Primary 2/1 Blog – Week Beginning 28.5.18

This week has been very busy and we have been practising being responsible citizens by teaching the new primary 1s all about life at Balbardie.  This made us think about how much we have learned this year and how well we have challenged ourselves with our learning.  Here are the ways we have grown as learners:

Rory – “At nursery I did whatever I wanted but didn’t do learning.  At school I do lots of learning at play stations”

Cameron – “I got better at challenging myself in maths.  I’m not scared to get an answer wrong anymore”

Regan – “I don’t think about how difficult things are anymore, I think about how they can challenge me”

Rio – “I am better at organising what I want to learn and I like playing to help me learn”

Griffin – “I got better at telling the time.  I did it by practising outside of school”

Daniel – “I know that I need to practise things to get better at them, it is how I learn”

Tommy – “I learn best when I write out the problems.  When you do it you get better and better if you keep trying”

Teigan – “I know how important it is to challenge myself”

Poppy F – “I know I can get better at things.  I am better at finger spaces”

Leah – “I don’t get upset anymore.  The things I found tricky are now easier”

Brooke – “I challenge myself to get better at things”

Ellie – “I have got better at reading and writing by thinking about things before I do them.  I know to do this now”

Lucy – “Things are different between nursery and school.  I am getting better at concentrating for longer”

Sarah – “I like it when learning is fun.  It helped me count my numbers”

Aiden – “Difficult challenges help me to get better and better”

Breaghannon – “I know to challenge myself”

Mason – “I like it when I talk to the teachers for help”

Leila – “I have got better at challenging myself.  As well as that I make learning fun, I like active spelling”

Emily – “I am learning the importance of concentrating on your writing rather than getting distracted”

Poppy D – “I am getting better at how I think about new learning.  I do trickier sums because I know it helps me and then I practise at home”

Millie – “I learn best when it is a little bit noisy.  When it is totally quiet it just feels weird”


Primary 2/1

(A note from Mrs Mansfield – please remember that it is dress down day tomorrow, Friday 1st of June.)

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