Category Archives: P2

P2A’s week

We welcomed a new teacher to our class.  Welcome Miss Owens.  We are really looking forward to learning new exciting things.

In our maths groups we have been learning our times tables.  The spheres have been busy learning their 2 and 5 times tables and the Cylinders have been busy learning the 2,3,5 and 10 times tables.

Next week we will be learning the 4 times table and we will be setting ourselves some challenges.

With Miss Owens we have been learning more about Chinese New Year and we made wonderful Chinese Lanterns.

Some of us are really excited to be on reading chapter books in our reading groups.

In French this week we learned how to say Bon Appetit and we learned how to say the names of some fruit and vegetables.

Achievements this week

Ruby has been learning how to make really tall models.

Samuel has been busy making lego models

Luke, Samuel, Lucas and Cameron made a robot as tall as them.

Brooke has started making her own bed.

Maisie, Tamsyn and Tobin are starting at an indoor golf club.

Charlie can now make his own character helmets.

Well done to Kai who is our Pupil of the week.


This week we watched ‘Brave’ to end our Scottish topic.  We are looking forward to starting our new topic about Dungeons and Dragons.

In our maths work we have started learning our 2 and 5 times tables and have been busy practising our games.

Next week starts Chinese New Year and it is the year of the Monkey. We learned that the Dragon Dance wards off evil spirits and we made super dragon masks for our puppet theatre.  We will be learning about the Lion Dance next week.

Achievements this week

Brooke has moved up to level 2 in gymnastics

Charlie has won a football trophy

Tamsyn and Maisie entered a golf competition and came second place

Pupil of the week-Brooke

p2A’s week

We have been continuing with adding our money and we are getting really good at giving change back.

This week we have been busy writing the story of the Magic Snowman.  We have been busy looking at stories with a beginning, middle and end and we have tried to include this in our own writing.  We found this a bit tricky.

We designed our own clan shields as part of our Scotland topic and we are looking forward to finding out more about Merida’s adventures in Brave.

Achievements this week

Lucas has moved up to level 3 in swimming

Cameron is on level 4 in swimming

Charlie has won a football trophy for his football skills

Sophie has moved into level 1 in swimming

Callum has been a super tidyer at home

Blaire has been making breakfast at home for her sister

Shelbi is on level 1 in gymnastics

Lily has achieved level 3 in her swimming

Well done to Tamsyn, Maisie and Donna for reciting their poem and a big well done to Donna who was the P2A winner


P2A’s week

This week we have been busy practising our assembly with the microphone.  We have been busy making fish, stars and snowplanes. Thank you to all the parents/carers that were able to join us.  We had a great time, we hope you did too.

Next week we will be busy looking at our Scotland topic and watching parts of Brave.

Achievements this week

Farrah has been horseriding and was given a rosette

Arran has been helping his Dad set up his train set

Pupil of the week for 15th January


Pupil of the week for 22nd January

All of P2A for a great assembly, I am proud of you all


Primary 2b

What we’ve been up to…


In our number work we have been practising adding 10 to a number and are finding this a little bit easier this week! We understand that the tens column changes when we add ten and have been playing lots of different games to help us learn this!

In practical maths we have been making bar graphs and are able to read information from these. We know how important it is for our graphs to have choices, a title and numbers at the side. We have also been learning about how to use tally marks to record information.


This week in literacy we have been reading for information. We have used fact books about World War 1 to write our new learning and have also been answering questions in our phonic detective stories.

We have practised tall letters in our handwriting this week.

Learning across the Curriculum

We are LOVING our new context for learning this term and are learning lots of new information about animals in world war one and the war itself! The war started in 1914 and ended in 1918. We learned that Sergeant Stubby won lots of medals for all his help in the war. He wagged his tail if the enemy was near to warn the soldiers that they were near. He also barked if there was someone hurt on the battlefield so the other soldiers knew to come and help. Sergeant Stubby also saved lots of soldier’s lives by barking when he smelled gas – this meant that the soldiers knew to put on their gas masks. Sergeant Stubby died in 1926.

Active Learning

We are super excited about trying new stations over the next few weeks in the class. We are going to have lots of different activities and games out to help us with our learning and can’t wait to get started.

Something for parents to note is that reading books will now be needed EVERY DAY for reading practice so please send these in with your child.

Thank you for all your help with our learning!!

Primary 2b.

P2A’s week

We have been working hard on learning our adding up to 20.  Miss McDougall is very impressed with her classes adding skills.

We have been busy bees practising our handwriting, finger spaces and capital letters this week.  Our writing this week was all about a firework and we drew super chalk drawings and paintings.

Our Dragons and Dolphins group moved up a reading stage.

We had a Tae Kwon Do taster session and we loved practising our high kicks and punches on the pads.

Achievements this week

Ellis won a copper swimming medal

Murray won the Butterfly Trust Christmas Card Competition and will be getting his photo taken for the Curiour.

