All posts by Mrs Collings

Let’s Celebrate!

This week we celebrated success with our classmates, friends and family. We were really proud to see Kyle, Eva and Lewis get our class awards. We were also really pleased to see Rory get the Sports award from all the primary 4 and 5 children.

In art most of us got up to adding the water to our pictures of the Kraken.

In cricket we are learning to bat which is quite a challenge as we have to hold the bat completely differently to most other striking and fielding games. Most of us bat right handed, even some of the left handed children!

We’ve enjoyed getting out in the sunshine and even eating outside.

Kyle, Rory, Owen and Jay were reading ravers making up a book about animals.
Table of the week – orange with 620 points
Learning partners of the week – Kyle and Noami.

A short busy week………

This week we all enjoyed a double holiday but we’ve crammed a lot into the last two and half days!
In Science we looked at our celery and flowers to see what had happened to them. We saw that the celery had sucked up the coloured water but the flowers didn’t which was a bit of a surprise! We are going to try again with some different flowers.
With Mrs Mackenzie we have practised our celebrating success song and had a final practice with the other classes. We are looking forward to performing for you all next week!
We also started learning about fractions with Mrs Mackenzie. We looked at halves, quarters, thirds and fifths. We started dividing shapes into these fractions. It was quite straightforward. Numbers might be trickier!
We also contributed to the sponsored walk which was great fun!
With Mrs Collings, we started learning about measuring length. We learnt what sorts of measurements we use for length and what we might measure with millimetres, centimetres, metres and kilometres.
Achievements outside school
Rory’s team won another rugby tournament. Rory tackled more than scoring this week!
Owen auditioned and was accepted into the Boghall and Bathgate Pipe Band as a drummer – well done, Owen!
Table of the week – Red with 330
Learning partners of the week – Lewis and Jamie

Enjoy the long weekend from P4b!

This week we’ve been busy practicing for Celebrating Success. We are looking forward to seeing as many of you there as can make it.

In maths we have been learning about Venn Diagrams and Carroll diagrams. These help us to organise data which we have collected. We have a Carroll diagram challenge which is very tricky!

In writing we wrote our own version of Kit Wright’s Magic Box. We were able to think of lots of very inventive things to put into our magic boxes.

With Mrs Mackenzie, in numeracy we looked at using the four operations in word problems. Sometimes we have to think hard to know which operation we need to use.
In Science we have started an experiment to find out what the stem of the plant does – WATCH THIS SPACE! Hopefully we will have an answer next week!

[Plant pictures]
Table of the week – Green with 700 points
Learning partners of the week – Owen and Noami
Supportive friends for April – Kyle and Ruby

A week of differnce

This week has been an interesting one with a few special treats thrown in. On Wednesday we went to Bathgate Xcite for our swimming assessment. We had to swim a length of back crawl and a length of front crawl. It was a lovely walk through the park and a nice change to our normal routine.
On Thursday we welcomed some parents and carers to watch our final NYCoS session. We played some of our favourite games and showcased our developing knowledge of rhythm, pulse and beat and we did some singing games. We hope that those of you who were able to come enjoyed it.
In numeracy we have been learning about division with Mrs Mackenzie. It is challenging for some and easier for others!.
We looked at data of who had siblings and organised it to help us answer questions about it.
In our reading rave we made books, read story books, wrote reports and played language games on the ipads. Most of the class are beginning to enjoy reading more. In maths we have been learning to sort data using Venn Diagrams
In science, we are learning about the different parts of plants. We examined the roots of different plants such as beetroot, pansies, hyacinths, tulips and dandelions. Although the roots are all different, they all keep the plant anchored in the soil and take in water and nutrients for the plant to grow.
Table of the week – Orange with 570 points
Learnng partners pf the week – Rory and Eva

Coming to the end of our NYCoS journey……..

This week was our penultimate NYCoS . We have had a block of 12 sessions, teaching us about rhythm, beats, pulse and pitch. We have learnt hand signs for three different pitches and played a lot of fun games to help us learn more.
In rhythm we learnt to clap our names – Olivia
We learnt signs for the songs – mi, so and la – Eva
We learnt loads of songs and clapped the rhythm of the songs using ta and te-te – Rory
We learnt about the beat of the music – Orla
We learnt loads of new songs – about 10 which helped us with our understanding of music – Charlotte
On Thursday 26th, parents and carers are invited to our final session to see what we have been learning about. Please do join us at 11.40 if you are able.
Also a reminder that the children are having their swimming assessment on Wednesday and they will need to bring costumes, towels and £1 for the locker.
Table of the week – yellow with an amazing 1070 points!
Learning partners of the week – Liam and Kaycee
Apologies for the late posting of this blog. Technical difficulties!

