Making Bread in Primary2/1

What a busy week we have had in class!  We were very excited to see that our beans started to grow over the weekend and we will keep you posted…

This week our story was The Little Red Hen so on Monday morning we made our own bread.  We were very proud of ourselves.

We tried really hard to spread the butter and jam by ourselves. 

“I loved it,” said Kelsey.  “It was delicious,” said Sam.  “I was astonished when I saw how good it was,” said Tom.

In art, we painted pictures of the cat, rat, pig and the hen.  We then made models of pigs out of pink play-do with a partner.


We all agree that it is better when we help each other and work together like the Little Red Hen had tried to do!

2 thoughts on “Making Bread in Primary2/1”

  1. I wish aimee and laura could be in your class making bread -:) zoe looks like she is working hard buttering and putting jam on it
    From laura and aimee -:)

  2. Hi Primary 2/1,

    Your bread looks fantastic. I would have loved to have been in your class making bread. I’m looking forward to seeing what your story for next week will be and the fun and exciting activities you will be doing.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Miss Henderson

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