All posts by Mrs Mansfield

Primary 2/1 Blog – Week Beginning 3.10.16

Hello everyone,


What a week we have had in P2/1!!!   It has been a week full of adventures and surprises for us – here are our best bits from this week!

Regan – “Writing about the coffee morning in our jotters”

Keegan – “Dress down day is always good fun!”

Rory – “I liked assembly where they sang the songs”

Marley – “Mrs Dunbar giving me my certificate and getting all my stickers!”

Breghannon – “Singing songs”

Ellie – “I liked going to the library because we got to read nice books”

Millie – “My favourite part of this week has been learning about o.  I liked making the octopus”

Brandon – “Learning about phonics and how to use sounds to write words, I made a phonic flower with Mrs Mansfield”

Poppy – “When we were talking about the ladybirds we made and put them on the wall”

Leah – “When we were practising the church songs”

Max – “I liked doing the rockets when we learned about ck. It was a bit messy”

Rio – “I liked phonics this week.  My duck got put on the Wow Wall”

Emily – “Doing shapes, I liked learning about how many sides there are in shapes”

Leila – “I liked writing station this week because I got to practise writing in fun ways”

Jonah – “I liked maths, I made a shape pizza”

Liam – “Learning about squares.  I liked making and drawing the shapes”

Rocco – “Making a duck in phonics, the feathers tickled me”

Romeo – “I liked assembly because the class sang a good song”

Teigan – “When we went to the library”

Cameron – “I liked shared start because mum got to come to our class”

What a week!  Only one more Friday until our October holidays, we are looking forward to lots of busy learning before we break up from school”



Primary 2/1

(A note from Mrs Mansfield – thank you so much to all the parents/carers/family members that managed to make it along to our shared start on Tuesday.  I hope you found it beneficial to seeing how your child learns in our class – if you have any questions please feel free to catch me at the end of the school day! I hope you all have a lovely weekend!)

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Junior Choir

Wow!  What talented children we have here at Balbardie!  Both Miss Owens and I were blown away by the standard of singing at the choir auditions on Tuesday.

We know that some children weren’t able to attend because they were at Lowport, if your child is one of these children could they please come and speak to me (Mrs Mansfield) on Monday and arrangements can be made to hear them sing.

A reminder that all permission letters need to be returned by Monday at the latest.




Mrs Mansfield

Primary 2/1 Blog – Week Beginning 26th September



In this week’s Circle Time we focused on Changes.  We realised that we have changed a lot since the beginning of the school year and that we have learned lots of new information and developed skills to help us as we grow.  We spoke about the thing that we have improved the most:

Max – “I have got better at counting and writing numbers.  I can sometimes do the red level!”

Liam – “I can do my best work now because my friends and teacher can show me what I have to do”

Leila – “I know how to read some words now and am starting to be able to write some words”

Emily – “I have learned how to use a ten frame.  They help me to learn my numbers”

Breghannon – “I learned about ten frames too! I like moving the counters to build ten”


We have also had a great time learning in other areas of the classroom!  Here are some of our best bits:

Teigan – “Counting with Pete the Dragon”

Marley – “I liked playing with new friends at the number station”

Cameron – “Mixing colours was really fun! It was funny when Mrs Mansfield rubbed paint on her hands to show us what happens when we mix colours!”

Regan – “I liked playing at role play, I liked using the real-life superhero puppets”

Ellie – “When we went outside to have some fun learning numbers and counting”

Keegan – “When we went outside and got to draw number bubbles on the ground”

Poppy – “When we got to play PE games with Mr Jeffries”

Leah – “When Mrs Mansfield took us for PE, I liked the new Shark Attack game where we practised travelling”


We spoke about keeping ourselves safe and using medicine properly, here are some of the things that we have learned:

Brandon – “Only adults that we know and trust should give us medicine because it can be dangerous if we take medicine that we shouldn’t have”

Rio – “Medicine can look like sweeties, we shouldn’t pick up things off the ground and eat them”

Rory – “The wrong medicines can make us very sick, we should only take medicine if a grown up that we trust tells us to – sometimes we don’t need medicine, we might just need a rest”.


We hope you have a lovely weekend!


Thank you!


Primary 2/1

Junior Choir

Just a reminder that auditions for the Junior Choir will take place on Tuesday 27th of September after school.

I have received lots of reply slips from new members wanting to audition for choir, a reminder to anyone else wanting to audition that Monday is the last day I can accept choir letters.

I am aware that some classes are away to camp, if there are any issues about this please let me know!