Welcome back!

It’s been a busy week back at school after a lovely holiday.
With Mrs Mackenzie, we learned about the Activator family and the Dolittle family. The Dolittle family play video games and watch TV whilst the Activator family go outside, play football, swim, garden and eat healthily.
We have started a ‘Reading Rave’ on a Monday afternoon. We can write stories, choose books to share from home and enjoy reading! We can also use the Ipads for Literacy games. We love it!
We learned how to skip count when dividing.
In Maths, we made a human graph, then a pictogram and then a block graph to show what size feet the children in P4 have. Our class have a bigger range than P4a from size 11 to size 4.5 whilst P4a’s feet are mostly in the middle of the range!
We are looking forward to a busy term and hopefully some better weather!
A reminder that we need Review Jotters back in as soon as possible please.
Learning partners of the week – Annie and Ellie-Rose.
Table of the week – yellow with 440 points!

Viking Experts

As we approach the end of a very busy term, we have been thinking about all the things we have learnt. Our big topic this term has been the Vikings and we are now Viking experts!
These are our highlights:
Rory – I didn’t know that longhouses only had one room and that the animals slept in the house with the people!
Liam – I didn’t know that when the rich Vikings died they were put on a boat and set out to sail to Valhalla.
Aaron – I didn’t know that when Vikings died they were buried with their weapons.
Ellie-Rose – I enjoyed learning about the Viking boats.
Holly – I enjoyed learning about Viking longhouses; that some had turf rooves and some had stone.
Alfie L – I didn’t know what longhouses were made of like stone and grass for the roof.
Bryce – I liked learning about the Vikings and their longboats
Kyle – I liked learning about Viking Gods.
Charlotte – I didn’t know that the 30 days of Happiness existed and I like doing the things for it. So far, I’ve enjoyed making someone smile!
Alistair – I learnt that the Viking warrior had to honour his lord or king and was expected to battle at any moment.
Jay – I didn’t know that the Vikings invaded Scotland.
Brandon – I liked learning about the Viking boats and I didn’t know that the Viking boats were red and white.
Jamie – I liked doing division in maths.
Owen – I enjoyed learning about coordinates and how to find marks on a grid.
Lewis – I didn’t know much about longships but now I know a lot!
Brooke – I liked writing about when the Vikings died.
Max – I liked learning about dividing.
Kaycee – I liked learning in NYCoS about So and Mi.
Jackie – I liked doing my class talk because it helped me to get more knowledge about Viking gods.
Ellie – I liked watching the class talks.
Orla – I liked learning about the 30 days of happiness.
Ruby – I enjoyed doing my class talk because it was really fun.
Dylan – I liked learning about the Viking weapons.
Eva – I liked Alistair’s Viking talk about the Vikings.
Olivia – I liked learning about Odin because I never knew that he drank water from the fountain of wisdom and that he had to sacrifice an eye to do so.
Florence – I liked learning about the Viking Gods.
Noami – I liked learning about the Viking deaths.
Alfie B – I liked learning about area.
Annie – I liked learning about area and how we measure it in cm2.
Shaun – I enjoyed learning about the 30 days of happiness because I liked the smile challenge.
Our learning partners of the week are Ruby-Anne and Charlotte. Well done, girls!

After the snow…….

It was lovely to welcome the children back to school after the forced break for the snow days. We hope you all managed to keep warm and safe and also had some fun during the days away from school.

This week we’ve hit the ground running catching up with all the things the children had missed!

In French, we did colouring by number, colouring in a very colourful toucan! We learnt that there are special words to help us with dark and light colours such as vert clair, vert foncé and bleu ciel.

We also had class talks by Ellie-Rose, Ruby, Eva and Shaun. Ellie-Rose talked about Viking longhouses. She taught us that the fire was in the middle of the single roomed house. Ruby spoke about Viking weapons. She explained that the Vikings swords were their most expensive weapons and that they usually had names – such as Death Bringer in our class novel, Viking Boy. Longships were the topic in Eva’s talk. She used some Viking language at the end of her talk. Shaun also talked about longhouses and provided a fabulous wordsearch for us to complete.

