Category Archives: P7


We have had a busy first term in Primary Seven.  Here are some of our highlights:

‘I liked recapping 2D and 3D shapes.’- Lucy

‘I liked writing the ending to the crime story.’- Callum D

‘I liked doing all the CSI activities.’- Valerija

‘I liked learning the days of the week in French.’- Meadow

‘I enjoyed all the writing.  I liked the CSI writing most of all because you can write what you want.’- Christopher

‘I enjoyed doing the pop art.’ Polina

‘I liked drawing the suspects using tone and shade.’- Meadow

‘I enjoyed using shade and tone to draw images of the lungs and heart.’- Lucy

‘I liked creating the perspective art.’- Jamie

‘I liked writing the newspaper article on the crime about the stolen laptop.’- Kari

‘I liked doing the auditions in drama for our P7 panto.’- Meadow

‘I enjoyed writing the explanation text on how the lungs work.’- Millie

‘I was exciting finding out our roles for the panto.’- Kari

Class dojo- Christopher

Pupil of the Week- Lucy

Table of the Week- MI6


This week some of the things we did are:

We auditioned for our p7 panto (Jack and the Beanstalk)

In art we used our knowledge of shape and perspective to create 3D pictures.

In P.E we played extreme tunnel tig, we did an obstacle course, elimination tig and body part balances.

In maths the Decahedrons were practicing adding and taking away mentally. The Pentagons and Hexagons also worked on adding mentally.

With Mrs Waddell we shared our paintings of heaven and hell and measured angles.

In writing we wrote an explanation text about the lungs and how we breathe.


Blog by Casey and Roan

Have a good weekend!



Our week in P7b

What a busy week in P7…

Here are some of our comments…


Christopher- I enjoyed writing about the lungs and the heart

Lucy- I liked using shading and tone in the drawing of the heart

Aaron- I liked drawing the lungs and the heart

Iona- I liked writing the explanation about the workings of the heart and lungs


Callum- I enjoyed measuring angles on my name

Brooke- I enjoyed counting up and down in Maths and doubling numbers


Jamie- I liked auditioning for the role of Jack in the P7 pantomime


William- I liked  learning about God in RE

Congratulations to mystery students for this week-well done !


the Drama award for P7-Jamie

and Pupil of the week- Brooke


Have a great weekend everyone !



P7a and P7b MacMillan Coffee Morning

The whole school was invited to the MacMillan coffee morning this morning. At the MacMillan coffee morning the P7 children had jobs. Some of the jobs were helping at the toy stall, collecting tickets, giving all the pupils their food and tidying up all the plates. It was exhausting but we enjoyed having the responsibility of our jobs. We also got to enjoy our own coffee morning. We got to enjoy lovely cakes, sweets and drinks. All the classes in the school attended the coffee morning and everyone enjoyed a juice and a cake. Thank you to everyone who handed in cakes there were AMAZING.

written by Louise Kirk

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P7b Update

It has been a short week at school this week; nevertheless it has been a busy one!

This week we completed art work where we drew the outline of our side profile onto coloured paper then cut it out to make a silhouette.  We then wrote three facts about ourselves and stuck them underneath our silhouette so that others can guess who is who by reading the facts and looking at the shape of our faces.

Yesterday we revised our learning so far about 2D and 3D shapes.  We learned the different names for different triangles (equilateral, scalene, isosceles and right angle.)  We also looked at the art technique called perspective.  This is where objects look smaller when they are further away.  To create perspective art, you have to include a vanishing point and ensure that all corners meet at that exact point.  We transferred our learning about quadrilaterals and triangles by incorporating them into our art work.  Our 2D shapes now look 3D as a result of the vanishing point.  They will look really effective on display in our class.

As part of our CSI context for learning, we examined finger prints.  We learned that there are three main types of fingerprints- loops, arches and whorls.  Approximately 60% of people have loops, 35% have whorls and 5% have arches.

‘I discovered that I had a plain whorl.’ – David.

We looked at our own finger prints and next week will be lifting our prints.  We will also compare the finger prints found at the crime scene in school and compare them with our 6 suspects.

Have a lovely weekend,


Dojo Winners- David and Millie

RRS- Article 28- Right to an education


P7b Update

In P.E this week we played ‘Castles’.  To play this game, we split into two teams and each team has two ‘castles’ made from hula hoops.  The aim of the game is to use a ball to knock down the opposing teams castles.  There is a two minute time limit and the team who knocks down the most castles wins.

For writing this week we wrote an imaginative crime story.  We had to choose from a selection of characters, settings and crimes and create a story with a beginning, middle and end.  We also had to begin our story with an interesting opener.  E.g. in the middle of action, a flashback, with a question or speech.  This helped to grab the reader’s attention straight away.  Miss Bollen was very impressed with our stories.

