
We wanted to tell you about our exciting afternoon.  

We went for a minibeast hunt in the school garden.  We each had a magnifying glass and a check list.  We looked everywhere for minibeasts.  They like to like in the dark so we looked under branches and stones.  They also need damp so we looked in the long grass and near the water.  Bees like flowers as there is nectar so we checked out the flowers.  We also looked in the leaves as it was a little darker.  We found spiders, flies, bees, slugs, woodlouse and other bugs (but we were not sure what kind).  We are going to make a bug book and see if we can find out.

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article 19

2 thoughts on “Minibeasts”

  1. Hi Primary 1h,

    Your minibeast hunt sounds like it was lots of fun. There really are alot of minibeats living in our school playground. I’m looking forward to reading your bug book and learning about the different kinds of minibeasts you found.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Miss Henderson

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