P7b Learning Log

This week we began our new context for learning ‘Exploring China.’  We started by sharing our previous knowledge and discussing what we would like to learn throughout the topic.  We started by finding out general facts about China including; the population is 1.35 billion, Mount Everest is in China and Nepal, there is no alphabet-they have characters instead and the capital city is Bejing.  We then worked in groups to complete a map activity where we filled in major cities and surrounding countries.

We also learned about manga art.  This is a popular type of artwork popular in Asia- particularly China and Japan.  We have seen manga art before in Pokemon, Dragon ball and Anime. Key features of manga art include; large eyes, big heads, tiny noses and mouths, small bodies and spiky hair.  We used manga to create our own characters.

This morning, we used our manga characters to create a comic strip.  Our comic strips had to include; caption boxes, thought and speech bubbles, onomatopoeia, and a plot with our created character.  We learned that there are different types of speech bubbles. For example, a jaggy speech bubble shows someone is shouting whereas a dotted speech bubble means that the character is whispering.  We thoroughly enjoyed this activity! 🙂

Last week’s pupil of the week- James

Table of the week- Mysterious 6

Class Dojo winner- Meadow



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