Category Archives: P6


Primary 6 have been very busy preparing for the school show. If you haven’t already you can buy tickets at the school office for £2 each.

The children have been learning lots from taking part in the practises:

Jack – I’ve learned that if you try hard you can learn your lines and enjoy the show.
Noah – I’ve learned to change the expression of your voice. That means changing to high notes and low notes.
Katie – I’ve learned to listen to stage directions.
Aidan – I’ve learned to be patient because you need to wait until it is your turn to go on stage.
Emma – I’ve learned to act like another person. My character is a Health and Safety Officer and they have to be strict.
Jamie – From doing the show I’ve gained more confidence in standing up in front of others.
Kamron – I have a learned a new skill of puppeteering because usually I’m just a character and I’ve had to use a puppet.
Callum – I’ve learned to say my lines and when to say them.
Harry – I’ve learned that if say the wrong line you just need to keep going. This is called improvisation.
Archie – I’ve learned how to take on the character and be funny. Our show isn’t like any other p6 show.
Skye – I’ve learned to use props and know when and how to use them. Once I brought the wrong prop on and after practises I now know what I need.
Casey – I’ve learned that when you step on stage you need to change into your character so even if you are feeling tired you need to be ready to perform for your audience.

p6a 4.11.16

Blue table: Our favourite part of this week was watching auditions for the Talent Show.

Yellow table : We enjoyed practising dances for the P6 show.

Green table: We like rehearsing for the P6 show.

Red table : We enjoyed maths this week. We were learning about addition and sharing mental math strategies.

White table : We enjoyed maths this week. We like adding using the standard written method.

Purple table: We like the BBB today. We were discussing our learning in Maths and Numeracy.

P6a 14.10.16

We have been busy in P6a this week.

We have enjoyed reading our class novel, Maltilda.

We also have been working hard to get our Space projects finished.

In maths we learned about measuring in cm and mm with a partner.

We enjoyed typing fact cards to demonstrate our learning of a new planet that has discovered- Proxima b.

Special person: Sophie

P6a 7.10.16

Lucy M : I enjoyed maths this week. We were learning to add two multiples of 10 and I used the doubling strategy to help me add.

Kirsten: I enjoyed writing this week. We were writing scientific reports about making parachutes to test air resistance.

Zoe: I enjoyed our P6 show auditions; I found it scary but it was still fun.

Ciaran: I enjoyed experimenting with parachutes in science. We learned that the bigger the parachute is the slower it will fall to the ground.

Abbie: I enjoyed maths this week. I found it challenging at the beginning but I kept trying and got there in the end.


Special person: Yasmin

Primary 6b

Primary 6b
Fiona – I enjoyed baking in golden time this week. We baked truffles. We got crushed digestive biscuits in a bowl, we added condensed milk and mixed it together. Then we added cocoa powder and mixed it all together. Then we scooped it up with our hands and rolled it into a ball.
Aidan – I enjoyed the auditions on Wednesday and found out our parts today. I was happy because I got the part I auditioned for.
Robyn – I also enjoyed the auditions because me and Skye got the parts we wanted.
Harry – I wanted a part in the play so I’m happy. My character is called Bunghole.
Lewis – This week we were learning to count to twenty in French
Katie – In maths I learned to write numbers in words.

P6a 3.10.16

Noah: Last week in writing we were learning to write a news paper article about Apollo 11.

Brooklyn: I enjoyed researching facts about Apollo 11.

Lennox: I really enjoyed learning the strategy of doubling in maths.

Sophie: I enjoyed learning about estimating in maths.

Ty: I enjoyed learning to multiply by 10, 100 and 1000.

Special person: Brooklyn

P6a 23. 9.16

Rowan: I enjoyed learning how to estimate in maths. We were placing  numbers on an number line.

Jennie: I enjoyed learning colours in French. Rouge is red!

Cole: I enjoyed learning more about space. We were learning about the relationship between the moon, sun and earth.

Zoe: I am enjoying reading our class novel the BFG.

Lucy: I enjoyed learning more about space. We were learning about the planets and that Jupiter is the giant of the solar system.

Paul: I have enjoyed reading my group novel- The Dancing Bear by Michael Murpugo.


Primary 6b Learning

This week we have been learning:

Fiona – I have been learning how to blend colours in painting. This week were painting our version of Vincent Van Gogh’s ‘Starry Night’
Luca – I learned about Vincent Van Gogh. He uses lots of dashes and dots. He cut off his ear. He ended up shooting himself.
Gabriel – We learned that he lived in France and had a yellow house.

Kamron – I have been learning about rounding numbers in maths. When you are rounding if the next number is 4 or less you round down and if it is more than 5 you round up.

