Category Archives: Rights Respecting Schools


Welcome to our Blog. Every week we will update you with what we have been up to

In our first two weeks we have been looking at our rights, responsibilities and actions. Some of the rights we have looked at are our right to a name, to a nationality,  to be heard, to our opinion,  to an education, best available healthcare, nutritious food and our right to basic needs.

We have been looking at the water cycle and how water is available and used around the world. We have done some experiments including cleaning dirty water, making clouds and creating the water cycle. You can see these in the classroom. We also looked at how water moves and used paint and chalk to create giant water drops which are now dripping from a giant tap!

For maths we are looking at addition and developing our  skills and also learning about dividing things or people onto groups depending on their characteristics.

It has been a very busy two weeks and we have really enjoyed them.

More from P4g later.


We have had a SUPER first week in primary 3! Our classroom has a superhero theme so we have been busy creating our own superheroes. We designed their outfit and used our drawing and cutting skills to make paper heroes. We also used paint and chalk to create a superhero skyline. In writing we were using describing words to describe how our superheroes looked and what powers they had. Some of our superheroes had laser eyes, could turn invisible and could change into animals!

We have also been thinking about the rules for our classroom. We explored the rights of every child and discussed how by making the right choices we could make sure that every child in our class and school had these rights. We wrote down the rights that we have in school and what we actions we will take. We know that we all have a right to an education so we need to make sure that we work hard at all time and listen carefully. We also have a right to be safe. We need to be kind to others and play nicely in the playground.

In maths we have been revising adding to 20 and we loved playing ‘Harry Potter Maths’. We like challenging each other to woek out the answer faster.

We have enjoyed getting to know each other as some of us have not been in the same class before. We are enjoying playing in our new playground and we really like playing in the garden.

We hope you have a super weekend!

Class awards:

Pupil of the Week: Isla

Class Dojo: Logan