Category Archives: Class

We learn in many ways in P4/3

We learn through planning and designing. We learn through class , group and individual work. We learn through researching on the netbooks and discussion work. We learn through making mistakes and trying again….

Here are our comments:-

Story writing was fun this week…. we planned ours about a micro pig-Ben, Mia

We liked writing our story of our unusual pet-Emma,Megan, Kay, Kiara

We liked PE this week-Erin, Gemma

The Bridge challenge was great. Our team was called The Builders-Connor

We liked the Gingerbread Mannie at Drama-Euan, Robert, Denholm, Alfie B.

I enjoyed watching Jason doing the Gingerbread mannie dance at Drama-Sophia

I liked being the rapper for the Gingerbread Mannie- Alfie G.

I liked the bridge building challenge.Our team was The  Bridges-Sam

We liked the bridge building challenge.Our team was The Three Bridges-Teighan,Lauren

We also liked the bridge challenge.Our team was The BSA -Ava,Jess

I received the drama award for Primary 3s-Suvi

I enjoyed Cosmic Yoga this week-Jason

Congratulations to

Suvi for receiving the P3 drama award

Euan, Megan and Sophia for being our Star Writers

Have a super weekend everyone 🙂

Remember to buy your Valentine’s Disco tickets from the school office £1 only !





Lots of learning in P4/3

We have busy this week learning new Scottish words. We also found we could watch the building of the new Bridge at South Queensferry ” The Queensferry Crossing” with a live webcam..How exciting is that ? We felt like we were witnessing history in the making !

Our story writing this week was about being zoologists and finding Scottish animals and taking them back to the zoo where we worked…some wrote about the grey seal and the red deer and lots of others…

Here are our comments :-

I liked making the fact file about the puffin-Connor

I liked  researching the white tailed sea eagle and then making the fact file-Sophia

We liked researching the red squirrel and making the  fact file-Megan,Emma

We were researching the golden eagle-Euan, Liam

I liked making the poster of the highland cow.I had researched it for home learning-Sam

I liked learning about all the different Scottish animals-Kay

I liked my new reading book” Kim and the shape dragon”-Jason

We liked PE…. we were dancing this week-Mia, Erin, Lauren

We liked singing one of the choir songs”Bonnie wee Jeanie McColl” to the class-Sophie, Alfie G and Ava

I liked listening to Alfie, Sophie and Ava singing “Bonnie wee Jeanie McColl”-Suvi

We liked fast Maths this week….we were doing times tables -Kiara, Jess, Teighan

I was a finalist on Monday for the Scots Poetry competition-Denholm

I liked drawing and painting the Forth Road Bridge-Alfie B.

I liked getting into the Golden Club-Oliver

Article 12


Congratulations to Oliver and Jason for reaching Step 5


Jess for reaching Step 4…Well done boys !

Have a super weekend

Mrs Aitken 🙂

A week of Scots

We have been busy learning our Scots poems by JK Annand or Margaret Hamilton.

We worked hard on our lines and actions. We were excited for the class final on Thursday. Mrs Aitken found it very difficult to choose three finalists.

Well done everyone. You have made me very proud of all your efforts !

Our story writing this week was in the style of Matthew Fitt’s story “Jordan’s new jaiket”…Come in and read them on our walls ! Some are even on the door of the class.

We started looking at a dvd about Scotland in the past and we saw lots of times when it was covered in ice ….

In art we used different medium to create landscapes of Scotland…we used lots of greens, blue and white with a touch of red….the paintings look really effective.

Our comments this week :-

We liked the landscapes of Scotland in Art-Ben, Connor, Gemma, Sam, Denholm

We liked the poem Mince and Tatties-Jess,Mia, Liam, Megan

We liked our poem The Twa Leggit Mice-Teighan, Oliver

We liked writing the story this week My new jaiket-Ava,Kay

I liked being one of the four finalists in the class for Mince and Tatties-Sophia

We liked  learning the poem Lament for a lost dinner ticket-Jason, Euan

We liked being chosen as  finalists for the poetry competition on Monday-Sophie, Suvi

We liked reciting Mince and Tatties even though we weren’t chosen for the final-Emma, Alfie G.

We like Drama -it is about the gingerbread man but in Scots-Kiara, Erin


Our three finalists are Denholm, Suvi and Sophie-GOOD LUCK FROM US ALL


You have the right to choose your own friends and join or set up groups, as long as it isn’t harmful to others.