Jack – In netball we were learning to pivot with the ball so that you can pass to people to the side of you and behind you.

Callum – I learned in maths the value of numbers.

Noah – At Golden Time I learned how to make Banoffee Pie. You break up digestive biscuits, then a spoonful of carmel, then you chop up banana and then top with cream. Then you eat it!
Skye – In drama we were the President Body Guard and Ground Control to Major Tom in our dance drama. We were learning to talk to each other and control our movements.

primary 6b

Jack – This week I have been learning to get better at rounding numbers. Before I found it difficult but now I have mastered it! So you round up if the number is more than 5. If it was 7 it would be 10, if it was 3 it would 0.

Fiona – I learned to round to the nearest 10,000, 100,000 and 1 million. We did examples with the teacher before we did our written task.

Gary – This I have been learning how to write a newspaper report. In a newspaper you should have a title called a headline, a photo, information, date, adverts and sometimes crosswords and puzzles. Next week we are writing our own newspaper report about the landing on the moon.

Casey – I learned this week not to give up. We have been learning about Growth Mindset.

Stacey – I have been learning it is ok to make mistakes if you keep moving forward.

P6a 9.9.16

Cole: I enjoyed learning how to order numbers to 1000 in maths this week.

Eva: I enjoyed making space pictures because we got to use a range of materials and it was fun!

Kirsten: I enjoyed reading this week.

Ty: I enjoyed playing French bingo.

Sophie: I enjoyed learning our numbers 1-20 in French.

This week’s special person: Kirsten

P6a 2.9.16

Rhia: I enjoyed learning to count forwards and backwards in hundreds.

Lucie: We were learning to sketch self-portraits. I enjoyed it because I like working on my art skills.

Kate: We were researching Olympic athletes and I enjoyed making a poster with a partner.

Tom: I enjoyed searching for space words in the dictionary.

Jennie: I enjoyed learning about Ramadan and creating a power point and quiz.

Special person this week: Zoe

P6a- Our first week back!

Ty: I enjoyed playing ‘This is the answer what is the question’ in maths because it was fun and it helped me work on my times tables.

Zoe: I enjoyed researching an Olympic athlete and making a poster with the information.

Sophie: I enjoyed our dictionary challenge because it helped me to practise my dictionary skills.

Lennox: I enjoyed playing times table board games because it helped me to practise my 8 times table.

Cole: I enjoyed sharing my news in circle time.


Special person this week:  Ciaran


Literacy – this week we were filling in the ‘Holes’, as we finished our class novel study – Holes by Louis Sacher.  We have been doing lots of evaluative and  analytical work related to the novel and we were delighted to unravel the plot and find out what happened to our favourite characters at the end.  We enjoyed it so much that we have asked to read the follow up in the last week of term!

Zoe – it was very good, lots of cliffhangers and twists!

Aidan – could be quite confusing but really good at the same time.

Iona – the plot was really exciting and I liked how it all worked out and joined together.

Jamie – I really enjoyed learning about the characters and felt that you could really connect with them.

Chris – I enjoyed the book because it made me think!

Numeracy – We revisited Symmetry this week and making shapes the same on each side.  We even used each other to make shapes with our bodies!

LAC – We worked on our debate speeches for the EU Referendum.  We looked at how to structure a debate and the rules then wrote our own. It taught us a lot about the arguements for and against and how to use persuasive language to change people’s minds.


We have been busy finishing off our adventure storybooks this week in Writing, and are about to move on to writing our debate arguements for the European Referendum.  After researching both sides we are about to make up our own minds, justify our opinion and debate!  Looks like it will be lively!

We had a great time at Sports Day and a huge well done to us all but especially Viggo, Iona and James who all got medals.

Next week we are moving on to P7 for a day – we can’t believe how quick p6 has gone!  it only seemed like last week we were learning about the Rainforest!


Have a great Gala Day and weekend – dont forget we are off on Monday!

P6b news update

This week has been very busy in P6b.  In writing we created our own poems about space. We did this by working cooperatively in groups to come up with ideas.  Our poems included rhyming words, similes, personification and adjectives.

In maths this week we have been working on algebra by solving equations and learning how to use number machines.  We also challenged ourselves during maths stations by simplifying equations.

In French this week we created our own PowerPoint including how we say our name, age and where we live.

We celebrated success in P6b by singing “Sit up and learn with me”- we really enjoyed this.

We completed our space mission posters and presented them back to the class.

Some pupils from P6b took part in the cross country event this week and did extremely well by winning the following;

Polina- Bronze and silver medal

Ryrie- Bronze medal

Kari- Silver medal

Aidan- Bronze medal

Reiss- Bronze medal

Jack- Bronze medal

Meg- Silver medal

Iona- Two silver medals

Well done P6b!!

