
We have had a lovely first week back! We got a special visit from Mrs McGregor from Bathgate Academy who did some fun place value work with us. We have also been learning about measuring length and we played a fun loop game that showed equivalent measurements. In literacy we have been thinking about Autumn and we wrote a senses poem. We used our senses to describe a story about jumping into a pile of leaves and ending up in a magical land! We also started our new topic which is the Caribbean. Here are some of our highlights:

Jodie – I enjoyed using maths boxes.

Arran – I enjoyed Mrs McGregor’s maths lesson.

Luke – I enjoyed P.E where we did different fitness activities.

Lucas K – I liked the Caribbean lessons!

Samuel – I liked PE this week.

Mia – I enjoyed using the literacy boxes.

Ammie – Leigh – I liked using my senses to describe my Autumn story.

Tamsyn – Literacy Boxes are good!

Maisie – I liked writing the Autumn story.

Donna – I enjoyed maths this week.

Erin – I liked Show Me boards in maths.

Blaire – I enjoyed Maths this week.

Katie – I really liked writing my story.

Brooke – I liked learning about the Caribbean.

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