Mrs Mansfield

Primary 2/1 Blog – Week Beginning 19/9/16



We have enjoyed having a short week at school this week and have liked telling everyone about our adventures over the weekend.  We have learned about writing postcards, our new sound ‘i’, using ten frames and dot patterns to help our counting, 2D shapes and their properties and we have also had a circle time to extend our learning about feelings and way to express these.  In our ‘Balbardie Superheroes’ lessons we have been learning about what to do in an emergency!  We identified the real life superheroes that work in the emergency services and the Primary 2s were able to think about what equipment these people need for their jobs and how they keep us safe.

We spoke about what qualities real life superheroes must have to do their job.  This is what we spoke about:

Regan – “Firemen, policemen and ambulance drivers save the day, every day!”

Poppy – “The vet is a superhero because they help the animals when they are not well”

Leila – “The nurse is amazing because she helps people”

Millie – “The vet helps the animals, that is cool”

Brandon – “The dentist is a hero because they check your teeth and keep people’s mouths healthy so they don’t get sore”

Rio – “A doctor is the best real life superhero because they can help you when you fall or get really sick”

Ellie – “A policeman or policewoman is very brave.  They can help if a wee boy or girl gets lost, they can get them home safely”

Cameron – “Firemen put out the fires.  This makes them a superhero because they must be very brave”

Liam – “I like ambulance drivers because they help people in an emergency, grown ups too!”

Teigan – “Policemen help people.  They helped me when I got lost”

Breghannon – “Firemen help in emergencies like when there is a real fire.  There wasn’t a real fire at school this week”

Max – “The emergency services are very fast, they must be healthy!”

Marley – “Maybe when I grow up and work in McDonalds the firemen will need to come and put out the fires, the firemen will have jobs for years!”

Rory – “The lollypop man is an important superhero because they keep people safe when they cross the road”

Romeo – “Policemen can keep the roads safe – if someone goes too fast they can tell them to stop!”

Rocco – “Firemen can climb up ladders to help people if they are stuck.  They can’t be scared of heights”

Jonah – “Doctors are a special superhero because they help people and save lives”

Keegan – “Teachers are real life superheroes because they teach us everything we know!”

Leah – “A vet is my favourite superhero because they look after animals.  I would like a hamster, the vet would look after my animal”


Even though it has been a short week we have learned lots!  We are all looking forward to more exciting learning next week!



Primary 2/1

Primary 2/1 Blog – Week beginning 12.9.16

This week in class we have been learning about friendship.

In circle time we were thinking about kind words and nasty words and did an apple experiment to see how our words effect how someone feels. Both the apples looked the same on the outside but when we cut them open, the apple we had been nice to had a star in the middle.  The apple we had said unkind things to was bruised and yucky on the inside.

From this we learned that not everyone shows when they are upset, we need to try our best to be kind to everyone.

Here are some of the nice, kind things we have done this week:


Keegan – “I shared my snack with a friend”

Brandon – “I helped people in the playground if there was a problem”

Poppy – “I’ve helped my friends get their things ready to go home at the end of the day”

Marley – “I gave a big hug and kiss to my mum”

Rocco – “I helped my sister cook”

Regan – “I helped my friends and played with them”

Leah – “I played with Poppy”

Millie – “I helped Poppy in the playground when she had fell and hurt her leg”

Romeo – “I got help when someone chased my friend when we were playing at home”

Rory – “I helped my mum to load the car for when we go on holiday”

Ellie – “I’ve helped my friend when they fell and hurt themselves”

Teigan – “I made a cake for my mummy”

Liam – “I was really nice to my friends”

Leila – “I helped Emily when she fell yesterday”

Cameron – “I helped my mum make lunch”

Rio – “I helped my mum to clean the car”

Max – “I helped my mum to clean the car, it doesn’t have a single crumb on the floor now!”

Emily – “I helped Millie when she fell after an accident in the playground”

Jonah – “I helped clean mummy’s car out”


We hope you have a lovely holiday weekend!



Primary 2/1

Primary 2/1 Blog – WB 29.8.16

We have had another great week in P2/1 and are settling well into being in our new class.



Our sounds this week have been m and c.  We have been using floam to make the letters and have also made a cow, a caterpillar, a m sound book and a monster.  Our tricky words this week are I and the, we are working hard to remember these!



We have been practising our counting in maths and have been working on writing numbers with our buddies.  We need a bit of practice at this but our writing is definitely becoming neater!