This week we also learned about the ‘crime’ that took place at Balbardie.  It turns out that MrsDunbar’s laptop has been stolen.  The suspects are; Mrs Meek, Mrs Hay, Mrs Madden, Jim the Janny, Mrs Haddifon and Mr Cunningham.  We explored the crime scene and found fingerprints, footprints, a scrunched up note, fabric and hair samples.  We will complete investigations over the coming weeks to find the guilty suspect.

Enjoy the long weekend,


RRS- Article 28- Right to an Education

Pupil of the week- David

Class dojo winner- Viggo

Table of week- Mysterious 6




Update from P7b

In writing this week we continued to write in the style of a biography.  We used our imagination to create a biography about our future selves.  This links in with our future aspirations context for learning as we wrote about things we had achieved in our lives.

On Wednesday a maths teacher from Bathgate Academy came into our class to carry out some place value and addition activities.  One activity we completed was an addition puzzle that joined together to form a hexagon.  We had the option of choosing mild, spicy or hot addition sums that meant we could challenge ourselves appropriately.

For Golden Time this week we chose from different activities in the P6 and P7 classes.  The options included; baking, games from home, free art, hama beads, outside games, ipads and Wii.  We all had great fun and are looking forward to trying different activities.

Class Dojo Winner- Meadow Friel

Table Winners- Mysterious Six

Pupil of the Week- Viggo Savage

RRS- Article 28- Right to an Education

Hello from P7b

It has been a busy first full week in Primary 7.   Here are some of the things we learned/enjoyed this week in class:

For writing this week, we completed a biography about a person who inspires us.  First of all, we researched facts about our idol and then took notes on a planning template.  We then used our notes to form a biography in our own words.  We learned that features of a biography includes;  written in 3rd person, past tense, chronological order, headings and key events and dates.

In art, we chose inspirational quotes to encourage other pupils.  We turned this into pop art.  We looked at the colour wheel and chose contrasting colours for our backgrounds to make our quotes stand out.  Here is an example of one of the quotes we used:

‘success comes in cans, not in cannots.’

In maths we learned about different properties of 3D shapes.  We learned how to identify the number of faces, edges and vertices on 3D shapes.  Today we learned a special rule- to calculate the number of edges, you can add the number of faces and vertices then subtract two.  We also learned some new shape names such as octahedrons and  tetrahedrons.  We also learned the definition of a prism.


Rights Respecting Schools- (Article 28) Right to an Education

P7b’s First Blog 2016

Most of us are happy to be back at school.  We have had a good week in Primary 7.  Here are some of the things we got up to:

‘Spending time with our P1 buddies.’ – Aidan

‘I liked writing a piece about our adventures in the summer holidays.’ – Brooke

‘I loved making our Get to Know You game for our buddy.’- William

‘I liked our art work where we outlined a self-portrait with personal facts.’- Iona

‘I liked making a figure me out poster.  This is a poster with maths questions that someone has to figure out.  E.g. My age is 5 x 2.’- Callum

‘I enjoyed making different 3D shapes with lolly pop sticks.’- Meadow

‘I liked the different 3D shape maths stations.’- Aaron

We are looking forward to our months ahead in P7

Have a nice weekend,


P7b update

Last week most of us had our transition week at Bathgate Academy.  Here are some of our highlights from the week:

‘In science we used bunsen burners to boil an egg and complete other experiments.’- Ross and Emma

‘The sports event.  There were hurdles, long jumps, sprints, races and tug of war.  I got two third place medals.’ – Travis

‘In Modern Languages we had to guess whether logos came from France, Germany or Spain.’ – Catherine

‘In humanities we played catchphrase.’- Robbie

We all had great fun and are looking forward to attending high school in August!

In writing this week we wrote our own fractured fairy tale.  This is a well-known fairy tale with a twist.  For example, it could be a fairy tale written from another character’s viewpoint or with a different ending etc.  Miss Bollen was impressed with our ideas.  We wrote these stories into out transition jotters to show our high school teachers.

In class we also revised renewable and non-renewable sources and how to conserve energy.  We learned that energy conservation is when you use less energy.  For example, turning off a light when you leave a room.  We discussed a range of different ways to conserve energy and the effects this has on the environment.

In health and wellbeing we learned about first aid and how to respond in  emergency situations.  We discussed actions to take in different emergency scenarios and then used dummies to practise giving CPR.  We enjoyed this practical activity and now feel more confident in our own abilities to deal with an emergency.   We look forward to further developing our knowledge of this at our excursion to the risk factory on Monday.

Article 28- Right to an Education


We have had a very busy week this week. On Monday we began filming our French videos where we retold the story of Cinderella in French. Firstly, we had to translate the story into English and then we split into groups to take a section of the story each. In our groups we split up the lines and practised our French pronunciation. We retold the story of Cinderella using puppets and we filmed our reenactments and have sent them to Bathgate Academy as part of our transition project.

