Primary 2/1 Blog – Week Beginning 13.3.17

We had a lovely time this week at the shared start on Wednesday.  Some of our parents were able to come along and we shared songs and games we have been using to help us with our maths.
A few parents have asked about the links for the songs, all of the songs are available on youtube by searching for ‘count in tens’ or ‘counting songs’.

We spoke about how important it is to share our learning with people from home.  This is why we think sharing our learning is important:

Breaghannon – “Because it is nice to share good news that I have been learning”

Liam – “I like to make games at home too”

Max – “They might want to do more learning games at our house”

Poppy – “We can share our learning because the adults can help us learn”

Emily – “We might help the adults to learn too”

Ellie – “Because it is nice to share your learning and so the grown ups know what we have been up to at school”

Teigan – “I like to tell people about what I have done”

Jonah – “Because we can all be happy about what we have learned”

Rio – “It is important so that your mums and dads know what we’ve been doing”

Leah – “Because our mummies and daddies aren’t with us and they might miss us”

Rory – “It is important to tell your mum and dad what you have been doing at school, to show that you have been doing hard work at school”

Keegan – “Because the grown ups want to know what you have been learning at school”

Brandon – “If we do something good at school you might want to tell people in the house about what you have done to make them happy”

Millie – “Because grown ups want to know the important things we have been learning to help at home”

Marley – “Mummy likes to know what busy jobs I’ve done”

Griffin – “Because you can maybe do some extra work at home on your phone or on your ipad”

Leila – “It is good to tell your mum and your dad about your school to keep us safe”

Regan – “Your mum and dad might miss what you’re doing at school because they’re grown ups so they’re not at school”

Cameron – “Because they might want to know what you have done at school”


Highlights of the Week

  • Shared Start with our mummies and daddies
  • Playing with our friends
  • Getting to watch the P2 practise show – Caterpillar Boogie
  • Writing stories with the class
  • The new games in class – the eggs and connect 4 are the best

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