Learning Across the Curriculum

We have been learning about the different powers that superheroes have and have been thinking about how special we are!  Here are the things that we think are our superhero powers:


Brandon – I can climb up a tree

Rocco – I am brave because I can touch spider webs

Regan – I am good at getting my breakfast all by myself

Romeo – I can touch spider webs!

Rio – I can climb mountains

Max – I can climb very high mountains!

Liam – I help mummy and daddy

Teigan –  I am good at playing with my brother

Leila – I am a football star

Jonah – I am good at making water balloons

Marley – I am good at playing with my car toys and my dinosaurs and going swimming.

Ellie – I am a great dancer

Breghannon – I am good at reading stories

Cameron – I can climb up a tree

Rory – I can climb up and touch cobwebs

Millie – I can count to 20

Keegan – I can go fast on my bike

Leah – I try hard at my swimming lessons

Poppy – I am kind to my cousins

Emily – I can swim



A note from Mrs Mansfield –

Please note that the Meet the teacher event will take place on Wednesday at 6pm, please pop along if you are free 🙂



Our first week in P2/1

Hello everybody,


We have had a great first week in P2/1 and have been learning lots of fun things.  Here are our favourite bits:

Poppy – ” My best bit was making Superhero Potions to start our writing lesson”

Liam – “I liked learning about superheroes”

Rory – “I really liked seeing the gym hall”

Max – “My best bit was getting a letter that had superhero challenges in it!”

Teigan – “I liked the gym”

Cameron – “I liked meeting Mr Jeffries”

Rocco – “I liked playing with the floam and making my numbers with it”

Regan – “I liked everything!”

Leah – “My best bit was playing at the number table”

Ellie – “I liked making my name with the letters”

Breaghannon – “I liked the messy area where I painted a rainbow”

Brandon – “I loved the songs at the assembly”

Leila – “I liked going to gym”

Romeo – “I liked everything at school”

Jonah – “The best day of the week is a Friday because I like Golden Time”

Keegan – “Everything was great!”

Rio – “I liked fishing out letters with the fishing rods”

Marley – “I like learning to write both my names”


We can’t wait to come back to school next week for more learning through play!


RRS – Everyone has the right to play! 109_2524


Primary 2b Blog

Hi everyone!


We have had an amazing last full week at school, especially because we got to take part in the Golden Club event (even Mrs Mansfield and Mrs Hay had a shot on the bouncy castle!)  We really liked soaking the house captains with sponges and some of us even got a wee bit from wet from being splashed!

In literacy we have been reading new books in class and have been writing about what we would like to do over summer!  We can’t believe how fast this year has gone but hope the summer holidays are nice, long and sunny!

In maths we have been learning about odd and even numbers.  We played games to help us learn the pattern of odd and even and managed to complete some really tricky problem solving at the number table this week!

We finished our learning about ‘Going on Safari’ and ‘Eid Celebrations’ this week and have really enjoyed all that we have learned.  We had a look at which foods were Fairtrade and are now able to identify the Fairtrade symbol.  The best station this week has been construction because we have got to develop our Thinking Skills.  We were set the challenge to build something that was useful in an African village and our ideas have been very creative!!

We want to say a big good luck to Sandra who is moving back to Poland! We will really miss her in Primary 3 but hope she keeps in touch!


Achievements this week

  • Jay was Pupil of the Week
  • Annie got moved to the competition class in her gymnastics club
  • Charlotte and Brooke did really well in the first night of their dance show
  • Lewis got another certificate from his swimming
  • Liam was Playground Pupil of the Week
  • Alfie L won a trophy because he was the fastest runner
  • Jackie won a medal from his go-karting club

We hope you all have a lovely week!


Primary 2b

Primary 2b Blog

This has been an excellent week in Primary 2b!  We are so excited to share our learning with you through our blog!


The best bits of this week have been:

  • creating a P2b scrapbook to be passed to Mrs Ghafoor for when we are in P3.   We had to write about ourselves and think this will help Mrs Ghafoor get to know us better!
  • using the book ‘The Magic Faraway Tree’ to help us visualise what the story would look like!  We then created our own lands that we would like to visit the top of the Faraway Tree!  Mrs Mansfield really enjoyed this as it is one of her favourite books!



