed up as Vikings!

I enjoyed watching the Viking show because it was funny and the Viking warrior ran in roaring! Eva

I enjoyed touching the Viking sword. Ty

We saw a Viking skeleton with no feet. He had been buried with a key. Ciaran

We got to hold the head of a spear and an axe head from Viking times. Harvey

I liked seeing the logboat. They are boats made out of curved logs. They are different to Viking longboats, which are much wider. The log boats were much narrower. Sophie

I liked when Mrs Clark was chosen to be Odin, the Viking God! Jennie

I really, really enjoyed it because we got to feel what the Viking artefacts were like and we got to see the skeleton. Lennox

We saw a Viking ring which had a red stone in it. It must have been for a rich person. Lucie




Music in Class B

We have been learning about texture in music.   We can create thick and thin textures using our voices as well as a range of musical instruments. When few instruments are playing the texture is thin, when more instruments playing the texture is thick.

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We’ve learned that a texture can be thin and loud as well as thick and quiet.

The boys in class B enjoyed creating their own musical instruments and demonstrating the various ways that they can be played.

We’ve been learning how to read music and have to listen very carefully to the different sounds.

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Arty Primary 3/2

We are experiencing amazing activities…Here are our comments…

Jason- I liked the pictures because there were dinosaurs, Viking jewellery and our Roman mosaics…good work everyone !

Liam – I liked doing my fish for the gallery. It was called Greeny the fish !  I liked seeing the elephant picture from another class too.

Connor-There were lots of pictures to look at. I liked  them all especially our class mosaics.

Mia-I loved seeing my work at the Gallery.

Megan- I loved performing in front of Primary 7 and Primary 1.

Suvi-I thought the pictures were all very good. My mum bought mine and my brother’s.

Lauren-I enjoyed seeing all the different work. I liked hearing the choir singing also.

Sophia- At the Gallery was very good because I saw lots of really nice artwork.

Erin-The choir sang great songs in the main hall.

Isla and Ava- We liked all the pictures in the Gallery.

Emma, Sam and Oliver- We  liked buying our pictures at the Gallery. That was fun !

Sophie, Alfie and Charlie- We liked visiting the Gallery.

Aaron – I liked watching the group from Honey performing at the Gallery.

Ben- Drama this week I liked it because we were talking about the stories we were going to act out.

David and Charlie-We went with our mum to the Gallery and we liked buying our pictures.

What an exciting week…The opening of our extension and showcasing all our Learning…well done everyone !



Trip to New Lanark

Our class trip to New Lanark


We really enjoyed our trip to New Lanark last Monday and wrote Obituaries for Robert Owen in writing.


Here are some of the things we learned and enjoyed…… (I think most peoples favourite part was the Annie McLeod ride!!

I enjoyed the Annie McLeod ride. Gemma B, Louise & Ramsay

I enjoyed listening to the Annie McLeod story whilst on the ride. Jane

Roan enjoyed the river made of Cola! Really Roan??

I enjoyed being a teacher because I could shout at people! Gemma M

I enjoyed the movie about Harmony. Isla

Everything! Kiera H

I really enjoyed the ride and I liked the school room and the film near the end. Casey


Well done to all the drummers and the choir who took part in the opening of the new extension. A special mention to Cameron Muir who did a great job leading the drummers and a huge thank you to Mrs Drummond and Mrs Innes for teaching the drumming and the choir. Well done to everyone for their fantastic artwork. The Victorian Street Scenes looked really effective framed.

Have a lovely weekend!


We have been learning some disgusting facts about Ancient Egypt this week! We have been learning all about mummification. We wrote instructions about how to mummify someone; Here is an example:


First you need to clean the body.

Then you need to mix the brain around and pull it out the nose.

Next you need to make a cut in the body and you take out the organs. You need to put them in canopic jars.

Then you need to dry the body and leave it for 40 days.

Once it is dry you need to stuff the body and wrap it in bandages.

Finally you put the body in a sarcophagus and put it in a tomb.


We also mummified an apple using salt and bicarbonate soda. We are going to look at the apple in 1 week to see what it looks like.

We made designed a sarcophagus and we made our own canopic jars. We had to

create the head of the god who protects the organs. Most people chose the jackal head. He is called Duametef and he protects the stomach.


This week some people used the netbooks to type up and edit the ending of their stories and we will finish these next week.


We hope you enjoyed viewing our art work at the exhibition.


See you next week!





Wow, what a week!!!!

I would just like to take this opportunity to thank all of the musicians from both primary five classes who worked extremely hard over the past few weeks to make Thursday’s performance such a great success. I am very proud of each and every one of you!!!!

New Lanark

We had a fantastic time on our trip to New Lanark. We especially enjoyed the Annie McLeod ride and the Victorian classroom. Here are some of our pictures……

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We have decided that toys in the present day are much more fun than in the Victorian times although we did have great fun playing with them in class!

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It’s been fun this week as we have been going over everything we have learned about money before we get to the hard stuff! We really enjoy this as it reminds us of just how much we already know and gives us a real shot of confidence. We are now moving on to a variety of tasks from making a given amount in as many ways as we can and problem solving using money up to £20.


Mrs Duncan makes P.E. really fun and we weren’t really aware just how much exercise we can get through learning dance moves. We have been learning the moves to Bruno Mars song Uptown Funk. We broke the dance moves down and learned the individual moves then put them into a sequence. Eventually we were able to perform along with the music!!

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This week we learned about writing and sending an e-mail. We wanted to send an e-mail to the staff at New Lanark to thank them for our fantastic visit. We discussed as a class what information the e-mail should have then we talked about the composition of the e-mail. We were delighted when the staff at New Lanark replied to us thanking us for our kind comments.

Unfortunately Mrs Duncans time with us has come to an end. We have really enjoyed having her with us. Myself and  the boys and girls in P5d will miss her! We have invited Mrs Duncan to visit us in the near future so we hope to see her soon.

Have a great weekend!


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