A reminder that our trip is on Tuesday 17th May to the National Museum of Scotland.

We hope you have a lovely weekend!






This week we have been continuing with weight and volume in Maths.  We worked around stations which included; reading scales, balancing scales, task cards, and mild, spicy, hot worksheets to challenge our knowledge.


We wrote our own diary entry about our first day in space as an astronaut.  We included information such as; the day/date, thoughts and feelings, and also main events that happened.

LAC- Space

We have been researching different space missions to help us create an information poster to share with other pupils of Balbardie Primary School.


Polina won a silver medal at Grades Gymnastic competition in Wigan- well done!

Callum scored his first goal for Bathgate Thistle Reds football team.

Ryrie won a bronze medal at the Bonsai Judo competition.

Aidan won Man of the Match last weekend!


In maths this week we have been learning about weight. We have learned how to convert grammes into kilogrammes and vice versa, and how to solve problems.  We also designed a Lunar theme Park using our measuring and budgeting skills.

Our LAC this week has been on our Space topic and we have been learning a lot about the planets.

Aidan – I enjoyed the co-operative learning poster activity.

Aaron – We did marble paintings, it was fun and messy!

Lucy – I liked at the cool effect at the end of the marble painting.

Callum D – I liked doing the space dictionary.  it was fun and interesting learning about the planets and stars.

Literacy showed us mnemonics this week and we all enjoyed making up our own to remember the planets.

In Health we learned how babies are made.

A wee reminder that our trip money should be in by 7th May. Also don’t forget your EE2 form!

Have a good week!


We have written our own song for the Celebrating Success Assembly and we are looking forward to performing it to you all.

We started our Living and Growing this week too, and looked at how our bodies changed during Puberty.

In maths this week we have been learning about volume, and have had lots of fun measuring different liquids and sharing strategies, and we are excited about next week when we have to use our measuring and budgeting skills to design a Lunar Theme Park.

Well done to Iona, Polina, Meg, Kari, Aiden, Jack, Reiss and Ryrie who will be representing us at the West Lothian Cross Country competition,



We blasted off into our Space topic this week by designing and describing our own planets.  These are going to be part of our Guide Books which we are looking forward to sharing with you all.

Zoe – I am looking forward to learning about all the different planets

Viggo – I am looking forward to learning about how planets are formed.

Aiden – I want to learn about gravity.

Ryan – I want to know how gravity is made.

Aaron – I want to see what happens on different planets.

Lucy – I am excited to be going on our school trip.

We also completed our Treasure Maps for the Float competition, and can’t wait to hear who has won!

We have also entered five letters into the West Lothian Young Writers Competition – so fingers crossed!


Pod Squad Blog

Hope you enjoy them…

Derri’s Delightful Blog

This week my blog is about Loch Ness.


1. Loch Ness is the second biggest loch by surface area and the largest by volume. 

2. Part of the loch is 812ft deep. 

3. There is one island on the called loch cherry island at fort August.

4.The Loch Ness monsters nick name is Nessie.

5.Loch ness is 22.5 miles long and 1 mile wide.

Freya’s Blog Party

This week is going to be about dinosaurs 


1 Some dinosaurs coudlden see in colour.

2 No human has ever seen a dinosaur.

3 Dinosaurs bones are called fossils.

4 Some dinosaurs used camouflage.

5 No dinosaurs had long fur.

Jamie’s Football Facts

5 facts about Ibrahimović.


1. His full name is Zlatan Ibrahimović.

2. He was born on the 3rd October on 1981.

3. The place of birth Malmõ Sweden.

4. He plays for PSG that stands for Paris Saint-Germain.

5. He is 6ft 5 in 2.

Jay’s Dino Facts

I’m not around this week but I look forward to sharing more facts with you next week.

Dyllan’s Mega Blog

No blog from me this week but look forward to sharing more facts with you next week.

Paige’s Awesome Blog

My blog this  week  is about  Mr Berginis.

mr b

Mr Berginis  likes to run.

His  favourite food is pizza.

He supports Hearts football team.

He likes his family the best.

Sometimes he like to sing on the karaoke.

I think  he is awesome

James’ Radical Blog

This week my blog is about The Pod.


1.There are 8 members in The Pod.

2.We go up stairs after lunch.

3.We have  been learning about emotions.

4.After we do some learning we have choose.

5.We have a behaviour chart.

Greig’s Amazing Info

This week my blog is going to be places to eat in Bathgate.


1. A very famous place McDonalds.

2. Gregg’s bakery i love a pizza out Greggs.

3. Kelly’s sweet shop they sell sandwiches.

4. The James young   Pub.

5. The sports centre cafe.

I hope you are hungry for more next week!

Article 13 – Children have the right to find out things and share what they know
