Category Archives: P1a

Christmas has arrived in P1a

We have had a very festive week in P1a and it has definitely been the busiest week so far…..

The Golden Club event was really fun.  Ada

We learned 2 new tricky words, by and one.  Alex

I enjoyed the Golden Club event because the magician was funny.  Emily, Holly and Ellis

I enjoy Golden Time.  Amber

I enjoyed the Christmas dinner.  Oliver

I liked the Christmas show.  Jack

I liked learning the y sound and the song. Mac

I enjoyed performing in both the Christmas shows.  Jude and Aaron

I liked the magician when he did funny stuff.  Aileigh

I enjoyed the Golden Club event.  Carley

I enjoyed the Christmas dinner.  Olivia S, Megan, James

I love school.  Shannon

I like doing the work.  Max

I enjoyed the Christmas party and winning best dancer with Megan and Holly.  Justin

Thank you to all the parents for their continued support!




Our learning in Primary 1b

Lewis: “We made posters”
Lily: “We made a Christmas Show poster”
Matthias: “We had to put the title, the time and the date”
Max: “We also had to draw a picture of the reindeer”
Lily: “It was a picture of Ralph the reindeer”




You can find our class posters around the Primary 1 area!

Caitlin: “On Wednesday we made soap pictures with our buddies and we were not to drink it”
Emma: “You need water and paint”
Kyle: “You also need cups”
Noah: “And a straw”
Caitlin: “And some washing up liquid. You blow the bubbles and then press your paper into the bubbles and it prints them on the paper!”






Article 28: We have the right to an education

So busy we forgot to blog!

We were so busy with Christmas show rehearsals and church service song practice we forgot to blog! Sorry!

We have been working hard to learn our words and the songs for the Christmas show and we are really excited about performing it next week.

The 1st December was the start of the Christian festival, Advent and we learned all about the meaning of Advent and why some people open Advent calendars (and some eat chocolate)! It’s not just to help count down the days until Santa comes!

Our tricky words last week were go and no.  We have started learning vowel diagraphs, ee for sheep and oo for food.  We continue to work on knowing money to £1 and adding to 5/10/20!

In LAC we were learning about forces and completed a fun activity with our buddies, pushing cars and guessing how far they would travel!

On Friday we spent time looking at our targets in our review jotters and looking at the progress we are making this term in Literacy, Numeracy and H&WB.

It is another busy week this week in P1 as the learning and Christmas madness continues…. next Wednesday is Christmas show, party and lunch!!!

Have a great week!





On Monday was the talent show – “The Balbardie Factor”
Hamish – “I played my music. My two pieces were Jingle Bells and Swan Lake”
Evie – “I liked Hamish’s talent”
Noah – “I liked when Justin did his hand stands”
Lily – “I liked the dancing”



On Tuesday it was Shared Start!
Lewis – “Shared Start is when mums and dads can come”
Gracie – “We were sharing our learning”
Caitlin – “It was all about making our brains strong”
Maksim – “It was also about not knowing something YET”
Max – “Not telling our brains bad stuff, we should tell it good stuff”
Caitlin – “We should say things like “I can learn lots of things” ”





We also did a science experiment called “The Snowman’s coat”
Reiss – “We wanted to see what melted the fastest”
Ava – “One water bottle had a cloth on it and one didn’t. We wanted to see what would melt faster”
Hamish – “The water bottle with the coat had the least amount of water”
Maksim – “The one with no coat melted faster”






We made invitations to our Primary 1 Christmas Show
Taylor – “An invitation is like when you invite someone to your party”
Kyle – “We made invitations to go home”





Our Christmas Shows are on Tuesday 13th December at 2:30pm and on Wednesday 14th December at 9:30am

Article 28: We have the right to an education

Our week in P1b

Caitlin – We read the story “The hot air balloon” and then we had to draw our favourite part of the story. Miss Wilson is going to put our pictures in a competition and someone will win.
Ava – We were reading a book and drawing pictures




Kyle – We drew mittens
Lily – We were colouring them in and drawing shapes. We made patterns
Reiss – We had to challenge ourselves and try to make both our mittens symmetrical




Hamish – The sounds we were learning this week were “r” and “l”
Max – Here is a picture of my rabbit


Article 28: We have the right to an education

Learning sounds in P1b

This week we have been learning more sounds and words!

