Happy New Year from P2/1!
We are so excited to be back at school and are enjoying all the new challenges the term has brought so far. We learned about the neurons in our brain and spoke about them ‘building bridges’ when we learn and practise new skills. We have all set ourselves New Year Challenges, here they are:
Cameron – “I am going to try to do trickier sums to make my brain stronger”
Regan – “I want to practise my maths to get better”
Aiden – “My resolution is to start eating healthy foods”
Rory – “I am going to keep practising my counting and learn new numbers”
Teigan – “I want to learn how to go under water at swimming”
Daniel – “I am going to try to build trickier things with my Mechano”
Aaron – “My resolution is to learn new numbers and practise skip counting”
Brooke – “My resolution is to start practising gymnastics to make my body strong”
Ellie – “I would like to learn gymnastics, I want to be able to do a high side flip”
Breaghannon – “I am going to challenge myself by harder ballet moves”
Lucy – “I will start to use my brain to answer trickier questions”
Poppy F – “I am going to get better at playing football. I find this tricky”
Griffin – “I need to get better at dancing. This will make my body stronger”
Poppy D – “My resolution is to try to get better at handstands and cartwheels. It might be tricky but I won’t give up”
Emily – “My resolution is to challenge myself to read chapter books because it will make my reading skills stronger”
Sarah – “I want to try to remember more of the things I learn, I am going to listen”
Leila – “My resolution is that I am going to make my muscles stronger by practising climbing”
Millie – “My New Year Resolution is to practise my handstands and cartwheels”
Leah – “I am going to try and get better at gymnastic moves by myself, I need to be careful”
Mason – “I will try to take turns and share”
Mrs Mansfield – “I am going to try my best to practise the piano every day so that I can play trickier music”
From Primary 2/1