What a great week it has been in P2b. We have been learning lots of exciting things!
We have been writing another story this week all about a magic hat. We have written the beginning and middle so far and can’t wait to finish it next week. We are getting really good at planning too!
We enjoyed learning all about Onomatopoeia and we know that we use this to describe sounds or feelings. For example, we would describe a horse galloping as ‘trip, trop’ or strong winds as ‘whoosh’. We can’t wait to use this in our writing next week!
We are using the literacy box lots now and we are really enjoying it.
Maths and Numeracy
Some of our groups are getting really good at their 2 times tables and enjoy using the cubes to help them find ‘groups of’ numbers. Other groups have been working on their 5 times table and managed to build a house from working out tricky sums.
We have started learning about length in measure and we worked out if objects were bigger or smaller, shorter or longer than our pencil. We also sorted ourselves into a line from the shortest person to the tallest person- have a look…
Learning Across the Curriculum
In our topic of Africa we were learning more about animals. We learned about different parts of their bodies and managed to stick the correct words to the correct body part.
We also learned how to look after animals and we focused this on a pet dog and spoke about what we need before we get a dog and how to look after them once we have them.
Other news
Table of the week – Terrific Tigers
Dojo winner- Ava
Star of the week and playground Star- Marcus
Maksim also won a book for designing a great book mark for World Book Day.
We hope you all have a great weekend!