Noah – We have been learning “x”
Kyle – We’ve been learning “z”, like “zig zag” and “zoo”
Maksim – We were blending these sounds together
Hamish – We have been learning “b” as well
Emma – We also learned “t”
Caitlin We’ve been learning “p”
Noah – We were blending sounds using the carpet mats
Hamish – We have learned yellow tricky words “no”, “go”, “so”
Caitlin – On the SmartBoard we played a zoo game

We used the blending mats to pull down sounds to make words and then we had to write a sentence using these words. Miss Wilson was so impressed with our sentences that we wrote!




Article 28: We have the right to an education

Hairy McClary came to P1

We had a great week in Primary 1a.  A lovely lady came in and did a drama workshop with us all about Hairy McClary from Donaldson’s Dairy.  We had great fun!






We took part in a Drama workshop all about Hairy McClary. Alex

I liked be Scarface Claw’s guard. Amber

I liked adding numbers to 20. Holly


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I liked being a guard and going to sleep during the Hairy McClary workshop. Justin

I enjoyed number work. Mac

We learned the tricky words some and come. Emily

I liked learning the sound ‘v’ for van. Ada

I learned the words some and come. Carley and Mia

I learned about push and pull in Science. Oliver

I like Golden Time. Aaron, Jude, Olivia, Jack, Shannon, Ellis and Aileigh


Have a lovely weekend.


Learning in P1b

Here are some of our favourite parts of our week in school…

Hamish – We’ve been learning about adding and taking away and about static electricity
Kyle – We were learning if some things float or sink
Ava – I liked learning about static electricity
Caitlin – We made mosaic pictures in Art using tiny little square paper
Zara – We were sticking balloons to our hair with static electricity
Emma – We were making a charge with rubbing the balloons on our tummies
Noah – We were learning more about 3D shapes
Kyle – We have been learning pointillism

On Wednesday we were very lucky to have somebody visit our school and tell us the story of “Hairy MacLairy”. We had fun at the storybook workshop! Here is what we did…
Rose – Some people were characters in the story and we had to look for scotch broth soup
Jacob – We had to pretend to be sleeping
Matthias – Everyone else had to sneak up and try and get the ingredients
Kyle – I found a cup and put it to my ear and it was a telephone
Reiss – We flew to Shetland! We found haggis and potatoes around the big fire
This was lots of fun and the boys and girls really enjoyed themselves.






Article 28: We have the right to an education

Primary 1 show lyrics

A few parents have requested lyrics for the P1 show so they can be practised at home (thank you!)   Please find below the lyrics for the songs we have been learning so far. 


Primary 1 team

(Mrs Mansfield, Miss Wilson, Mrs McClafferty and Mrs Laidlaw)


Song 1 – Tapping Away

  1. Tapping away, tapping away,

We’ve tapped all night and we’ve tapped all day.

Tapping away, tapping away

We’re busy, busy, busy, busy, tapping away.

Tapping away, tapping away,

We’ve tapped all night and we’ve tapped all day .

Tapping away, tapping away,

We’re busy, busy, busy, busy tapping away.

  1. Working away, working away,

We’ve worked all night and we’ve worked all day.

Working away, working away,

We’re busy, busy, busy, busy working away.

Working away, working away,

We’ve worked all night and we’ve worked all day.

Working away, working away,

We’re busy, busy, busy, busy working away.

  1. Tapping away, tapping away,

We’ve tapped all night and we’ve tapped all day.

Tapping away, tapping away

We’re busy, busy, busy, busy, tapping away.



Song 2 – Sniff, Snuff!

  1. Rudolph has a cold, sniff, snuff

Rudolph has a cold, sniff, snuff.

Poor old Rudolph is feeling rough,

Rudolph has a cold, sniff, snuff!

  1. Now he wants a rest, sniff, snuff

Now he wants a rest, sniff, snuff!

Poor old Rudolph has had enough,

Now he wants a rest, sniff, snuff!

  1. Rudolph has a cold, sniff, snuff

Rudolph has a cold, sniff, snuff.

Poor old Rudolph is feeling rough,

Rudolph has a cold, sniff, snuff!


Song 3 – Odd job Reindeer

  1. He’s an odd job reindeer looking for work

He won’t let you down and he won’t shirk,

His bright green nose lights the way,

Oh, Ralph the Reindeer, all together now – Ralph the Reindeer.

  1. He’s an odd job reindeer, saving the day

And he’ll be happy to guide the sleigh

His bright green nose lights the way,

Oh, Ralph the Reindeer, all together now – Ralph the Reindeer.