We really enjoyed these bits of maths this week:

  • learning the way to tell the difference between our left and our right hand.  We liked singing songs to help us remember this and are getting better at being able to give directions using left and right
  • directing people using quarter turns and half turns – it was funny trying to direct people to different places in the classroom


Learning Across the Curriculum

Wow!  What a week we have had for learning across the curriculum.  These are the highlights:

  • having a look at animal print and using these details to create a beautiful animal print picture
  • talking about the ways that mummy animals look after baby animals and the food that babies eat
  • Mrs Hay came in to show us a picture of her when she was a little girl growing up in South Africa.  She was playing with a lion cub, it was really cute!
  • learning about Fairtrade.  We think it is very important that farmers are paid well for their work.


Achievements this week

  • Jackie, Jay and Aaron got to Step 5
  • Orla was pupil of the week
  • Olivia got a trophy from her dancing
  • Charlotte and Brooke are working hard for their dance show next week
  • Annie received a medal from her swimming lessons


We hope you all have a lovely week!  We can’t believe next week is the last whole week of P2!

Primary 2b Blog

We have been having a great week this week in Primary 2b and have enjoyed challenging our learning.



In our reading detectives we continued to practise our visualising, this time through the context of the beach.  We were able to apply this skill in our writing to write imaginatively about being at the beach.  We focused on what we could hear, smell and see.

In writing we started to make Safari animal fact files.  We understand what a fact is and were able to use a layout to add information about our chosen animal.  We were able to choose from a mountain gorilla, a chimpanzee, an African lion, an African elephant or a black rhino – we enjoyed learning about where they live and what they like to eat!



In maths we have been revising our learning about money.   We have practised our adding to find totals and this week have started to look at finding change when we buy something in a shop.  Our favourite activity was the shopkeeper game where we got to play the role of a customer or a shopkeeper to find total amounts and give change.


Learning Across the Curriculum

We have been learning lots of information about Africa.  So far we have looked at the types of houses that exist in some African countries and were shown pictures that Mrs Mansfield’s cousin took while she was working there.  We learned that the houses are very different!  There were no windows and that made the houses very dark – we thought that would be quite frightening!  Also, that the houses are made using mud to hold it together – we didn’t think that would be a good idea in Scotland as our houses would fall apart in the rain!  We also realised that we had some things in common with some of the children in Africa.  We looked at stories from 4 African children and they spoke about liking football, helping their mums to cook and that some of them enjoyed maths at school.

We also started learning about some African animals…we look forward to learning more next week!


This week we also loved being able to go to the park for Sports Day.  We had a great time in the sun and were so pleased we could support our friends in their races too.


Achievements this week

  • Sandra won 2 medals at sports day
  • Olivia won a medal at sports day
  • Hannah was pupil of the week
  • Olivia, Jamie, Liam, Alfie B, Rory, Sandra, Brandon and Holly received stickers at sports day
  • Alfie L moved up a level in swimming
  • Brandon won a medal at his football training
  • Hannah got up to level 12 in her swimming lessons
  • Olivia moved up to level 5 in swimming
  • Annie moved up to level 4 in swimming
  • Ruby was first place in her horse-riding race.


We hope that everyone has a great holiday weekend!

(Please note that there is no homework this week to allow everyone to enjoy the holiday – new homework will be issued on Wednesday!)

Primary 2b Blog


In writing this week we started a 3 part story about a Disgusting Sandwich!  We had to use our imagination to figure out what was on our sandwich and then what happened to make it so disgusting!  Some of our ideas were very yucky but they are going to make fabulous stories! We are continuing to work on Visualising in our reading detective groups and can apply this to our writing!



We have been challenging ourselves with our adding and subtracting this week as we have been learning how to add double digit to double digit numbers!  We found this a bit tricky at the start but are definitely getting better at it now (we even had lots of people in our red teaching group this week – well done everyone!)    We have started to self assess which colour of teaching group we are in and are getting better at identifying how to support and challenge our own learning!


Learning Across the Curriculum

We have had an amazing week this week in our learning across the curriculum learning as we finished our Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch context and moved onto the context of ‘Going on Safari’.  To start our topic we had the chance to do some drumming with Mrs Mansfield and Ms Drummond!  We explored rhythm games with Mrs Mansfield where we had to listen for red rhythms (they were the rhythms we weren’t allowed to clap back!)  Ms Drummond came in to teach us about African instruments.  We got to play our names on the drums and got the chance to learn about poly-rhythms.

In French this week we were learning how to say the names of some fruits!   We played a hide-and-seek game with the fruit and had to tell Mrs Mansfield which fruit had went to hide!  We are excited to learn more French vocabulary next week!


We are looking forward to next week!!!!



