

Another great week!

Maths has been very challenging this week! We have had great fun in our problem solving lessons. We worked collaboratively to solve a problem that almost pickled our brains …..here it is….can you solve it? We’ll give the answer next week!

Andy, Oliver, Joseph and Miles each own a bicycle. One has a green bike, one has a blue bike, one has a white bike and one has a silver bike.

Work out the colour of each person’s bike from the following clues:

Oliver does not like white.

Andy borrowed the green bike because Oliver was using his bike.

Joseph does not like blue.

Miles does not like green.

Joseph does not like green either.

Miles borrowed the silver bike because Joseph was using his bike.

Andy’s favourite colours are silver and blue. His bike is one of his favourite colours.

Joseph borrowed the blue bike because Andy was using his bike.

Miles’s favourite colours are green and white. His bike is one of his favourite colours.

Come on parents get your problem solving hats on !!!!




Once again we are taking the opportunity to use our topic to enhance our writing. We have learned how to write instructions to make a thumatrope and a peg doll. We now know that instructions come in different forms: bullet points, numbered, short sentences, in a list or as a paragraph depending on what the instructions are for.


Mrs Duncan has introduced us to the fabulous author Anthony Browne. We have been learning about illustrations and what they can tell about a story that isn’t written in the text.

Polina – I enjoyed learning about how to read a picture. Anthony Browne hides lots of little pictures in the bigger pictures and thy help you to think more about the story.

Valerija – I think his books are really strange but good. They are a bit like brain teasers!

Brooke – Mrs Duncan let us hear from Anthony Browne and he said that he makes the pictures in his book like spot the difference pictures because he liked that as a boy.

Expressive Arts

Working with Mrs McClafferty we have made peg dolls that Victorian children would have played with. We have also had great fun designing and creating a piece of artwork for the art exhibition next week.

Mrs Drummond has been working us very hard to learn our rhythm piece that we will perform at the opening ceremony of the new hall.

Have a great weekend folks !!!!

3 thoughts on “P5d”

  1. OK – I think Andy has a blue bike, Oliver green, Joseph silver and Miles white (although Miles not liking green but it being one of his favourite colours confused me!).
    I’m looking forward to hearing your performance at the open evening!

  2. Hi Primary 5d,

    What a very tricky problem. I’m looking forward to seeing if I’ve got it right when you post the answer next week. I’m pleased that you have been enjoying learning about Anthony Browne stories as they are very good. Keep up the good learning.

    Miss Henderson

  3. Hello P5d,

    I love these kind of problems! (So better be right!)
    Andy has blue, Oliver green, Joseph silver and Miles the white bike. I’d be really interested to see how you solved this problem.

    Good luck with opening ceremony!

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