  1. Instrumental
  2. He’s an odd job reindeer looking for work

He won’t let you down and he won’t shirk,

His bright green nose lights the way,

Oh, Ralph the Reindeer, all together now – Ralph the Reindeer.


Song 4 – What could Ralph the Reindeer do?

  1. What could Ralph the Reindeer do?

He was in such a stew

Because he hadn’t got a clue, how to fly.

  1. Everyone was feeling grim.

They were all fed up with him,,

Because he hadn’t got a clue, how to fly.

  1. What could Ralph the Reindeer do?

He was in such a stew

Because he hadn’t got a clue, how to fly.


This week in P1 we learned

The sound ‘d’.  Holly

I liked doing the sound ‘u’ and d is for dinosaur.  Alex

I liked learning the letter ‘k’.  Carley

I liked learning the sound ‘d’ because it’s in my name.  Ada

d is for dance.  Megan

e is for egg. Amber

I like the sound ‘e’.  Jude

Our tricky words this week were you and your.  Jack

We learned the sound ‘u’.  Mia

I enjoyed the Big Balbardie Blether learning about Maths.  Olivia S

I like the sound ‘e’ because it’s in my name. Aileigh

We learned about Guy Fawkes wanting to kill the king and we celebrating by setting off fireworks.  Mac

Guy Fawkes put gunpowder under the king’s chair.  Max

The king killed Guy Fawkes.  Amber


If you are going to a bonfire or to see fireworks stay safe and keep your pets inside as they get scared.

Have a great weekend.


Our week in P1b

Noah – We were making poppies
Caitlin – We were painting with our fingers
Ava – This was a little bit of pointillism
Gracie – It was also printing
Maksim – We made the poppies because were remembering some people died fighting in the wars





We were scientists this week! We did two experiments…

Experiment 1:
Ava – We rubbed balloons on our jumpers and it made it stick to the wall
Kyle – This was static electricity
Maksim – Rubbing it against your jumper charged the electricity and made it static
Caitlin – We had a competition to see who got pick up the most tissue paper in their group with the static balloon
Matthias and Ava – We won by getting 3 tissues in 10 seconds!
Noah – We also tried to stick it on our hair. It made it rise up off our head!

Experiment 2:
Gracie – We wanted to see what would float or sink
Caitlin – We cut out pictures of objects and stuck them into either “float” or “sink” columns. Then we put the objects in the water
Evie – We ticked our pictures if we got it right! Or we put a dot if we didn’t know the answer YET

Article 18: We have the right to an education

Term 2 in P1a

This week in P1a….

I enjoyed outdoor PE playing the bean game.  Alex

We learned a new sound, ‘e’.  Emily

We learned a new sound, ‘h’.  Holly

Listening to the story Shifty McGifty and Slippery Sam on the smartboard and being taught how to draw a picture by an Illustrator.  Ellis

We learned the tricky word, ‘are’.  Carley

I enjoyed learning the ‘e’ sound.  Ada

We learned the ‘f’ sound.  Justin

We learned ‘h’.  Mia

I like when it’s buddy time.  This week we collected leaves and stuck them on a tree…..but they fell off!  Aaron

I enjoyed buddy time when we went outside and collected leaves.  Jude

I enjoyed buddy time going outside to get leaves.  Olivia S

I liked watching the story on the smartboard.  Jack

I enjoyed learning the sound, ‘c’. Megan

I enjoyed learning the sound, ‘e’.  Amber

I learned the tricky word, ‘all’.  Oliver

I liked learning the letter, ‘e’.  Aileigh

I liked playing with my buddy.  Mac


Pupil of the Week:  Well done Jack for finding tricky words in a storybook.

Great work Jack!
Great work Jack!


Happy Halloween!

Our week in Primary 1b

Here are our favourite parts of the week:

Noah – I like playing
Max – I liked learning Tricky Words
Caitlin – I liked making the bats in Art
Ava – We were learning more about pointillism in Art
Hamish – We have been learning new sounds “h” and “e”
Kyle – We have been learning 3D shapes and adding and taking away
Reiss – We have been learning about ordering numbers. We had to cut out the numbers on the caterpillar and put them in the right order. We will next be learning about money


P1a have really enjoyed their first term being in P1a.

We have learned lots of sounds: s, a, t, p, i, n, b, f, o, m, c, k, ck and

Tricky words: she, he, I, do, to, the, he, me, we, be


Here are some of our favourite things at school….

Jude & Olivia’s  favourite thing in school is Golden Time and playing with his toys.

