Our Highlights this term – Primary 2/1

What a wonderful first term we have had with lots of busy learning.  Here are our highlights:

Teigan – “I really like dance club in the morning”

Griffin – “I have enjoyed outdoor PE with Mrs Mansfield.  We played dragon tig and looked for spaces”

Regan – “I liked doing the minecraft yoga when it was rainy”

Rory – “I liked Church Service, the songs were good”

Cameron – “I have liked maths because I have been learning lots of new information about shapes”

Jayden – “I have challenged myself in maths learning about 2D and 3D shapes”

Millie – “I have enjoyed learning about Julia Donaldson”

Breaghannon – “I have liked PE.  The best bit is the ice cream race”

Emily – “I have enjoyed being a role model for the new P1s”

Lucy – “I like the church service.  I sang the songs and got to sit with my friends”

Leila – “I have really enjoyed doing yoga when it was too rainy for outdoor PE”

Poppy D – “I have liked when we have been describing.  I have added it to my writing”

Leah – “I liked going to the church.  I liked the music we were singing”

Sarah – “I like lots.  I liked the church”

Daniel – “I enjoy singing in music time”

Rio – “I have liked doing phonics because we get to create phonic crafts”

Brooke – “I like PE, the games are fun”

Aiden – “I have enjoyed outdoor PE – I liked learning new games”

Aaron – “I enjoy indoor PE.  My favourite is the racing games”

Mason – “I really like the ice cream cone race.  I give ice cream to everyone”


We are looking forward to our holiday week!


Primary 2/1

(A note from Mrs Mansfield – thank you for all your support this term.  I hope you all have a lovely and relaxing break, whatever you get up to!  Happy Holidays!)

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