Primary 2b

Primary 2b Blog

This week we have had an amazing time with lots of opportunities to take our learning outside in the sunshine!


  • As part of our ‘Reading Detective Challenge’ this week we have been extending our visualising skills.  We heard a story about a wee boy called Noah who went up into his Grandfather’s loft where he was shocked to find lots of musical surprises!   We used our visualising skills to write a short passage from the point of view of Noah.  We can’t wait to visualise other stories and write what we think.  We understand that everyone’s visualisations might be different and can respect other people’s opinions.



  • We have been revising addition and subtraction in class and went outside to create sums with the number logs.  We were thinking of lots of different ways to make an answer using adding and subtracting.  We were surprised by just how many ways you can use numbers!
  • Some of us have been learning about solving tricky addition problems using partitioning and were happy we could use our skip counting to help us solve them!


Learning Across the Curriculum

  • We have been science experts this week as we continued our learning about Electricity through the context of Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch.  We have been learning about how fossil fuels are formed, how these are then burned to create electricity and also started learning about electrical circuits.  We got the chance to build our own circuits and understand that there need to be connections for a circuit to work properly.  We had a great time challenging ourselves to get a light-bulb to light up and then adding a switch to our circuit.  We have also been looking at renewable energy and loved the experiment to find out which side of the school would be best to have solar panels on.  We used thermometers to find out which side of the school had the strongest exposure to the sun and made sure our tests were fair.


We also had celebrating success this week – well done to all of the certificate winners:


Headteacher’s Award – Rory

Effort and Improvement – Alfie L

High Standard of Work – Sandra

Representing School Values – Ruby



Primary 2b

Primary 2b Blog

Wow!  We have had an amazing week!  This is what we have enjoyed learning about.


Alexander – I have learned how to write neater

Alfie L – I have got better at reading this week and liked making words using magnetic letters

Jay – I have learned how to make my wriitng better

Alistair – I really enjoyed when I challenged myself when we were counting with actions

Brandon – I was really excited to hold a sword on our school trip

Bryce – I liked it when I got to hold the chainmail, it was very heavy!

Shaun – My favourite bit was the school trip when we got to look around the castle with the knight

Kyle – I liked it when we went searching for dragon marks around the castle.  I saw some of the ceiling and on the walls.

Noami – I liked visiting the castle the best

Rory – I learned how catapults work, it was really funny when the knight fired a boulder on one

Anna – I liked that we all got to have a picnic when we went on our trip

Ellie-Rose – I liked it when we got to dress up as the King and the Queen of Stirling Castle

Jackie – I enjoyed learning about and seeing some of the weapons in the castle

Holly – I learned that years and years ago only the Royal family were allowed to wear purple

Brooke – My favourite bit was holding the sword…but I really liked everything

Sandra – I liked holding the sword and dressing up too

Lewis – I learned about the murder holes in the castle, I didn’t know about them before

Charlotte – My favourite part was when we went into the Queen’s bedroom

Ruby – I liked it when Lord James told my mum to take off her jacket because it was purple and isn’t royal

Aaron – I liked it when the knight showed us lots of sword tricks

Orla – I have learned that Stirling Castle was very old and I liked our trip

Annie – I liked it when the Knight got volunteers to dress up in all of the Castle clothes

Liam – My favourite bit was when the knight showed us tricks and tried to teach us how to juggle

Alfie B – I thought it was funny when Jay dressed up as a jester and told us all a joke

Owen – I really liked dressing up and going to the jester room at the castle

Olivia – I learned that the King and Queen had to use hay after they had been to the toilet

Jamie – I liked it when I got to meet the people that lived in the castle!



Primary 2b


(A note from Mrs Mansfield –

Please remember that costumes for the school show need to be brought in by Monday 25th of April AT THE LATEST as we have a dress rehearsal on the Tuesday.  In case the letter has been misplaced the costumes are as follows:

Tadpoles – black t-shirt and black trousers/leggings

Frogs – green t-shirt and black trousers

Frog Spawn – white t-shirt and black trousers

Narrators – spring/summer clothes

Teacher – white school shirt and black trousers/skirt


Some children have been issued with a letter about face paint, could these also be returned ASAP.

Special Person letters should have been returned by Friday 22nd April, if you have forgotten these will be accepted on Monday 25th.

Any questions please do not hesitate to ask)


Primary 2b Blog


In literacy this week we have learning more about determining importance in our ‘Reading Detective Mission’.  We listened to a story about a beach and then had to select items that we think would be important for a visit to a beach. We worked in groups and were surprised to find that every group had a different ‘most important item’.  This made us realise that everyone might have different ideas about what is important in a book – we just need to be able to justify our answers!