Have a super weekend P4/3

See you Monday 🙂






What a busy last week we have had in school….

We watched the Pantomime on Tuesday and some of us were very lucky to go to the Golden Club event on Thursday.  Our junior choir sang to parents after school on Tuesday… We were extremely  proud to have our choir broadcast on Radio Forth on Thursday morning…Well done everyone.

Here our last comments for 2015…

I ‘m looking forward to going to Denmark-Mia

We liked the magician at the Golden Club event-Suvi,Lauren

We liked the start of “Horton hears a who” movie-Erin,Megan,Emma

We’re looking forward to Christmas-Connor,Robert, Sophia, Teighan,Ben

I’m looking forward to going to my cousins for a sleepover-Sam

I’m looking forward to  the Christmas holidays and learning how to speak some Kenyan words-Jason

We’re looking forward to Santa coming to our houses-Alfie G., Denholm,Jess,Alfie B.

I liked being the last Advent calendar opener today- Sophie

I have a sleepover today, I can’t wait-Ava

I liked being the primary 3 class winner of our Challenge-Euan

I’m looking forward to the Christmas dinner-Kiara

I’m really looking forward to what I’m getting for Christmas-Gemma

I liked getting the voucher for being the primary 4 Challenge winner-Oliver


Hope you all enjoyed the Christmas biscuits we made on Wednesday.

Well done to Oliver our P4 Challenge winner and Euan our P3 Challenge winner.

Have a fabulous holiday everyone with family and friends.

Take care and see you all in January 2016

From Mrs Aitken 🙂







Primary 4/3

Busy week…

We have written our letters to our penpals in New York. We look forward to our replies.

We are loving practising the Christmas Carols for the church service. We have worked exceptionally hard on our reindeer frames for the fayre. They cost £1 only !

Maths has been challenging this week …working on fractions and large numbers and patterns in numbers.

In Literacy we planned our letters then tried our very best to write it out neatly to send to New York. We were also developing our listening and talking skills with Miss Davidson.

French is becoming easier to order our lunch and sing a few songs. Next week we are going to look

at the weather in French-Le temps !

Ava,Robert, Oliver-We liked making the reindeer frames for the Christmas fayre

Sophie- I liked writing to my penpal Emily in New York

Mia, Sophia, Alfie G. -We are proud we are  now in the Golden Club

Erin, Sam- Our penpal is Jayden . We liked writing to him

Lauren- My penpal is Logan I liked writing a letter to him

Emma- I liked making the poster to advertise the Christmas fayre

Megan, Suvi- Our penpal is Jasmine. We liked writing to her.  We can’t wait to get a reply

Connor, Teighan- Michaele is our penpal .We liked writing to him

Jess- I was a quality audience for the P1 Nativity. It’s good

Denholm-My penpal is Zen. I liked writing to him. He looks good in his photo

Kiara, Gemma- Cosmic Yoga is fun

Jason – I can’t wait to learn more about the weather especially looking at New York’s weather

Liam- My penpal is Quinn. He wrote me a good letter first

Alfie B. -I am proud I am on step 4

Euan – My penpal is Mason. I liked writing my letter to him




Kiara- sentences

 Alfie- Words



School Fayre Tomorrow Saturday 28th November 10-12

Shared start Wednesday 2nd December 9.15am

Please remember your props for the Christmas story for Monday with Mrs Waddell








We are proud of our learning in p3/2.

The problem solving strategy we have been practicing is “try a simpler model”. This helped us. “I wonder if we could use what we know to try a more difficult model,” so we tried and it did.

We discovered that when we linked our understanding of place value and our knowledge of number bonds we could do really impressive sums like 42 + 39. The part we found tricky was to remember to include the exchange 10 in our answer. We discovered that when practiced adding numbers that had an exchange 10 this helped us get better at remembering to include the exchange 10. We also got faster too the more we practiced. Soon we were able to subtract larger numbers too.  IMG_0975


This is a page from Niamh’s jotter. Top Tip: Neat work is a great help. It stops us muddling up ones with tens.

A challenge group were able to add larger numbers like 375 + 146.

We are preparing to present some of our learning about biological science at assembly on 4th December.

