
Today was our trip to Mill Farm.

Brandon: I thought it was good and I saw an escaped duck.
Orla: I liked the trip because I had fun on the moving camera. I enjoyed spending time with my friends.
Aaron: I loved the whole park but wished I could have gone on the Jelly Belly as we ran out of time.
Alistair: On the Jelly Belly there were lots of people on it and I liked sliding down the sides.
Brooke: I loved the zip wire and I stood up on it. It was 100% fun!
Charlotte: I loved it because there was lots to do including seeing the animals. The zip wire was my favourite part!
Olivia: My favourite part was the zip wire and running around it in the house!
Jay: I liked the Go Karts because I got to bash into everyone.
Alfie L: I liked the ducks because the ducks were doing handstands and jumping on each other.
Rory: I liked the hook a cow.
Owen: I liked the adventure zone because you got to run around and have fun!
Jamie: I liked the adventure zone too and my favourite part was going down the rope.
Bryce: I liked the Jelly Belly and I did some back flips.
The weather was really nice and warm and that added to our enjoyment of the day!

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