We have also been redrafting some our writing for the Young Writer Competition.  We really enjoyed trying our best to check our spelling and write using our neatest handwriting.  Our stories are now with Mr Welsh and we are excited to see if anyone in our class is a winner for West Lothian!



We have been symmetry wizards this week and have amazed Mrs Mansfield by how quickly we have managed to learn about different lines of symmetry.  We have been creating symmetrical patterns, completing pictures and sorting shapes to practise our skills.

We also have been adding new actions to our counting games to make them more exciting and are getting much better at skip counting as well as counting backwards and forwards.  We even learned a new game this week called ‘Fizz’ which we really liked playing!!


Tadpole Rag

The class have all been practising their parts for Tadpole Rag and are really looking forward to sharing their songs and dances with an audience.  A letter will be going out shortly with details about getting tickets for the show on the 29th of April (we are performing at the 11.00am show).




Primary 2b


Primary 2b Blog

Hello everyone!


We are super excited because it is now the end of the week and…that means it’s the Easter Holidays!!!  This week at school we have enjoyed:

Noami – I liked choosing activities for the number station.

Alistair – I have enjoyed learning how to tell the time (this means I can now check when my bedtime is)

Hannah – I have really liked reading stories in cosy corner.

Bryce – I liked spending time in the cosy corner Castle tent.

Kyle – I enjoyed the construction challenge this week because I could make machines to help Harriet get the eggs to the farm safely.

Owen – My favourite bit of school was the writing table this week because I got to use my imagination.

Olivia – Construction was my favourite because I got to make a farm.

Orla – I liked learning about the Easter story because I understand what Easter is about now.

Shaun – I liked messy table because I could use my creative skills to make new things.

Jay – I really liked everything!  Especially the number, writing and messy table station.

Anna – I enjoyed using art skills to paint and draw an Easter bunny picture.

Lewis – I liked maths because I got to do time this week.

Charlotte – My favourite bit was the imagination station because I wrote a new story.

Annie – My favourite time was when I went to imagination station because I liked writing my story and drawing my pictures.

Ruby – I liked imagination station because I got to write lots of stories.

Ellie-Rose – My favourite was role play because the King and Queen were getting ready for Easter this week.

Jackie – My best bit was construction because I got to use lego.

Brandon – I liked construction too because I liked the different challenges.

Rory – My favourite bit was construction because I got to build a ship to get across the water with the eggs.

Alexander – My best bit was mental maths because we got to play exterminate!

Aaron – I liked construction too because I used my brain to fit all the eggs in my boat.

Holly – I liked role play because I got to pretend I was different people all the time.

Alfie B – My favourite was cosy corner because I got to listen to a story and go in the castle tent.

Alfie L – I liked construction because I got to make a massive boat to cross the river!

Jamie – Writing was my favourite because I got to write about when the Easter Bunny ran past me.

Liam – Mine was construction because I got to build a truck and a person to drive the truck.


We hope everyone have an amazing Easter holiday!



Primary 2b!

Primary 2b


In literacy we have been developing our Higher Order Reading Skills and can now use connections to make predictions.  Mrs Mansfield says she is very impressed with how good we are at making connections! Especially because we can sort connections into three categories: text-to-self, text-to-text and text-to-world!

We have been learning to continue story writing when provided with story starters and have been using our imagination in lots of different ways too – even managing to create stories about adventures we have been on with our pet dragons!!



In practical maths Miss Brown has been teaching us about how to tell the time.  We have practised reading o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to.  Some of the class have also been learning how to count on time in hours and have enjoyed playing ICT games to consolidate this learning.


Dungeons and Dragons

This was a very exciting week for our Learning Across the Curriculum context as we finished off our learning with a Medieval Banquet.  We got to try lots of foods including pancakes, tomatoes, grapes, pork pies, honey, bread, apples, strawberry juice, bananas, cheese and ham.  We discovered that lots of us liked honey (especially when it was on our pancakes!)  We also showcased our dances that we have been working on in PE with Mrs Mansfield and got to watch a short clip of a film.  Lots of us enjoyed pretending to be jesters and telling lots of jokes to entertain people.  We also liked playing the game ‘Bow to the King’ to finish our banquet!  We have learned lots and lots about castles, dungeons and dragons through our Learning across the Curriculum focus!


Thanks for reading!

From Primary 2b