Farrah moved up to level 4 in swimming

Charlie won a Bunny Rabbit Hunt

Sophie moved up to level 2 in swimming

Tamsyn won a competiton to find the dressed up rabbit

Samuel won a skateboard trophy

Wee done to new step 3 people- Evan, Kai, Sophie,Lucas, Brooke, Charlie and Callum.


Another busy week in P2b

What another busy week we have been having in Primary 2b!

Our topic has progressed in lots of different ways this week and we have enjoyed learning about visual impairments. We heard the story of a little boy called Theo who was partially blind. We learned about ways in which his school life has been adapted and also tried our best at writing in Braille and drawing with our eyes closed. We have also been investigating the sense of hearing this week and now understand how sound is created! We have completed lots of practical investigations to test our sense of hearing, our favourite being ‘Don’t clap this one back’. Mrs Mansfield won the game this time but we are practising using our sense of hearing so that we can win next time!

In maths we have been learning all about number houses and the families that live in each house! We know that each family has a daddy, mummy and baby number and understand how we can use these to create four number sentences for each family! This is helping us to understand number bonds and know that 3+2 is the same as 2+3. We are really looking forward to investigating different number bonds next week! In practical maths we have been learning about 3D shapes and how they appear in the world around us. We split into groups to investigate one shape and then presented our findings to the rest of the class.

Highlights of this week include: Mrs Mansfield playing toilet tig with us in outdoor PE, Don’t Clap this one back, learning colours in British Sign Language, practising our French conversation, getting new reading books and jumping around the class on our maths number line.

A huge well done goes out to our star of the week, Jamie. Jamie has shown a very mature attitude towards his learning this week and has contributed well in class discussions. We can’t wait to see who next week’s star is going to be!!

Primary 2b

Primary 2b

Primary 2b are continuing to work hard and are making excellent progress in all areas of their learning.
In our Topic work we have been learning more about the sense of sight and have also been comparing it to an animal’s sense of sight. We have learned that animals use some senses more than others and can understand why they do this. We have also learned about how important it is to protect our sight and have spoken about ways to do this (we even made sunglasses for use in our role-play area!)
In maths we have been continuing to work on ordering numbers and know that we can look at our tens and units columns to help us do this. We have also been using cubes to split numbers into tens and units so that we understand the way that numbers are formed. We played a great game called ‘Banana Bang’ to help us with our mental maths skills and had a great time, we really hope we will get to play that game another time! In practical maths we have been investigating the properties of 2D shapes and can identify the number of sides these shapes have.
We took our homework bags home for the first time this week and would like to remind parents that all homework is due in on Mondays. Just a reminder that reading records and reading books will go home on a Wednesday with the homework but could they please be returned to school on a Thursday so we can continue class reading (Mrs Mansfield will send it home again on a Thursday).
A huge well done goes out to our star of the week, Ruby-Ann. Ruby-Ann is always ready to learn and can listen very carefully to instructions from the teacher making her able to extend her learning. The other boys and girls are trying very hard to become star of the week…who will win the crown next week?

Primary 2b

Primary 2b

Wow! What another amazing week full of excellent learning!

We have started our new topic which is all about Mr Potato Head and his senses. So far we have learned that Mr Potato Head has five senses – just like us! We have investigated how our eyes work and can even name some of the parts of our eye. We now understand that our eyes sent signals to our brains so that we can see and completed lots of experiments to test our eyes more! Our favourites were Spot the Difference and the Observation trays.

In maths we have been learning about ordering numbers and have had fun completing lots of activities to put numbers in order. We revised our learning about numbers that come before and after a number with the help of a number line but found this a little bit tricky. We also learned about 2D shapes and have been on a shape train around the classroom to look for Tommy Triangle, Cynthia Circle, Harriet Hexagon, Peter Pentagon and Robbie Rectangle. We discovered that there are lots of shapes hidden in our class and are on the hunt to find more 2D shapes at home and in the playground!

We also want to say a huge well done to this week’s ‘Star of the Week’, Liam! Liam has been working very hard and is always willing to help others with their learning. Fantastic work Liam…I wonder who next week’s ‘Star of the Week’ will be!

Primary 2b

(A note from Mrs Mansfield – Can I just remind parents/guardians to please put names of all of your child’s clothing, including PE clothes. I have a few items which the children have misplaced throughout the week, if your child is missing anything please check in lost property or with me! Thank you for your support, I look forward to meeting you next Wednesday evening at Meet the Teacher.)

First few days in P2b

Primary 2b have made a fantastic start to their time in Primary 2 and have been learning about what it means to be a good friend. We have played games, told stories and worked together to get to know one another better and so far are enjoying the new challenges Primary 2 is bringing!

Together we read the story ‘Giraffes Can’t Dance’ and used this to understand how we are entitled to rights to keep us healthy and happy. We spoke about our actions in order to make sure everyone feels this way and also discussed how Mrs Mansfield could help us even more.

We have had a great week and can’t wait to start our new topic next week!

