P2 performance of Skellybones – Ticket Information

A letter has been issued to all P2 children today about tickets for the P2 show. This has been copied below for your information.

Can all tear off slips please be returned to your child’s class teacher as soon as possible so we are able to make arrangements. If there are any issues, please speak to your child’s teacher.

Thank you for all your support!


“Dear Parent/Carer,


Skellybones ~ Friday 9th March


The children of Primary 2 will be performing Skellybones, a short musical, on the above date.   The parents of the children in P2a are invited to the performance at 9.30 a.m. and the parents of the children in P2b are invited to the performance at 11.15 a.m.  Parents of P2/1 children will have the option to attend either performance.  If there are any problems with this please speak directly to your child’s class teacher (or pop a note in your child’s school bag).


Each child is allocated 3 seats, one of which is a seat for your child’s ‘special person’.


Please complete and return the tear-off slip below by Monday 26th February directly to your child’s class teacher.




Miss McKinnon, Mrs. Palmer, Mrs. Mansfield and Mrs. Harrison



Skellybones Performance


Name of pupil _________________________________________ Class __________


Number of seats required (maximum of 3)


Name of Special Person and relationship (eg. Nana)



Signature of Parent/Carer



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