In our NYCoS session we started learning about the universal language for learning musical notes and we even learnt some signs to help us pitch our voices. Afterwards we watched the scene from ‘The Sound of Music’ where Maria teaches the children to sing.

In Maths we are finishing off our work on coordinates. We are trying to remember that to find a coordinate we go along the corridor and up the stairs. We used this game to help us.

Our learning partners of the week AND our supportive friends this month were Annie and Lewis. Well done, you’ve worked hard together this week and worked hard to be really good classmates.

A busy week again in P4B!

This week’s highlights from P4b!
I had fun doing my class talk –Charlotte
I enjoyed listening to the class talks – Holly
I enjoyed NYCoS because we did music and the beat – Shaun
I enjoyed Maths – Liam
I enjoyed learning my French colours – Ellie
I enjoyed all of the class talks because they were all very good and gave us good facts – Rory
I enjoyed Multisports– Aaron
I enjoyed Maths – Jamie
I enjoyed Maths – Kaycee
I enjoyed learning about the Vikings – Ellie-Rose
I liked Maths and the Vikings – Alfie L
I liked NYCoS because we were learning how to make our own rhythm stories. – Olivia
I liked doing my class talk – Dylan
I liked Futsal – Alfie B
I liked Viking Boy, our class book – Owen
I loved Dylan’s class talk because he gave me good ideas – Alistair
I liked Futsal because my team won – Max
I liked Futsal – Ruby
I enjoyed NYCoS – Kyle
I enjoyed Maths – Brandon
I like NYCoS because it is good for your voice – Eva

Table of the week – green 490

Learning partners of the week – Kyle and Olivia

Balbardie show off their skills!

The P7 netballers took on Boghall, St Mary’s and Simpson in the second of the cluster netball tournaments this Thursday. As promised by the tournament organiser, there was a tightening of the rules including the footwork and obstruction rules.
The entire team rose to the challenge and the skills on show were excellent with few penalties or free passes given away and some excellent passages of play demonstrated from the defence through to the attack. Sadly, the scores from the 3 games didn’t reflect the skills demonstrated but we will be ready to take on the teams in the final tournament in May and get some more wins under our belt!

Symmetry, Jewish Kippahs, Numbers to 20 in French and no lunch!

It’s been a short but busy week. We finished off our work on symmetry working out how to reflect shapes and pictures across a line of symmetry. We used the squares to help us show where to plot our shapes.
We made Jewish Kippahs which are special hats for Jewish men and boys. A lot of Kippahs have a Star of David on them which is a common symbol used in a lot of Jewish synagogues too. (pictures to follow when the technology allows!)
In French we have been learning our numbers from 20-50. Some of the children have found this quite hard but this song is helping us to learn them……..

In our Viking topic, we learnt about the daily life of the Vikings (when they weren’t out raiding and pillaging!) The children had to work hard on the farmstead, growing crops and doing homework or fishing and hunting. We also found out that the Vikings had a fairly boring diet and most importantly that they had NO LUNCH! They only had breakfast and dinner.

Table of the week – blue with 240 points
Learning Partners of the week – Alistair and Ruby

A Viking-tastic week!

This week has been a really busy Viking week!
In Learning across the curriculum, we made animations about a Viking Saga. A Viking saga is story which the Vikings told about their families and these were passed down from generation to generation. We had to make characters and scenes for our characters to move on. They had shields and axes. We used an app called StopMotion on the ipad on which we took a series of pictures which the app then runs together to make a short film.
We also learnt about Viking longhouses and how the whole family lived together with their animals. They had long benches for beds which had skins and animals skins for covers. The toilet was a hut outside the longhouse,
We also designed and painted Viking shields. We had to make them symmetrical which is harder than it looks!
Learning partners of the week – Kyle and Ellie-Rose
Table of the week – red with 130 points

You can’t forget about the Vikings!