Primary 2b

Phonics in P2g

Today we learned about the ‘oo’ digraph in phonics.  We used cheerios and hula hoops to create the ‘oo’ sound.

Here are some thoughts from the children:

‘This was the best phonics ever because we got to eat the sounds!’ – James

The hoops helped me to write the ‘oo’ words because the look like o’s’ – Kay

‘I thought it was really fun because I could eat my phonics’ – Miles

‘I liked it because we’ve never done this before and I really like cheerios’ – Alfie

Let’s hope you remember more than just the taste of the ‘oo’ sound, boys and girls!





This week has been a busy week in P2M.  We had our Celebrating Success Assembly yesterday and we sang our song ‘I’m a Miracle’.  Well done to our 4 certificate people Louie, Jaime-Lee, Ailah and Dani. Miss McDougall is proud of her whole class 🙂

In drama this week we learned how to use a sword and a shield and we played a dragon footstep game and made a maths dragon.

In P.E. we have been learning how to use a basketball correctly and practising how to bounce a ball correctly.

Achievements this week

Pupil of the week & Rights Respecting Schools certificates-Summer

Guy-In running club Guy was first in the race

Jay-In Karate Jay moved onto level 9

Lucy-At Rainbows Lucy got her Roundabout Healthy badge

Ailah learned how to do a split jump

Isaac got his red stripe on yellow belt in Tae Kwon Do

Jaime-Lee learned to do the splits

We are very excited because our class assembly words were handed out this week-We will be busy practising them next week and look forward to seeing you on Friday 22nd May at 9.20am 🙂




Learning in P2g

We have had a busy week, and it’s only Tuesday!  We’ve been working very hard at solving maths problems, by finding missing numbers in addition number facts. We’ve used counters, bears, number lines and our fingers to help us find the missing number.

Teighan: ‘It was hard but I managed because I used a number line.’

Alex: ‘I got better because I practised and I liked writing down my answers.’

In English we learned about using interesting words to make our sentences ambitious.  We also used story cubes to help us come up with interesting stories:  we drew our stories and shared these with our elbow partners.

Euan: ‘It was Christmas and it was a really good day because everyone got a scrumptious dinner with each other.’

Gemma: ‘I’m going to have an excellent Easter because I’m going to find lots of blue and green chocolate eggs.’

I am very proud of how well our P2s are learning – what a brilliant class!

Have a very happy Easter boys and girls!

Article 28-Right to an Education


P2m have been really busy preparing for The Art Exhibition to be held in our new extension on the 26th February 3.30-6pm.  We have been busy creating wonderful Caribbean Sunsets using the technique of Pointillism.  We think they look fantastic! 🙂 Please come along if you can to view and/or purchase our artwork.

In maths this week we have been busy learning about adding coins up to £1 and learning digital and analogue clock times.  We have been using out ‘Time’ games of ‘Race the clock’ and ‘Stop the clock’ to challenge us with getting a best time and score.  We have also been trying to improve our mental maths scores with ‘Big maths…beat that’ challenges.  We are getting faster at adding our numbers together!

We have been learning about the Pet Shop in our topic work and Miss McDougall is very impressed with the homelearning task of making a pet shop animal this week.

Achievements this week:-)

Jaime-lee has moved up a swimming level

Charlotte is on a new level in her gymnastics

Rose has moved up a level in swimming lessons

Maisey has gained a new tab in her Judo/Karate school

Isaac has gained 2 stripes in Tae Kwon Do

Well done to everyone who has managed to get onto step 4 this week!


We visited the Regal theatre -p3/2

Today we visited the Regal theatre in Bathgate with other classes to watch the pantomime Robinson Crusoe. We sat at the back of the theatre. We had a great view of the stage…..Here are our comments….Ava and Emma-it was very funny….

Charlie-it was really good….Sophie and Erin-it was dramatic because of the music…Jason, Sophia, Connor, Robert and Aaron- we liked the good pirates…

Suvi, Mia and Megan-the acting was really  good…Isla, Demi Leigh and Lauren -we liked the songs….Charlie M. and David- we liked Robbie…. Alfie-the characters were really good.

Sam and Liam- we think the show was awesome… Ben- I liked the sword fighting at the end…and Oliver -it was really funny at the end.


We can’t believe we are almost at the end of primary 2! It was a year ago today that we all first met in primary 2. We met our new teachers today and are very excited for primary 3.

This we were learning about extreme weather. In our homework we were asked to research a type of extreme weather. Some people did an excellent job and found out some really interesting facts. We watched videos of tornadoes and twisters. They look very scary! We created our own tornado pictures using chalk. They look fantastic.

We have been learning about poetry. We like poems that rhyme. We decided to write our own poem as a class. We all wanted to share it with you.

We love learning in primary two,

all about animals that live in the zoo.

Lions are very fierce and scary,

Monkeys are cheeky and really hairy.

Elephants are very strong and big,

Warthogs are a smelly kind of pig.

Snakes are very long and tickly,

Porcupines are really prickly.


Pupil of the Week: Leia

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!