We have learned the sound, ‘b’ and I love Golden Time. Holly

I like when we go outside and play with each other.  Ellis

I enjoy playing with my buddy, Jamie.  Mac

I like buddy time because we can play games in my buddies classroom and do the dot-to-dot.  Carley

I liked going to the church with my buddy Aaron.  Justin

I like playing with my buddy and having Golden Time. Amber

Playing at Golden Time with my Shopkins.  Aileigh

Playing with the iPad at Golden Time.  Jack

Playing at Golden Time and playing with the iPads.  James


This week we learned or enjoyed…

The sound, ‘f”.  Aaron

The sound, ‘b’.  Justin

Jude’s daddy came in. Shannon

Olivia’s daddy came in to talk about his job.  Ada

Jude’s daddy teaches football. Oliver

Mrs Dunbar came in to read us a story.  Mia

Alex enjoyed going to the church for the Harvest service.  Alex

Hope you all have a lovely holiday!









We have begun learning the songs for our Christmas show, “Ralph the reindeer”
Noah – On Monday we practised “Ralph the reindeer” on the stage
Caitlin – I am a narrator
Hamish – We have been practising the whole show

Maksim – The parents came into school to tell us about their work
Caitlin – Matthias’ mum was a scientist and she made the egg float
Matthias – She made the egg float in the water after she put lots of salt in it
Lily – The egg would sink when it was just water and no salt
Matthias – The last egg had a little salt in the water and floated, then we added more water and it hovered in the middle!
Lewis – My daddy came in and he is a police officer
Ava – He showed us his handcuffs!
Kyle – He also showed us his baton
Hamish – Olivia’s dad was a security guard
Maksim – Jude’s dad came in and he was a footballer
Kyle – He played for Hibs!
Maksim – He also played for Hearts
Matthias – He brought in a football medal to show us
Hamish – He also brought in two footballs

Josh – We made Autumn trees in Art
Kaiden – The technique was ripping the paper
Kyle – We also teared it up
Noah – We had to rip the paper to make an Autumn picture and glue them on to the paper

Learning lots in P1b this week!

We have been learning so much this week and would like to share our learning with you.

On Tuesday was Shared Start! Parents were invited into school and we were able to share our learning with them! Here are some pictures of what we were sharing…

Noah – We had to organise the shapes and put them in the right place

Caitlin – We did dot-to-dots to 20

Ava – We played snakes and ladders which helped us count to 20

Hamish – We played dominoes by matching the 2D shapes

Maksim – We were colouring in the 2D shape picture and following the key to help us

Rose – I made a train out of 2D shapes




Kyle – In Maths this week we had to look in books and cut out the shapes and put them in the right place


On Thursday we walked to the library!

Lewis – We were reading books
Matthias – We voted for which books we liked. There was “Bear on the chair”, “Hair and the tortoise” and “Shark in the park”
Lily – I liked “Hair and the tortoise” best


PUPIL OF THE WEEK: Scott Reid for developing his knowledge of 2D shapes!


Article 28: We have the right to an education

An exciting week in Primary 1a

This week we have had a really busy week.  We learned the sounds ‘n’ and ‘o’ and tricky words ‘to’ and ‘do’.   On Tuesday morning we had our first shared start and that was great fun.  On Thursday morning we went to the Library and a lady called a Librarian, read us 3 stories.  We then had to decide which was our favourite story.  We kept ourselves safe walking to the library by listening to adults, holding hands with a partner and wearing high visibility vests.  When we were crossing the roads, we waited for the green man and checked for traffic before crossing.

I enjoyed learning our sounds ‘o’.  Amber

Megan learned the sound ‘n’ and remembered her aeroplane wings!

We have learned 1-10.  Carley (We are learning 1-20 already!)

I like coming to school every day.  Justin & Emily

James liked going to the library.  James

I liked going to the library and reading the stories.  Olivia S

I loved going to the library and reading the stories.  Mac

I liked doing the letter ‘o’.  Holly & Aileigh

I like playing at golden time.  Aaron

I like when it’s golden time.  Jude

We’ve been learning that people that look after us, our mummies, daddies, grannies and granddads. Carley

We’re learned that the teachers look after us in school.  Ada

A fireman also helps us.  Olivia S

The police help us. Mac

A paramedic also helps us! Jude

The lollipop man helps us cross the road.  Jack

I enjoy playing the in the playground before school.  River

I enjoyed iPad time.  Ed

I like playtime. Ellis

Have a lovely weekend.