Category Archives: class based learning 2015-2016

P5b get to grips with the three Rs

This week we have been gathering lots of interesting facts about Queen Victoria. We will use this information in Writing to create a biography. We have been developing the key skills of an effective reader as we enjoy our class novel – Chimney Child. This week, in Reading, we focused on developing mental images and asking questions about the text.

In Maths (in the olden days – when Mrs Mackenzie and Mrs McClafferty were at school – this was called Arithmetic) we are developing our multiplication skills – both mental and written. We very quickly realised just how important it is to know our times table facts. We will work very hard on them to participate in our weekly Beat the Clock challenge.

Pupil of the Week: Stacey


From the Blog Post Box:

This week I was proud of…

Mark because he has been a good friend and has included me in his games.            Steven

Casey because of her Queen Victoria portrait.               Luca

Greig for listening well in class.                     Callum

…my friend Skye because she got 5 stickers on the WOW Walk for Handwriting!                   Fiona

…my cat Tom because he made it home with a broken leg.               Jamie


Article 28
You have the right to a good quality education.


p3/2 Happy New Year

p3/2 wish everyone a Happy New Year! We are all looking forward to a new beginning in 2016. We have looked back at some of our fantastic successes and building on them to  create a wonderful future. We recognise that sometime we need to work really hard but when we do we get better results. We also said that pracising new things help us learn. This term we will be pracising our multiplication tables and lots of us choose to practise them this week.

Mrs Hay gave us a gift and we put it in our Golden Time Cupboard. We enjoyed playing with the twigs, cork and bark. (if anyone picked up a little mouse can they bring it back on Monday please.)

Class Dojo Winner: Rory

We are learning a Scottish poem: Street talk. Here is a link to it. (words below)

We also like

Da says I ett like a grumphie,
Ma says I’ve the sense o a flee,
Gran says I’m the cat’s pyjamas,
Bit I say I’m jist me!

There was a rammie in the street,
stishie and stramash.
The crabbit wifie up the stair
Pit up her winda sash.
“Nou what’s adae?” the wifie cried,
“Juist tell me what’s adae.”
A day is twinty-fower hours, missis,
Nou gie us peace to play.
“Juist tell me what’s ado,” she cried,
“And nane o yer gab,” cried she.
D’ye no ken a doo’s a pigeon, missis?
Nou haud yer wheesht a wee.
“I want to ken what’s up,” she cried,
“And nae mair o yer cheek, ye loun.”
It’s only yer winda that’s up, missis.
For guidsake pit it doun.

Happy New Year from P5b

We started off our third term in P5 by reflecting on the old year and thinking about all the fun things we’ll do in 2016. We also selected our Scottish poems for the Burns Competition on the 18th January. We came across a lot of braw Scots words. Do you know what these words mean?




From the Blog Post Box

This term my target is …

…to master the 4 and 9 times table.               Darja

…to get into the Golden Club.                 Jamie

…to get my Home Learning in on time.           Harry

…to wear my glasses more than I do.              Murray

…to focus more on my work.                  Katie

…to get better at my underlining!          Noah


Article 28

You have the right to a good quality education.

P3/2 A short but busy week.

In p3/2 somethings have continued similar to before the October holiday and there has been some changes. Mrs Gallagher has moved to a new job and we wish her well.  We enjoyed learning with Mrs Gallagher and have also enjoyed learning this week with Mrs Clark. We are all very proud of our learning. This week everyone worked hard to write upstairs downstairs sums. We found it helped us to understand adding ones to ones, tens to tens and exchanging 10 ones for 1 ten. Most people choose to answer the sums we have been learning to write. We did well. Our new class novel was a great hit and we wrote our own personalised version of chapter 2. Our art work was superb too. Using only a pencil, we drew a variety of lines to draw tree. We surprised ourselves with the quality of drawings. This term we plan to learn about food chains and the environment through the context of the sea, At the assembly on 4th December we hope to show our sea learning. We have already worked with a partner to make mini walls displays to show our knowledge of food chains.

One of the changes we have is P.E times: outdoor Tuesday(Mrs McClafferty),  indoor Wednesday(Mr Jeffries)

Lots of children in p3/2 have earned lots of dojo points this week and Mrs Clark is very proud and happy with her new class. The classdojo have been doing strange things this week so we cannot keep track of totals. We hope the dojos will be working well next week and we can have a dojo points winner. As this week was a short week we did not take our homelearning jotters home but we did think at home about what we were going to write at writing time and thinking about it before we wrote helped us as we wrote. We also found counting counting on in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s much easier than counting back so we thought practicing would make us better at counting back.

Pupil Comments

Lucas & Ross : Maths was challenging but I enjoyed writing upstairs/downstairs sums.

Katie: Big Maths. I enjoyed checking answers to identify the facts I need to practice

William: being super. I was proud of my work.

Spencer:The French colour game was good.

Amy: I enjoyed having a new teacher

Pupil of the week : Alex (imaginative writing)