Primary 2/1 Blog – Week Beginning 21.1.17

This has been another great week in Primary 2/1.

We have been learning about Robert Burns – here are some of the facts we have learned:

Marley – “He died when he was 37.  He worked as a farmer”

Max – “He was famous for writing poems and songs”

Brandon – “We celebrate Burns day to remember him.  We eat haggis, neeps and tatties”

Rory – “He wrote a famous song.  We sang Auld Lang Syne in class”

Emily – “He used to write famous poems, he wrote some about a mouse and one about haggis”


We started our learning about Katie Morag, continued to use our imagination in writing, completed some tricky maths problems using money and had a lot of fun with our new phonics jobs.  Here are our favourite bits from this week:

Leila – “Making the trees for our Katie Morag display”

Max – “Doing my own Pokemon card in Pokemon writing”

Poppy – “I liked when me and Millie got to look at Katie Morag and paint her”

Liam – “I liked learning about money”

Rio – “I liked doing money games too, I was counting on to find an answer”

Emily – “I liked doing Katie Morag’s school because it was really fun making the climbing frame”

Cameron – “I liked making the jetty and helping Leila with the trees”

Regan – “I liked counting with Pete, it was funny when we did the backwards counting song”

Leah – “I liked making the school with Emily”

Brandon – “I liked making the shop, it was a bit tricky”

Breaghannon – “I liked watching the video and making Grannie Island’s house”

Rory – “I liked watching my brother’s pantomime, he did a good job”

Millie – “I liked watching my sister in the pantomime.  The best bit was when they did gymnastics”

Keegan – “I liked when we did the challenges in maths.  I am getting better at money”

Marley – “I liked doing everything for Katie Morag”

Teigan – “I liked phonics.  I like singing the ‘a song'”


As you can see, the children really enjoyed their learning this week.  They worked really hard to pick out and then make the important places on the Isle of Struay – how do you think they got on?

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