Primary 2/1 Blog – Week Beginning 12.6.17

What a fabulous week this week in P2/1.  We have continued to learn about Eating like a Champ and have even had the chance to prepare and make our own fruit salad.  We are continuing to practice our number skills and have continued to work on improving our reading and phonic skills.  Only a couple of weeks to go and we are super excited about the summer holidays – lots of work to do before then though!

Here are the bits we have enjoyed most this week.

Breaghannon – “I liked the food challenge.  I learned that I like cucumber”

Max – “I liked when we got to work with the P5s”

Griffin – “I liked getting my certificate from the sports day”

Jonah – “I liked eating the fruit salad because it was yummy”

Liam – “I liked doing writing this week because I tried hard”

Leah – “I liked chopping up the fruit and learning to wash my hands properly”

Brandon – “I learned how to peel and cut up a banana”

Keegan – “I really liked making the fruit salad because it was tasty!”

Leila – “I liked it when we used the watercolour paints in phonics”

Millie – “I liked going with Mrs Innes to watch the P3 show”

Poppy – “I liked learning how to use a knife to cut fruit”

Emily – “My favourite bit this week was washing my hands properly before we made fruit salad.  Mrs Mansfield’s soap was lovely”

Ellie – “I liked getting my certificates this week.  I am proud”

Rio – “I liked watching the P3s in their show”

Cameron – “I liked doing maths activities this morning, it was fun to do all the different stations”

Teigan – “I liked talking to Mrs Mansfield this week”

Marley – “I liked the football game at the Writing table”

Regan – “The best bit at school is having Mrs Mansfield”

Rory – “I liked learning maths this week because it has been fun”


From Primary 2/1

(A note from Mrs Mansfield – please note that this is the last week of homework so that we have time to gather reading books and complete a stock take before the next academic session.  Thank you for your continued support)

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