This week has flown by – and not long till the holidays either!

This week we learned about Global Warming, it’s effects and also what we can do to prevent further Global Warming. We learned that we can recycle, reuse and reduce our waste. We made posters for different types of recycling.

In literacy, we learned how to identify an adverb in a sentence – this is tricky and we got really good at finding adjectives instead!

In maths, we have been learning about 3D shapes and how to build them. We also learned about their properties.

We had our Christmas party this week as well and it was great fun. We played different games and got a visit from Santa. We got a little reindeer each as a present!

Today was also the last session from the Bathgate Xcite team. We have learned lots about how to eat healthily and keep healthy. We got a certificate and a water bottle.

Have a great weekend.

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