This week we were learning how to write sentences remembering to use capital letters and full stops.
In maths, we have started to learn about co-ordinates and why they are used.
In topic, we learned about the history, what there is to do and see as well as about some famous people from Bathgate. We went on a trip around Bathgate town centre to see the different types of buildings, their uses and where

they were situated. We learned about the different types of people living in the houses.
Wednesday was our shared start and we shared our learning with our parents and grandparents. We had different stations with games and activities showcasing our learning about giving and following directions.

Evie: This week we were learning about less and more in numbers.
Keira: we have been learning about numbers before and after.
Sara: we have been counting in 10’s to 100.
Orlaith: We went on a walkabout around Bathgate to learn about all the different houses.
Evie: This week we started writing about our trip.
Alysheeya: We looked at different types of houses.
Ava: Bathgate used to be a mining community.
Alfie: John Newlands built the old Academy with money he earned abroad.
Joseph: We were learning about houses and how they connect – they are called semi-detached or terraced houses.
Alfie: I was at a Tae Kwon Do competition and I came in second place for doing the ‘Scissor Kick’ and I got a Silver medal. Well done Alfie!
Enjoy your weekend!

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