Primary 2/1 Blog – Week Beginning 21.11.16

What a week!!   This week the Friendly Dragon has been very busy in our class leaving notes, challenges and even a couple of presents!!!   He left us the Fairytale ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarves’ which we have read in our brand new Castle tent in Cosy Corner!   He challenged us to draw what we think he looks like and the Primary 2 practised moving like a dragon and thinking of words to describe what the dragon looks like!

The best bits of our learning across the curriculum topic this week have been:

Brandon – “Learning about feelings and making a dwarf to show how feelings show on our body”

Rory – “Reading fairytales in the cosy corner castle tent”

Cameron – “I like sitting in the castle, it is cool”

Ellie – “We decorated cookies after reading our Fairytale”

Regan – “Learning about stranger danger and knowing not to accept sweets from a stranger”

Max – “Snow White took an apple from a stranger, this was very dangerous”

Marley – “I liked building my castle and looking at the different rooms”

Keegan – “I liked making the cookies too, it reminded me about stranger danger”

Poppy – “When the dragon came and ask us to draw him, it was tricky to draw the wings”

Leila – I liked learning about stranger danger.  I want to be safe”

Breghannon – “Mummy let me eat my cookies when I went home”

Teigan – “I liked making the apple for the top of my cookie”

Griffin – “I liked using the coloured icing to decorate a dwarf face biscuit!”

Millie – “The stranger danger stations were the best bit”


We have been challenging ourselves in maths and literacy too:

Emily – “I have been learning about ‘buy one get one free sums’, I can do them now!”

Jonah – “I liked doing adding sums at stations, I liked using the number bond boards”

Rio – ” I liked creating an invite for our Christmas fayre, I am excited!”

Max – “We got some new games at stations, I liked the snowball words”

Leila – “Fiddly fingers was good this week, we had to practise moving magic beans to make sums”

Leah – “We made a lion in phonics this week, I am getting good at sliding words”


What a busy week!!

Remember that the Christmas fayre starts tomorrow at 10.00am.  We have some lovely Hot Chocolate Reindeer to sell (£1 each) and Reindeer Food (50p each).  We hope to see lots of you there tomorrow!!!



Primary 2/1


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