Primary 2/1 Blog – Week Beginning 4.12.17

Oh my goodness, we can’t believe that it is now December!!  We have started to talk about Christmas and have been learning about the different ways that people celebrate Christmas.   Here are the ways that we celebrate Christmas:

Rio – “I have an elf on the shelf breakfast, we have lots of pancakes”

Cameron – “When I wake up I go to my big sister’s bed for a cuddle”

Breaghannon – “I pull Christmas crackers with my mummy”

Teigan – “I wake up and go downstairs with my brother, mummy and daddy”

Emily – “I have an elf on the shelf breakfast too.  I get to make my own Santa pancake and my brother makes a Snowman pancake”

Rory – “Sometimes on Christmas Eve when Santa has gone, me and my brother sneak to see if there are presents in our stockings and then sneak to mum and dad’s room”

Millie – “On Christmas Day I get up and go downstairs to open my presents with my mum and dad”

Mason – “I wake up and shout “It’s Christmas”.  I wake my brother, mum and dad and am happy because the Elves and Santa bring toys in bags and socks.”

Aiden – “I go and open my stockings then I get to play with my new toys”

Poppy D – “I wake up and get my mum, dad and doggy.  I go downstairs to open my presents and try to guess what they are going to be”

Leila – “I wake up in the morning and I get my breakfast, we make  pancakes.  Later on we go to my dad’s house and open our presents there.  Then I open presents with my mum.”

Ellie – “The first thing I do is wake my mum and dad up.  We have a lovely Christmas dinner and open all the presents in our stockings”

Griffin – “On Christmas Day, my dog wakes me up and I take her outside.  I will go back inside and open my presents, but I might have to wake my dad up in case he sleeps in”

Regan – “Christmas Eve is time for cuddles.  I wake my sisters up on Christmas Day but we need to unwrap the door because Santa covers it in wrapping paper”

Daniel – “I stay in my house all day and open presents with my family”

Lucy – “On Christmas Day I go downstairs when everyone is awake.  When it is night-time I go to my gran’s house and eat turkey with my cousins, aunties an uncles.  We usually play hide and seek”

Brooke – “I wake up and wake my mum and brothers.  I go downstairs and we all open our presents”

Poppy F – “At Christmas time I go downstairs with my family and we go to my gran and granddad’s house.  In their living room we take the candy canes off of the Christmas tree”

Leah – “I wake everybody in my house up and then I go through the door to open my presents.  I have breakfast and then go to my gran’s for more presents”

Mrs Mansfield – “On Christmas Day Elvis the dog wakes me up.  We all go downstairs to see if Santa has been and we open our presents.  I go to visit my family and spend lots of time with them”


We can see that we all celebrate in different ways but they are all special to us.


Primary 2/1

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