
For literacy this week we have been focusing on creative writing. We looked at different ways to open a story: dialogue, action and description. We sorted different examples into the categories and worked with our learning partner to continue the story. We then got to choose a character, setting and dilemma to help write a creative story.

We have also been working through Literacy boxes to answer literal and inferential questions.


This week we have been looking at probability and chance. We worked out the probability of rolling different numbers on dice; picking letters from the alphabet; playing rock-paper-scissors and picking coloured marbles. We have also started looking at function machines and will be moving on to learn about expressions and equations.

Here are some other highlights:

Megan – I really enjoyed team dodge-ball in P.E.

Suvi – I loved getting extra P.E this week because we have been the quickest class to get changed!

Kiara – I liked creative writing this week.

Joshua – I liked dodge-ball.

Amy – I enjoyed the Big Start we did for creative writing.

Teighan – I liked putting my friends into my story.

Alex – I liked learning about different ways to open a story.

Miles – I enjoyed the maths box activities.

Ranna – I liked drama this week.

Hannah –  I liked Capture the flag in P.E

Jason – I liked being sassy in drama!!

Have a lovely weekend.

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