Our class novel, The big bad blackout, has been very popular. We think it has humor and good word choice. We have identified  lots of technique the author has used. We are thinking about including some of the techniques in our own writing. We like how the author gives clues to what is going to happen. We like how the author makes us want to read more.

P4/3 are successful learners

We have worked hard this week on times tables in Maths. Our story writing was about characters. We used paintings by Degas as our stimulus. We have been practising our Assembly for next Friday. In practical Maths we have been working on Money with Mrs Waddell.  Our class novel is “Devon the naughtiest dog in the world” by Jon Katz. As it was Remembrance day on Wednesday we watched our Junior and Senior choir sing and share facts about the war. Well done to Ava, Alfie G. and Sophie who sang clearly and confidently in our Junior choir.

Here are our comments…

The Assembly this morning was very good-Erin,Sophie

We loved Yoga this morning instead of Outdoor PE-Ava, Emma, Megan, Sophia, Kiara, Kay

We loved watching the P7s drama-Zog was the one  we really liked-Mia, Lauren, Teighan, Euan, Sam

We liked story writing this week…we wrote about Edgar Degas’s painting about the horse-Connor, Liam

We  liked being dressed down for Children in Need- Suvi, Jess, Denholm, Alfie B., Oliver, Jason, Ben

I liked PE this week with Mr Jeffries- Alfie G.

I liked everything this week-Robert

Congratulations to Star writers this week !

Paragraphs-Alfie G

Sentences- Connor

Words- Jess

Reminder our Assembly is next Friday 20th November…at 9.15am… Please join us if you can.




Lots of different ways of Learning in P4/3

We have had an exciting week ! Let’s tell you all about it …

I liked the Bonfire story …I was Star Writer this week for the Sentences. I read my story to Mrs Hay-Connor

I liked the Bonfire story Kai the Ninja was my character who came to the bonfire with me-Alfie B.

I’ve enjoyed my story this week. My character was Agnes from Despicable Me.She  came to the bonfire with me -Sophie

I liked my story writing this week. I read to Primary 6. My character was Alice In Wonderland-Megan

We liked the Big Balbardie Blether today.It was about Golden Time and the Golden Club events-Ben,Euan,Sophia,Oliver,Jason,Lauren, Gemma

I liked working on the netbooks making the circuits complete with Kiara-Ava

I liked story writing this week. I had Jay from Lego Ninjago as my character-Denholm

We liked watching the Primary 7 plays at Drama-Emma,Suvi

I was Star Writer this week for my bonfire story. I read it to Mrs Hay-Jess

I liked using Knex for our Science this week. I was working with Jess-Kiara

I was working on the netbooks. I had to build circuits and not overload plugs. I was working with Sophie-Sam

I liked sharing my project on the local area .It was the Regal theatre that I had made-Robert

We liked everything this week-Alfie G. Mia, Teighan, Erin

I liked Mrs Waddell coming into our class on Monday- Kay


Assembly  discussion underway …letter home next week.

Have a super weekend

From Mrs Aitken 🙂


Dress down day Friday 13th November for Children In Need

Home Learning due in Monday

Reading days are Monday/Wednesday Book covers and Titles

                                Tuesday/Thursday Chapters

                                                  Thursday Pages









News from Primary 3

We have been very busy this week in Primary 3.Here are our comments :

Maisey,Katie-We have been learning about Pyramids in Egypt

Emily,Jaime-Lee, Emma-The Egyptians buried the mummies in a tomb

Dani,Ben,Rose-We’ve been learning about Tutankhamen

Jason,Summer-In PE we have been playing the Bubble game

Guy,Callum,Nathan,Hope-This week we were practising our Assembly song

Charlotte,Louie,Lucy,Hayley- We’ve been doing French with Mrs Aitken-bonjour and

ca va !

Aryan- We’ve been learning 2d and 3d shapes in maths

Jacob-Sphinx guard Pharoah’s pyramids

Isaac-I know shapes can have 5 corners

ARTICLE 28- I have the right to an education

Have a super weekend !

Mr Cunningham









P3/2 A short but busy week.