On Thursday 1st February it was our class assembly. The children had worked very hard to learn their lines and some very tricky songs to share their learning about the Vikings. We hope that you all enjoyed it!
Charlotte – It was great to share our Learning across the curriculum work with the school.
Eva – I enjoyed our assembly because I liked the song ‘Who’d be a Viking woman?’
Olivia – I enjoyed the class assembly because we all got to dress up and have our pictures taken beforehand.
Ellie-Rose – I liked dressing up.
Noami – My favourite song was the dragon ships song.
Kaycee – I liked the assembly and my favourite song was the song about the Viking women.
Alfie L – I liked the assembly. They were really hard lines to learn but I knew them.
Rory – I enjoyed doing my part of the assembly.
Alfie B – I liked the dragon ships song.
Kyle – I liked doing the dragon ships song.
Max – I liked the celebration after the assembly.
Owen – I enjoyed the last song ‘You can’t forget about the Vikings!’
Liam – I enjoyed doing the dragon ships song.
Jay – I liked it when I had to say my words.
Shaun – My favourite song was ‘You can’t forget about the Vikings’
Jamie – I liked the songs in the assembly.
Dylan – I liked saying my words
Ellie – I enjoyed when I spoke in the assembly.
Holly- I enjoyed saying my lines.
Annie- I enjoyed ‘You can’t forget about the Vikings’
Ruby- I liked the bit when the Vikings said ‘you can’t forget about us’
Brooke – I enjoyed singing ‘Who’d be a Viking woman?’
Florence – I liked ‘You can’t forget about the Vikings’
Brandon – I enjoyed saying my lines.
Jackie – I thought that it was really fun and that everyone did really well.
Bryce – I liked everything.
Alistair – I liked the songs.

:Learning Partners of the week – Holly and Liam
Supportive friends for January – Dylan, Rory and Owen

Special commendation to Florence for her excellent dance exam results!

Table of the week – green with 450 points

P4s busy week!

This week we have been really busy learning our lines for our assembly and thinking about costumes. Please can these be in school at the beginning of next week. Please help the children to go over their lines for the songs and the acting parts.

We wrote a newspaper report about the Viking attack on Lindisfarne. We learnt that newspaper reports have a catchy headline, punchy short sentences, not too much detail in the picture, an opening paragraph which summarises and then paragraphs with more detail in afterwards.

We enjoyed another futsal session, learning how to dribble the ball.

With Mrs Gray, our NYCoS teacher, we learnt about speaking the pulse, clapping the pulse and walking the pulse.

Mrs Mackenzie taught us about multiplication. We were learning how to show a multiplication story so that 2 x 10 is the same as 10 x 2 and how to make things simpler if we don’t understand the first question.

We also put forward 3 children for the Burns’ poetry recital competition and we were really pleased when Eva won a prize for her recital ‘Fireworks aff castle’.

Learning partners of the week – Olivia and Orla.
Table of the week – Orange

What do you know about the Vikings?

We have had a fun week and have enjoyed playing in the snow. We started our new topic on The Vikings. We have learned that they didn’t really have horns on their helmets. To relax they liked to swim, wrestle and play football. They made ice skates out of bones to play in the snow. The boys learned to fight from an early age and the girls learned to cook, spin and weave.
In maths we have been learning about shape. We thought about lots of different uses in everyday life for 3D shapes. For example, a ball is the shape of a sphere so that it rolls and a toblerone is the shape of a triangular prism!
In numeracy, we learned about area. You can count the squares of a shape to measure its area.
We enjoyed Scottish country dancing with Mr Jeffries in P.E. and the girls had to dance with the boys!
Have a lovely weekend.

A week of firsts!

This week was a week of firsts! P4b had visiting specialists for Futsal and from NYCoS (the National Youth Choir of Scotland).
Futsal is an indoor game based on football but developing skills for passing and moving. The ball is smaller and more solid than a normal football. We learned how to move through the cones without being tug. We learnt some basic moves to get used to the ball.
Mrs Gray from NYCoS came to start a block of singing games and music with us. We learnt that pulse is a rhythm which goes through all music. We played some clapping and moving games to learn how to keep a steady rhythm. We liked the coca-cola rhyme. We also liked the train game!

The children are keenly learning their words for the assembly and are thinking about costumes. Vikings need plain coloured trousers (tracksuit bottoms, cotton trousers) and plain t shirts, women Vikings need long skirts and a plain shirt. We have some costumes in school for the monks and long skirts for the girls if required.

Learning Partners of the week – Ellie-Rose and Eva.

Table of the week – blue with 700 points

Happy New Year!

This week has been really exciting as we have started using learning partners in class. Each week, we have a new partner chosen by pick-a-sticks and we work with our partner all week. We are hoping to make new friends, learn about new ways of working and develop new skills of working together.

