Term 4 begins in P6B

The pupils in P6B returned to school this week feeling refreshed and ready to learn. It’s been a quick and enjoyable week with lots of learning packed in. In beginning the new term, we have started to explore some new learning topics and areas.

In maths this term, we will be learning about shape, position and movement. This week, we begun by exploring coordinate grids, identifying the y/x axis, number lines and, finally, marking and naming coordinates on the grid. We worked in pairs and used coordinates to create and solve codes in the context of a ‘Murder Mystery’ which we all enjoyed. Next week, we will draw and create our own grids.

Our topic this term will be ‘The Human Body‘ and we began by exploring what we already know and would like to know about the human body. Lots of facts, knowledge and ideas fr learning were discussed and shared. We are really looking forward to this topic this term.

I know that chromosomes are cells which help to create your features – Fiona 

The tongue is the only muscle in your body which is attached at one end – Luca

Your kidney is the size of a mobile phone – Jamie

I’d like to learn about the names of all different parts of the brain and what they do – Jack 

We were all delighted to be told that Jamie had won the Eggstravaganza competition for P6. Jamie had made a fantastic effort to design an egg which he named ‘Captain Egghead‘. It was a very creative and thoughtful design which we were all impressed with. Well done, Jamie!

Our first’ Star Writer of the Week‘ for this term is Callum who wrote an interesting story, ‘The Cottage‘. Callum used adjectives to add description to his story and took care to spell his words correctly. He had clear organisation with a beginning, middle and end to his story, meeting all his targets. Well done, Callum!

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