Primary 2/1 Blog – Week Beginning 4.6.18

This has been a lovely short week with even more great learning opportunities!  We have really enjoyed working with Mrs Aitken and Miss Cox while Mrs Mansfield was working with the new P1s and are excited about finding out who our next teacher is within the next few weeks!

Here are the highlights of the week:

Griffin – “I liked extra PE this week because we got to play a game that we really liked, Pirates of the Caribbean.  If you get caught you need to go to the ship, I had to try and get the treasure”

Cameron – “I liked making the shapes in maths.  We were learning about fractions and I now know how to make a circle into eighths”

Regan – “I also liked the fraction shapes because I managed to complete the challenge”

Daniel – “I enjoyed doing the 1000 step challenge this week where we got to use pedometers to track how many steps we had done”

Rory – “I liked having extra PE.  I liked the pirate game too”

Tommy – “The best bit was when we were doing maths with Mrs Mansfield.  We had to think about what numbers went at the top and bottom of a fraction.  It was quite hard but I liked it because I like a challenge”

Aiden – “I liked PE because we played a game that we liked to play. It was the frog and toad game”

Teigan – “I liked PE because I liked playing all of the games”

Sarah – “I liked doing maths because I liked cutting shapes in half”

Breaghannon – “I liked learning about fractions of shapes.  I liked the quiz that we all did at the end”

Rio – “I liked the outside learning when we did the Big Play session.  I liked the parachute the best”

Ellie – “I enjoyed doing French with Mr Perard because we got to learn new words in French.  We learned about colours and even learned a song”

Leila – “I liked it when we did the French colouring to learn the different colours and numbers.  This will help me to have a conversation with a French person about colours”

Emily – “I liked doing the step challenge outside because it keeps me fit and helps me concentrate in school”

Leah – “I liked creating my own story from the story basket.  We could use the things in any way that we wanted to create an imaginative story.  We all got to create our characters in a different way”

Poppy D – “I liked playing outdoor games with the different classes.  I enjoyed the parachute, saucer game and playing shark attack”

Lucy – “I really liked using the parachute the best and the shark attack game.  It was the best time ever”

Poppy F – “I liked making the story from the story box.  It was fun and I got to write about the dinosaurs”

Millie – “I liked learning French with Mr Perard.  He read a French book to us and then he told us what it meant.  It was the story of the Hungry Caterpillar”

Mason – “I liked looking at the grasshoppers under the microscope and playing with the bee in role play”


Primary 2/1

(A note from Mrs Mansfield – please note that all parent night slips have now been issued.  If you have any problems with the time allocated please let me know!)

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