We have started learning about the Vikings. We are reading a very exciting book about a Viking boy called Gunnar. The story started with Gunnar’s dad being killed by raiders and taken off to Valhalla by the Valkyries, the servants of Odin. In writing we wrote a letter to Gunnar telling him a little bit about ourselves and asking him about life as a Viking.

With Mrs Mackenzie, we started looking at the different ways to response to situations and ow these cool, aggressive and weak responses affect the situation. We hope that this work will help us when we experience difficulties in the playground and with our classmates and friends.

We also looked at multiplication and how making an array can help us work out multiplication calucations. In maths we also learnt about the compass and the different points around the compass. We are learning to follow directions using compasses and turns.

In the coming weeks, we will be rehearsing for our assembly and starting to learn some songs so we hope that you will be able to come and share our learning on the 1st February at 2.30 p.m.

Our learning partners of the week this week are Florence and Alfie B.
Our table of the week is: Blue

Our term 2 highlights!

It has been a really busy term and we have learnt a lot of new things. Here are some of our highlights:
Jackie – I liked crossing the 100s barrier in maths
Rory – I enjoyed doing tiling with shapes.
Kyle – learning about fossils.
Alfie B – I enjoyed the panto.
Olivia – I enjoyed Rookie Rockstars and the panto
Ruby – I liked Rookie Rockstars
Bryce – I liked the panto.
Max – I enjoyed learning about different kinds of rocks.
Jamie – I liked the panto.
Ellie – I enjoyed the panto.
Charlotte – I enjoyed the panto and Rookie Rockstars and learning about fossils.
Annie – I enjoyed writing about our visitor, Blue.
Dylan – I liked the panto.
Alistair – I enjoyed Golden Time
Eva – I liked doing mild, spicy and hot maths challenges.
Holly – I liked the panto and Rookie Rockstars.
Brandon – I enjoyed the panto.
Owen – I liked doing tiling in maths.
Orla – I loved the panto.
Lewis – I liked doing the Christmas cards.
Liam – I liked the panto.
Shaun – I liked doing the 3d shapes.
Florence – I liked playing hockey in outdoor P.E.
Brooke – I enjoyed the panto.
Ellie-Rose – I loved the panto.
Aaron – I liked learning about soil.
Alfie L – I liked the panto because I got to go backstage and see all the characters.
We would like to wish you all a very merry Christmas and happy new year. We look forward to welcoming the children back to school on Tuesday January 9th.

Highlights of the week in P4b

This week’s highlights
Jamie – I liked doing the maths big start. We were learning to spell the names of shapes.
Ellie – I liked putting my partner in the recovery position in first aid with Mrs Mackenzie.
Ruby – I liked making 3d shapes.
Rory – I really enjoyed making my snowman 3d shape.
Kyle – I really enjoyed making my 4 3d snowmen!
Alfie B – I enjoyed spelling, doing my wordsearch.
Olivia – I really enjoyed making the 3d shapes.
Annie – I enjoyed the writing about us leaving planet x to go back to earth.
Alistair – I liked Maths this week, doing subtraction.
Charlotte – I enjoyed making the 3d snowmen.
Eva – I enjoyed doing my mild, spicy and hot for maths.
Dylan – I enjoyed subtraction work with Mrs Mackenzie.
Jay – I liked doing the singalong.
Orla – I enjoyed everything!
Owen – I enjoyed the 3d shape making
Liam – I enjoyed making my 3d shape.
Brandon – I enjoyed reading ‘Bug Battle’
Lewis – I enjoyed maths this week – all of it!
Holly – I enjoyed making the 3d shapes.
Aaron – I enjoyed the calendar this week.
Alfie L – I enjoyed the singalong.
Shaun – My favourite this week was making the 3d snowmen
Florence – I enjoyed writing the story about going back to planet earth.
Brooke – I enjoyed making the Christmas decorations.
Mrs Collings highlight of the week – discussing Christmas celebrations with P4b and us coming to a decision that the most important thing about Christmas was spending time with our families
‘The greatest gift at Christmas is your family’ – Florence (aged 8)

Bronze Champions
These children were awarded their bronze champion certificates and enjoyed their bronze treat in November.

These children have achieved their bronze champion award since the 17th November. They will enjoy their bronze treat in the new term.
Charlotte, Olivia, Liam, Noami, Max, Alfie B, Aaron, Brandon, Alistair, Jamie, Ellie-Rose, Annie, Orla and Eva.

Table of the week – red with 500 points