On Tuesday we had great fun in the sun at Sports Day. We went down with our P1 buddies who were fantastic. Cameron and Rachael were the overall winners. Cameron also collected the house cup for Bruce as they were this years winners!

Next week most of us are off to Bathgate Academy for our transition week. We are all a bit nervous but we are looking forward to it. Wish us luck!


See you when we get back!



On Monday we had a tobacco workshop where we learned about the risks of smoking.

Here are some facts we learned:

  • there are over 4000 chemicals in one cigarette.
  • cigarettes are addictive.
  • One of the main substances inside a cigarette is tar- the same tar found on the road!
  • Smoking turns your lungs black and can cause lung cancer.
  • If you smoke, your lungs will get filled with tar.
  • If you buy a 20 pack of cigarettes every day, it would cost approximately £2920.
  • If you get a lung infection, it can feel like you are drowning as your lungs are filled with phlegm.
  • If a woman smokes when she is pregnant, it can damage the baby.
  • Second hand smoking is called passive smoking and can be very dangerous.


Our job for next our next workshop is to give up something we enjoy for one week and to research harmful chemicals found in a cigarette.


This week we have been learning about the EU referendum.  This is a vote which will take place on the 23rd of June 2016 to decide whether Britain stays part of Europe.  We have been researching the pros and cons on being in the EU and have made posters to display this information.  For writing we also wrote debate speeches to persuade others to vote a certain way.

Here are some advantages of being in the EU:

  • Britain is stronger together- if there is a future war, we will have support from other EU counties.
  • We have good trade links and are able to easily buy and sell products from other EU countries. If we left, businesses would have to pay tax to do this.
  • We share police information with other EU countries that can make Britain safer.

Here are some disadvantages:

  • Britain pays 118 billion pounds annually to be part of the EU.
  • We don’t have full control over our own laws/legislation.
  • Currently we are not able to secure our own trade links.


From P7b


Article 28- Right to an Educations

Article 24- Right to health care and information to help you stay well

Article 12- Right to have an opinion and be listened to.


P7 took a 3 hour trip to Oban with no wifi for 4 days but no wifi was worth it. P7 done 6 activities, we were split into four different groups and there was a lot of teamwork involved and the activities were coasteering, climbing and abseiling, canoeing and bush craft and gorge walking  and archery p.s gorge walking was super duper cold.

We just started looking at the Scottish election and we learned about all the different parties. SNP won in our constituency. We also learned about manifestos and we read the manifestos of Scotland’s main political parties. we wrote our own manifestos detailing the changes we would like to make in Scotland.

We have also been learning about debating and have held some class debates on interesting issues. Next week we are going to be learning about the EU referendum and write a speech to read during our class debate.


In writing we have been learning how to edit and re-draft our writing. We had a challenge to write a mini-saga. We had to write a short story with a beginning, middle and end. We then had to use our editing skills to cut our story down to only fifty words. The story still had to make sense and we had to check our spelling and grammar. We found it quite challenging.


See you next week!

Jamie and Sam


A Week in P7b

On Wednesay we had a visitor called Jenny who visited P7 to discuss our transition to high school.  During this, we recorded how we can celebrate leaving primary school and what we are excited about.  We also talked about our worries regarding high school and suggested solutions to solve/deal with these issues.  Lastly we rated ourself on a scale of 0-10  to show how confident  we feel about changing schools and we will refer back to this in our next session

We have started to prepare for our class assembly which will take place on the 20th of May.  We shared our ideas and have begun to rewrite a famous song in our own words.  Practises will continue next week.

This week we learned that democracy means ‘ruled by the people’.  Therefore, everyone has a say and the prime minister cannot become a dictator.  We had a look at how the Scottish election system works and identified the main parties.  We also learned that a manifesto is a set of promises that a candidate promises to carry out if they win an election.


Oban -the day of adventure

Last night we went swimming to the pool in the town . It was great fun because we had all the equipment out and the pool to ourselves. On  the way back to the hostel we all had tasty chips.

Today we woke up and had breakfast. Then groups 1 and 2 went coasteering and abseiling/climbing and groups 3 and 4 did gorge walking. It was snowing and very cold but exciting.

Then lunch back at the hostel.

After that group 1 went abseiling and climbing group 2 went coasteering and groups 3 and 4 had archery .

Tonight we are having a beach bonfire if the rain stops- fingers crossed !

and tomorrow we are coming home .

written by Erin h and Adam e.




Oban Trip Day 3

Today at Oban we were in two groups. Groups 1&2 went on a gorge walk up and down some waterfalls wearing wetsuits and then went on to do some archery. We had targets with balloons stuck onto them to shoot at.

