Primary 2/1 Blog – Week Beginning 5.2.18

WOW!!!!!!!!  This has been an incredible week for P2/1 with lots of exciting learning opportunities.

On Tuesday we welcomed Tracey from Tesco who taught us about where fruit and vegetables come from, how cheese and bread are made and…we even got to do a taste test with lots of different fruit, vegetables, cheese and bread!  It was very yummy!!

On Thursday it was our class assembly and we were all SUPERSTARS!!  We helped the rest of the school to learn about the 4 seasons and sang lots of super songs with amazing actions!!  We loved dressing up and getting to perform in front of the whole school.  We are definitely becoming more confident and can’t wait for the next time we get to perform!


Here are our best bits of the week:

Cameron – “I liked our assembly because I liked learning the songs.  I liked finding out the story behind the song and challenged myself to learn all the words”

Rio – “I liked making the decorations for our assembly.  I got to create the poster for autumn and liked sticking on all the leaves we had made”

Teigan – “Assembly was my best bit because I liked singing the songs”

Aaron – “I liked singing the songs in assembly because they were good fun”

Aiden – “I liked the assembly because I got to perform and do lots of other things.  I thought I was really good at it!”

Griffin – “My costume was really cool for the assembly!  I got to get changed in class and wore my sunglasses”

Regan – “I made the sunglasses for the summer poster.  I did it all by myself and it was tricky”

Leah – “I liked practising my lines and the songs.  We added actions to the songs and I said my line really well”

Poppy D – “I liked when we were getting dressed for the assembly.  It was so funny because my mum gave me my brother’s trousers – they didn’t fit! I also liked the posters we made to show everybody the 4 seasons”

Lucy – “I liked the singalong on Friday because my brother and his friend got a certificate”

Millie – “I enjoyed the assembly because I had 4 lines to say.  I liked the singing and the dancing because I thought it was really, really fun”

Daniel – “I liked getting changed for assembly because I liked wearing sunglasses.  I looked really cool”

Leila – “This week I have liked our assembly because I think I did my line really well and my daddy came to see me”

Mason – “I really liked practising my assembly words in Cosy Corner with Rio.  In the assembly I held a magnifying glass and my mummy liked it”

Emily – “I liked dressing up for the assembly because it was really funny when Poppy tried to put her little brother’s trousers on”

Poppy F – “I liked when Tracey came in and we learned about Farm to Fork.  We learned lots about food”

Brooke – “I liked assembly because of the songs.  I enjoyed doing the actions”

Breaghannon – “My assembly was good because I said my words really well”

Rory – “I liked doing the assembly.  My words were the best bit”


We are very excited to have a long weekend this weekend.  We won’t be back in school until WEDNESDAY!!


Primary 2/1

(A note from Mrs Mansfield – A separate letter has been issued to P2 children about the performance of Skellybones, this information will also be posted on the blog.  Please return the tear-off slip directly to your class teacher as soon as possible.  Thank you!)


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