In p3/2 somethings have continued similar to before the October holiday and there has been some changes. Mrs Gallagher has moved to a new job and we wish her well.  We enjoyed learning with Mrs Gallagher and have also enjoyed learning this week with Mrs Clark. We are all very proud of our learning. This week everyone worked hard to write upstairs downstairs sums. We found it helped us to understand adding ones to ones, tens to tens and exchanging 10 ones for 1 ten. Most people choose to answer the sums we have been learning to write. We did well. Our new class novel was a great hit and we wrote our own personalised version of chapter 2. Our art work was superb too. Using only a pencil, we drew a variety of lines to draw tree. We surprised ourselves with the quality of drawings. This term we plan to learn about food chains and the environment through the context of the sea, At the assembly on 4th December we hope to show our sea learning. We have already worked with a partner to make mini walls displays to show our knowledge of food chains.

One of the changes we have is P.E times: outdoor Tuesday(Mrs McClafferty),  indoor Wednesday(Mr Jeffries)

Lots of children in p3/2 have earned lots of dojo points this week and Mrs Clark is very proud and happy with her new class. The classdojo have been doing strange things this week so we cannot keep track of totals. We hope the dojos will be working well next week and we can have a dojo points winner. As this week was a short week we did not take our homelearning jotters home but we did think at home about what we were going to write at writing time and thinking about it before we wrote helped us as we wrote. We also found counting counting on in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s much easier than counting back so we thought practicing would make us better at counting back.

Pupil Comments

Lucas & Ross : Maths was challenging but I enjoyed writing upstairs/downstairs sums.

Katie: Big Maths. I enjoyed checking answers to identify the facts I need to practice

William: being super. I was proud of my work.

Spencer:The French colour game was good.

Amy: I enjoyed having a new teacher

Pupil of the week : Alex (imaginative writing)

Primary 3’s news

Primary 3 have had a great first week of school. We were all glad to be back in school and it was exciting to hear about all the fancy places that some of us had been.

We have been learning lots of exciting new things like WOW words which we practiced by writing our very own spooky stories!!! They made Mr Cunningham very frightened reading them. Some of the classes stories were so good that they even went to show Mrs Aitken, well done Katie, Lucy, Charlotte and Hope.

In maths we started learning all about shapes by playing shape bingo and shape pairs. Unfortunately the weather was not nice on our outdoor PE day this week so P3 had a Just Dance musical statues game in the classroom instead some of the moves were fantastic.

To finish off the week we had special Golden Time. We looked at the different sense and our fine motor skills, we tried really hard not to get green and purple spaghetti all over the room.

Highlights of the week !

Highlights of the week:
Connor – I have loved storywriting as we had to write a spooky Hallowe’en story
Suvi – I really liked doing Tae Kwon Do. It was fun to learn how to do the kicks and punches
Mia – I loved climbing on the climbing frame in PE and Queenie Quennie was a fun game to play. I also did the splits on the mats and a cartwheel off the horse!
Sophia – I had fun this week at Tae Kwon Do. I enjoyed doing the round house kick!
Sam – My favourite part of the week was Tae Kwon Do too. I enjoyed running up and punching the punch bag
Kiara – I liked creating the Hallowe’en poster. I drew lots of pumpkins and wrote the heading ‘Trick or Treat’
Gemma – I liked doing PE this week because we got to choose our lesson as we collected the 5 fireballs! I choose the climbing frame!
Emma – My highlight of the week was Tae Kwon Do as it was really fun and I have never done it before
Megan – I learned new things at Tae Kwon Do this week, it was fun!
Lauren – I enjoyed PE this week we got to play lots of games
Euan – I enjoyed absolutely everything this week!

Welcome to October in P4/3

We have been working hard all week…

We liked story writing this week. It was about Autumn. We had to plan then write. For Home Learning we had to bring in evidence that summer is leaving us !- Erin, Suvi, Sophia

I loved getting the Drama Star from Mrs Innes today at the Assembly-Mia

I liked walking to the Regal theatre yesterday.We even took pictures of the McClagen fountain beside the Clydesdale Bank-Robert

I enjoyed taking the pictures on our walk around Bathgate-Emma

We liked PE this week. We were racing- Connor, Lauren

We enjoyed having the tasting session for French foods-Sophie, Ava, Kiara

We liked Drama this week-Teighan, Megan

We enjoyed Dress down day-Gemma, Jess

We liked hearing about Food Banks-Liam, Denholm

We enjoyed Maths this week- Oliver, Alfie B.

