P2A’s week

Important Assembly Date Change

Please note our class assembly date is now on Friday 28th of October and not on 11th of November as previously stated.

This week in P2 we were very excited to get a visit from Diana the optician.  She told us a lot of information about her job, how our eyes work and what we can do to help our eyesight. We tried on lots of different glasses and lenses and had fun with all of the games.

We have had fun this week learning the days of the week in French and we will try to practise them every day.

In maths this week we have been busy practising our BIG numbers in our mental maths and next week we are looking forward to our Number talk activities.

Mr Bremner the minister,came to visit during assembly and we listened to his stories about the bible.

Achievements this week

Kyle has achieved his red belt in Tae Kwon Do

In swimming Lexi moved up to a higher level

Archie has been practising hard on his electric scooter

Lois has been practising her tennis skills

Luke and Hollie have been improving in his drama class

Emma is on step 4 in dancing





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