
In maths this week we have been learning about division. We all know that dividing means to share equally. We are now all very good at dividing and can share out larger numbers. Miss Elliot is very impressed!

In writing this week we have been writing a story about a pirate. The story had to have a beginning, middle and end. In the beginning we had to use describing words to describe what the pirate looked like and where the story was set. We have also been learning about speech  marks and some of us tried to use these in our writing.

In our homework last week we were set a challenge to be scientists and find out what happens to water when it gets really cold and really hot. Some of us found out some really interesting information. In class we look at ice and found out that when it gets warm it melts. When water gets warm it starts to evaporate and we could see the steam coming out of the kettle. We know that ice is a solid, water is a liquid and steam is a gas.

We all enjoyed the bake sale today and we hoped we raised lots of money for the school.

Class Awards:

Pupil of the Week: Reece

Class Dojo: Ben

2 thoughts on “P2e”

  1. Hi Primary 2e,

    I am very impressed that you are all able to do division work which can be very tricky so well done everyone. The pirate stores sound very interesting. Ill come in and read some of them next week. I’m pleased you enjoyed the Bake Sale and I hope we have raised lots of money for Save the Children.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Miss Henderson

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