Here are our highlights from the week:

Aaron: I enjoyed play time because Shannon, James and I got to play Pokémon.
Jude: I enjoyed reading because I got a new book.
Ellis: I enjoyed the P1 assembly.
Jack: I enjoyed reading because I finished my book ‘Woof’.
Alex: I enjoyed the P1 assembly because my brother Lewis was in it.
Millie: I enjoyed playing a fun game with Mia before school.
River: I enjoyed the P1 assembly because it is the best one I have ever seen.
TJ: I enjoyed the assembly.
Aileigh: I enjoyed the P1 assembly because Florence was in it.
James: I enjoyed the P1 assembly because my little cousin Poppy was there.
Ada: I enjoyed the P1 assembly because it taught me more about bees. I found it interesting because I have 20,000 bees.
Carley: I enjoyed the P1 assembly because I thought they did very well for their first one.
Shannon: I enjoyed assembly because my friend Sarah was in it.
Scott B: I enjoyed maths.
Amber: I enjoyed the P1 assembly because I thought it was interesting.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

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