P1L Highlights of the term

We had a discussion about some of the things we are enjoying about our learning this term.

Please read below the children’s comments:


“I love using the Ipads and playing in the house corner” (Charlotte).

“Playing with the cars” (Alistair).

“I enjoy taking-away in maths” (Ruby-Anne).

“I like phonics, I know sounds like sh, j and qu” (Shelbi).

“I like drawing pictures” (Charlie).

“I like reading in my group” (Keilija).

I liked learning the ‘p’ sound” (Brooke).

“I like gym with Mr Jeffries, playing toilet tig” (Liam).

“I like home learning” (Zara).

“I like phonics, I know sh and s” (Owen).

“I enjoy drawing pictures” (Callum).

“I like phonics, I know sh, m and s” (Jamie).

“I like learning our sounds, maths and making a parrot” (Ammie-Leigh).

“I liked the class treasure chest talks” (Mia).

“I like phonics” (Cameron).

“I love drawing pictures!” (Kyle).

“I love drawing pictures too!” (Lucas).

“I enjoyed our treasure chest talks” (Ruby).

“I enjoy playing at school and having Mrs Laidlaw as my teacher” (Annie).





One thought on “P1L Highlights of the term”

  1. Wow, P1l,you sound like you are having a great time at school and are learning in lots of different ways! Jamie likes his reading at home too! Take care, Lorraine (Jamie’s mum)

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