I enjoyed the visitor from the Food bank and I brought in coffee, teabags and long life milk as a donation- Euan

I enjoyed being Secret Student- Jason

I liked writing the letter with other children about the Food bank- Alfie G.

I liked looking at the buildings all around Bathgate when we were out walking-Sam

article 28- the right to learn

Remember it is Shared start on Wednesday morning…please come in and enjoy it with us….

Have a super weekend

Mrs Aitken






P4/3 are learning across the curriculum

Our Learning across the curriculum is Our Local Area which is Bathgate. Bathgate is a town in West Lothian. It has a population of over 21 000.

We had a really fun time going out on the streets of Bathgate using our directions-Kiara,Robert

I liked being special student- Teighan

I liked doing map making at Drama with Kiara-Megan

I enjoyed map making with Erin at Drama. We put fields and houses everywhere. It was a very old map of Bathgate-Suvi

I like the ibooks with Erin. We were playing the map game- Mia

I liked being secret student -Ben

I was doing mapping with Ava at Drama. That was good-Lauren

We liked everything this week-Alfie G., Gemma

I liked story writing about my wellies in Bathgate-Oliver

I liked working with Robert on maps this week-Emma

I was working with Denholm at Drama .We were drawing a map of Bathgate and colouring it in-Euan

SRA is fun- Sophie,Ava

Story writing was fun. We were writing about where we go in our wellies- Erin,Denholm

I liked PE .It was fun this week-Connor

I liked Home Learning this week-Alfie B.

I liked working with Jess on map making-Liam

We listened to the story called Where my wellies take me and this week our story writing was all about places in Bathgate.I loved this -Sophia

The new book”How many jelly beans” has a huge picture at the end …there are  one million jelly beans on it- I like this book-Jess

Enjoy the holiday weekend everyone. See you back here safe on Wednesday.

Mrs Aitken






Welcome to Primary 4/3

Everyone arrived excited about being in Primary 4/3…We have been very busy and learned lots already !

We have enjoyed our first week at school….Sophie, Erin, Ava, Lauren, Teighan and Emma

We had a great holiday and we are glad to be back at school….Alfie G. and Jess

We are enjoying the minions in the class…Sam, Megan, Denholm and Euan

We have liked everything …Ben, Robert, Oliver and Suvi

We liked drama…Mia and Liam

We enjoyed making the figures with our targets…Kiara, Gemma and Jason

We liked Golden Time as we brought  spy stuff and everyone played with it…Sophia and Connor

We liked playing with lego  for Golden Time..Alfie B. and Kay




Have a super weekend ! See you all on Monday…Remember to return the forms and pay  your milk money …Thank you

Mrs. C. Aitken



Au revoir de P3/2

Busy last week from P3/2….

We have had memories and book talks and PE and singing and some special pupils of the day and a great sunny Sports day and fantastic sports boys and girls and an amazing Talent Show….

Ava- I loved the Sports yesterday. I was the P3  girl overall winner

Ben M- I m looking forward to the summer holidays. I m going to Sherwood Forest next week…

Charlie, Sophia-  We are looking forward to hearing the judges comments after the Talent show

Oliver, Connor, Robert- We liked Charlie and Ben W ‘s  talent show performances

Mia- I liked getting my trophy from Sports Day. I was the P2 girl’s champion

Erin, Lauren- We can’t wait to go into P4/3

Alfie, Sam- We are excited about the holidays because it is our birthdays as well

Jason- I hope my talent performance goes well. I am called The 4 2 5 Singer

Isla- I am looking forward to P4a with Miss Macintyre and seeing my friends

Liam- I am looking forward to the summer holidays

Suvi- I am looking forward to celebrating my brother’s birthday in the holidays

Emma- My talent was drawing and I liked drawing a fox on the board

Megan- I am looking forward to my talent performance with Erin

Aaron- I am looking forward to the summer holidays as I am going to Spain

David- I am excited about going to Spain for the summer holidays

Ben W- I am looking forward to going to the caravan for the summer holidays

Sophie- I am looking forward to going to the Black Isle for one week of the summer holidays


Have a fantastic summer P3/2

Mrs Aitken


Reminder-Church service Friday 9.30am








Hello from P3/2

What a busy second last week we have had….