Groups 3&4 were canoeing on a loch and went and did some bushcraft . When they were there they created some shelters and built up some fires to toast marshmallows.

We are having loads of fun and cant wait for tomorrow’s activities.

By Ava B & Nadia

Oban Day 1

Firstly we got on the bus and set off for a long journey ahead. On the bus some people played games while some others chatted among themselves. We took a break for a snack before we arrived at our destination.

When we arrived we finnished off our lunch and got into our groups for our rooms. We cmpleted some activities such as Smelly Swamp, Magic Stick, Golden Egg and Rope and Blindfold.

For dinner we had Chicken Korma and pudding. We then began our adventure by walking to an old castle and played some games on the way.

We then had some snacks then went to bed. Once we had all woken up we headed downstairs for breakfast.
Activities today ready to start at 9.30am

Speak later !

Written by Emma.B and Erin.M xx

P7a and P7b

On Wednesday 20th April P7a and P7b received visit from members of the Ancre Somme Association. They shared information and artefacts relating to the First World War. We discussed local regiments during the war and some of our local heroes whose names you can find on local war memorials.

They showed us video clips of different uniforms throughout World War 1 and how and why they developed. Jamie and Travis dressed up as soldiers from the First World War. They were able to feel how uncomfortable and heavy the uniforms were.

We watched video clips about the different weapons used in World War 1 including different rifles and machine guns. They video compared the weapons used by the German and British forces. We also looked at the how the gas masks also developed to protect the soldiers. Originally they had to use a cloth and dip it in a bucket of urine and use that to cover their face to protect from the poisonous gas. Yuck!

We really enjoyed the visit and handling some of the artefacts.



Pod Squad Blog

Hope you enjoy them…

Derri’s Delightful Blog

This week my blog is about Loch Ness.


1. Loch Ness is the second biggest loch by surface area and the largest by volume. 

2. Part of the loch is 812ft deep. 

3. There is one island on the called loch cherry island at fort August.

4.The Loch Ness monsters nick name is Nessie.

5.Loch ness is 22.5 miles long and 1 mile wide.

Freya’s Blog Party

This week is going to be about dinosaurs 


1 Some dinosaurs coudlden see in colour.

2 No human has ever seen a dinosaur.

3 Dinosaurs bones are called fossils.

4 Some dinosaurs used camouflage.

5 No dinosaurs had long fur.

Jamie’s Football Facts

5 facts about Ibrahimović.


1. His full name is Zlatan Ibrahimović.

2. He was born on the 3rd October on 1981.

3. The place of birth Malmõ Sweden.

4. He plays for PSG that stands for Paris Saint-Germain.

5. He is 6ft 5 in 2.

Jay’s Dino Facts

I’m not around this week but I look forward to sharing more facts with you next week.

Dyllan’s Mega Blog

No blog from me this week but look forward to sharing more facts with you next week.

Paige’s Awesome Blog

My blog this  week  is about  Mr Berginis.

mr b

Mr Berginis  likes to run.

His  favourite food is pizza.

He supports Hearts football team.

He likes his family the best.

Sometimes he like to sing on the karaoke.

I think  he is awesome

James’ Radical Blog

This week my blog is about The Pod.


1.There are 8 members in The Pod.

2.We go up stairs after lunch.

3.We have  been learning about emotions.

4.After we do some learning we have choose.

5.We have a behaviour chart.

Greig’s Amazing Info

This week my blog is going to be places to eat in Bathgate.


1. A very famous place McDonalds.

2. Gregg’s bakery i love a pizza out Greggs.

3. Kelly’s sweet shop they sell sandwiches.

4. The James young   Pub.

5. The sports centre cafe.

I hope you are hungry for more next week!

Article 13 – Children have the right to find out things and share what they know


Update from P7b

This week we have been learning about perimeter. The perimeter is the distance around a shape and to calculate the perimeter of a 2D shape, you have to measure all the lengths and add them together. We challenged ourselves by finding the perimeter of shapes with missing lengths. Therefore, we had to use the lengths already given to find the missing length before calculating the perimeter. We learned some strategies to quickly find the perimeter of regular polygons. For example, to find the perimeter of a pentagon, times the length by 5. After the Easter break we are going to explore the concept of area.

In art we looked at the work of Dali. His work is ‘surrealist’. This means that his work is unusual. He created images of two things that you wouldn’t expect together e.g. dinner utensils on a beach or an elephant transforming into an instrument. We then created our own surrealist pieces in the style of Dali. Our work will look fantastic on display.

In drama we have been learning slapstick. This is violence without pain. In other words, it looks like you may be hitting someone but it’s fake. Laurel and Hardy and Charlie Chapman were famous for their slapstick performances. We have worked in teams of 5/6 to create our own story lines containing slapstick. We will perform our scenarios in front of the P6’s next term.

Have a lovely and safe Easter Holiday,