Getting ready to save the world with Eddie………

This week we have continued to work hard rehearsing for the play and we are beginning to get an idea of where everyone will stand and how we move on and off the stage. We are really looking forward to it! There are loads of songs which we hope you will enjoy!

In PE we are learning lots of skills which will help us with different team ball sports.

In Maths we have been learning how to find things on a grid using grid references. We played games revealing difference grid references and then had to locate things on a grid. Mrs Collings was very impressed with our confidence when reading grid references.

We are really looking forward to our stage trip to the national museum next week. Please remember that children need a packed lunch and snack to take with them and they should be in school uniform.

If you can, we’d love to see your photos of story reading stars as a celebration of World Book Day…

Our values certificate was awarded to Lexi this month. Well done, Lexi!


Table of the week – with 600 points


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