Demi Leigh, Ben M, Connor, Aaron, Erin, -Our favourite thing this week has been the Golden Club event

Sam-I enjoyed throwing the wet sponge at the head boy Liam at the Golden Club event

Isla, Suvi, Charlie, Megan, Oliver, Robert- We liked everything this week

Mia- I liked Road Safety today with Mrs Hay

David- I liked making the ice cream sundae at cooking this week and I loved eating it

Ben W-My favourite thing was getting to the Golden Club for the last 5 minutes

Emma- I had fun on the bouncy castle at the Golden Club event today

Lauren, Ava, Sophie- We enjoyed the Golden Club event when we were playing on the slide

Sophia- I liked having a strawberry ice lolly at the Golden Club event

Liam – I liked the terror slide and the bouncy castle at the Golden Club event

Alfie- This week I enjoyed being at PE with Mr Jeffries. We got our fireballs and we are a great class for remembering our PE kit 🙂

Jason-I liked doing the work about favourite times in P3/2


What fun at the Golden Club event we all had.

Well done P3/2

Enjoy your weekend

Remember to return your Review jotters with the highlights page filled in, thank you

Mrs Aitken



All children have a right to play and join in a wide range of activities






It’s June at last… ( p3/2)

We have been learning so much this week. Who are you proud of ?

Sophie- I am proud of Ben being star writer.

Isla-I am proud of Sam’ s art. He called it “Flowers of beauty ”

Mia- I am proud of Ava’s art. She called it ” Pink and white roses”

Jason-   I am proud of Megan for being a good friend.

Alfie- I am proud of Aaron because he plays with me in the playground at break and lunch.

Sophia- I am proud of Suvi for her reading ” Greyfriars Bobby.”

Oliver- I am proud of Lauren when she was special person.

Demi Leigh- I am proud of Emma’s art work this week. It was called ” Fantastic flower fun.”

Liam- I am proud of my own art work this week. It was called “Roses in a vase.”

Megan – I am proud of my art work this week. It was called  “Magic flowers. ”

Sam- I was proud of Isla’s volcano work this week.

Connor- I am proud of Alfie for being an excellent friend to have at school.

Erin- I am proud of Oliver for being special person.

Suvi- I am proud of art work. I called it ” The rainbow colours in the flowers”

Charlie- I am proud of Sophie ‘s art work. It was called ” Pink and white flowers.”

Emma- I am proud of Jason’s art work ” Flower fun.”

Robert- I am proud of my art work this week-” A  rainbowy bunch ”

Lauren- I am proud of Erin’s art work “Flowers”

Aaron- I am proud of Ben Marr and Robert ‘s maths work.

Ben Marr- I am proud of Sophia and Mia  for being fast runners at PE.

David – I am proud of Charlie and Connor for their good work.

Mrs Aitken- I am very proud of everyone for their hard work in all areas of the curriculum. I am also very proud of Home learning activities completed so well.


Special Persons this week are Lauren, Sam and Jason

Star writers are Ben Wilson, Megan and Erin

Rainbow girls  are Mia and Lauren













What stayed with you this week in P3/2 ?

We have been very busy in class this week. Here are our comments :

Oliver, David- We liked when our mum came in to Shared start. We were working on the symmetry area and Where in the world food activity.

Charlie, Alfie, Ben W. Connor, Ben M. Robert, Lauren, Aaron- We enjoyed the new game in PE ” Time bomb tig ”

Sophia- I liked my mum and dad coming to Shared start. I was on the scrambled words. I got stuck on grapefruit, sunflower and orchid !

Sophie- I enjoyed playing dodgeball at PE today with Mr Jeffries.

Ava- I enjoyed my mum coming in to class for Shared Start. I did the Symmetry activity. I did the cat face picture.

Emma, Isla- We enjoyed the symmetry work where we had to colour the butterfly in to show symmetry in nature.

Suvi, Erin- We like doing the story plan for A day as a volcanologist, taking a robot to help gather samples sounds fun.

Megan – I like learning about the food pyramid and making a healthy packed lunch.

Jason- I like the class talks. Megan’s and Lauren’s stood out.

Mia- I like being star writer for the apple story.

Demi Leigh- I liked Shared start and I was completing the scrambled words.


Congratulations to Mia, Ava and Alfie for being our Star Writers this week.

Well done Oliver for being our Special Person yesterday and Charlie for being today’s Special Person.


Article 13

You have the right to find out things and share what you think with others, by talking, drawing, writing or in any other way.