Primary 2/1 Blog – Week Beginning 19.2.18

With the lead up to World Book Day next week, we have been having a think about Literacy and things that we have been working on this week.  We understand that reading and writing can be a bit tricky but are enjoying improving our skills in lots of new ways.

Mason – “My writing this week was good.  Mrs Mansfield was proud of me and I got to move my name up”

Lucy – “I learned about writing in sentences in my writing this week”

Poppy F – “I was doing lots of work with my sounds this week.  I used the carpet mats to make words”

Breaghannon – “I have been practising my reading and writing this week, I am getting better”

Cameron – “I liked digging deeper in my writing this week.  This is where you write a short sentence then add more information to make it a longer sentence”

Ellie -“I enjoyed digging deeper as well because it changed my sentences from being okay sentences to being great sentences”

Rio – “I liked learning about the different tricky word strategies”

Rory – “I liked writing about the Scottish meals. I wrote about turning potatoes into chips”

Sarah – “I learned actions to go along with my words this week”

Griffin – “I liked digging deeper this week because it helped me to make better sentences and then amazing sentences”

Emily – “I liked learning strategies to spell my tricky words during phonics time.  My favourite strategy was ‘looking up'”

Poppy D – “I liked when we went outside and I practised my talking skills to draw and use a clock on the playground”

Aiden – “I like doing the tricky words because I liked learning about pyramid writing”

Aaron – “I liked tricky words as well because I enjoyed rainbow writing”

Leah – “I liked writing about a Scottish meal because I liked thinking about where my food comes from”

Millie – “I liked doing the pyramid writing in active spelling time”

Teigan – “I liked hearing Mrs Mansfield’s favourite story, The Magic Faraway Tree”

Daniel – “I liked learning writing in sentences in my writing this week”

Leila – “I liked doing my writing this week”

Brooke – “I enjoyed practising my words this week”

From Primary 2/1


(A note from Mrs Mansfield

– Please note that next week we are celebrating World Book Day.  For this your child is asked to bring in their favourite short story/picture book on the day noted below for us to read during milk and story time.  This is also noted in your child’s homework this week.

Monday – Mason, Millie, Aiden, Cameron, Sarah

Tuesday – Poppy F, Regan, Aaron, Emily

Wednesday – Leila, Leah, Daniel, Ellie

Thursday – Rory, Rio, Lucy, Poppy D

Friday – Teigan, Breaghannon, Brooke, Griffin


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