This week we took a back to front approach to maths. On Thursday we looked at the ‘bigger picture’ and how one thing relates to another. We did this with angles, degrees, fractions, decimals and percentages. The reason we did this was to know a bit about inter-relatedness of these concepts before we visit each one discretely. What a great morning we had! Here are some of our comments …
Zoe – I now know there are four angles obtuse, right angle, reflex and acute.
Emma – I now know that two quarters is the same as 50%
Jamie – I learned that one quarter is the same as 25% and as a decimal this is 0.25
We had a rugby taster session this week and were glad that it went ahead even though it was raining. We live in Scotland so we know that much of what we do in life will be done in the rain!! Here are some of our comments….
Polina – I really enjoyed the sharks and fishes game.
James – we had to run around dodging people and we are all getting very good at this.
Ryan – the tag rugby game was a really fun way to learn about dodging people when running around. Next time we will be using a rugby ball instead of the tags.
In our topic we are continuing to learn about the various creation stories. This week we learned about one version of the Chinese creation story.
Iona – The Christian and Chinese creation stories are similar because they both began with the creation of light.
We have been reminding ourselves this week about how we learn and that a positive attitude will help us to achieve success both in and out of the classroom. We know that being on time, coming prepared for school with pencils, pe kit etc is a very small part of preparing ourselves to learn. We are adopting a ‘can do’ attitude and already we can see results!
Have a good weekend!