Primary 2/1 Blog – Week beginning 5.6.17

What a week!  This week was really exciting as we had our move on day, we had time to work with our teacher for next year and also spoke about what we are going to work hard on next year.  Here were our best bits:

Rory – “I liked having Mrs Mansfield again for P2”

Millie – “Having Mrs Mansfield was the best bit”

Leila – “I liked it when I got Mrs Mansfield because it made me so happy”

Marley – “I liked getting to see my new class.  Mr Cunningham is really cool”

Emily – “I liked when the new P1s came in because it gave us a big chance to be teachers”

Brandon – “I liked seeing the new P1s walk past your class because I saw my brother”

Leah – “I liked when P1s came because it was lots of fun”

Poppy – “I liked when I got Mrs Mansfield because it is really fun in our classroom”

Teigan – “Move on day was great.  I like that I’m staying with Mrs Mansfield”

Cameron – “Getting Mrs Mansfield again is the best bit because I get to stay with her in my class”

Rio – “The best bit was being in Mrs Mansfield’s class again”

Ellie – “I liked when Mrs Mansfield surprised us being our teacher again”

Regan – “I liked being in Mrs Mansfield’s class because she’s the best teacher ever”

Jonah – “I liked seeing my new teacher”

Keegan – “I really like my new teacher because he let me have ipad time”

Max – “I liked having choose time in my new class”

Griffin – “I liked going back into Mrs Mansfield’s class”

Jayden – “I liked making my dragon for the wall”


We are really excited about all our new challenges next year!  Mrs Mansfield is also really excited to be keeping the P1s in her class to become the big, responsible P2s and hopes that the P2s will keep challenging themselves in P3.



Primary 2/1


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