This week we have been learning about Ancient Egyptians as part of our new topic. We learnt where Egypt was and who the Egyptians were. They had a system of hierarchy which can be shown as a pyramid! We found out the roles of various types of people. Here are some facts:

The Ancient Egyptians toilets were a table with a hole under it.
Ancient Egypt had beautiful pyramids.
The kings and queens were actually called Pharaohs.
The pharaoh was the most powerful in the Land of Egypt.
The second pyramid to be built in Egypt was called the ‘Red Pyramid’. The first was called the ‘Bent Pyramid’ as it was built on un-steady ground and started cracking and giving way!

In maths we have been working hard with measuring and taking away. We are making sure we use the strategies we learnt are used at the correct time!

We are learning about Moses and how his role linked to Ancient Egypt.

One thought on “P3B”

  1. What in interesting Context for Learning, P3!
    I enjoyed talking to you today about being a bucket filler – there were some lovely examples shared of how we can spread kindness. Keep up the positive attitude!
    Mrs Hay 🙂

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